Syllabus/achievement requirements


Hix & H?yland (2011) The Political System of the European Union, ?Palgrave MacMillan, 3rd ed

Journal Articles

Adams, Ezrow & Somer-Topcu (2014) Do Voters Respond to Party Manifestos or to a Wider Information Environment? An Analysis of Mass-Elite Linkages on European Integration, American Journal of Political Science, 58(4): 967 - 978

Agirdag, Phalet & Van Houtte (forthcoming) European identity as a unifying category: National vs. European identification among native and immigrant pupils, European Union Politics

Aidan (2014) Do Asylum Recognition Rates in Europe Respond to Transnational Terrorism? The Migration-Security Nexus Revisited, European Union Politics, 15(4): 445 - 471

Alt & Wehner (2014) It Isn't Just about Greece: Domestic Politics, Transparency and Fiscal Gimmickry in Europe, British Journal of Political Science, 44(4): 707 - 716

Baccini & Urpelainen (2012) Strategic Side Payments: Preferential Trading Agreements, Economic Reform, and Foreign Aid, Journal of Politics, 74(4): 932 - 949

Bechtel, Hainmuller & Margalit (2014) Preferences for International Redistribution: The Divide over the Eurozone Bailouts, ?American Journal of Political Science, 58(4): 835 - 856

Carrubba, Gabel & Hankla (2008) Judicial Behavior under Political Constraints: Evidence from the European Court of Justice, American Political Science Review, 106(1): 204 - 213

Chalmers (2013). Regional Autority, Transnational Lobbying and the Allocation of Structural Funds in the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 51(5): 815 -831

Crombez & Hix (2011) Treaty Reform and the Commission's Appointment and Policy Making Role in the European Union, European Union Politics, 12(3): 291 - 314

Crombez & Hix (2015) Legislative Activity and Gridlock in the European Union, British Journal of Political Science, 45(3): 477 - 499

Dellmuth & Stoel (2012). Distributive politics and intergovernmental transfers: The local allocation of European Union structural funds. European Union Politics, 13(3): 413-433

Dronkers & Vink (2012) Explaining Access to Citizenship in Europe: How Citizen Politics Affect Naturalization Rates, European Union Politics, 13(3): 390 - 412

Garry & Tilley (2015) Inequality, State Ownership and the European Union: How Economic Context and Economic Ideology Shape Support for the European Union, European Union Politics, 16(1): 139 - 154

Grossman & Leblond (2011) European Financial Integration: Finally the Great Leap Forward? Journal of Common Market Studies, 49(2): 413 - 435

Hooghe (2012) Images of Europe: How Commission Officials Conceive Their Institution's Role, Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(1): 87 - 111

Hübner (forthcoming) The 'National Decisions' database (Dec.Nat): Introducing a database on national courts' interactions with European Law, European Union Politics

Junge, K?nig & Luig (2015) Legislative Gridlock and Bureaucratic Politics in the European Union, British Journal of Political Science, 45(4): 777 - 797

Kelemen & Teo (2014) Law, Focal Points, and Fiscal Discipline in the United States and the European Union, American Political Science Review, 108(2): 355 - 370

Klingemann & Weldon (2013) A Crisis in Integration? The Development of Transnational Dyadic Trust in the European Union, 1954 - 2004, European Journal of Political Research, 52(4): 457 - 482

Klüver & Rodon (2013) Explaining Policy Position Choice of Europarties: The Effect of Legislative Resources, British Journal of Political Science, 43(3): 629 - 650

Klüver & Sagarzazu (2013) Ideological Congruence and Decision-Making Speed: The Effect of Partisanship Across European Union Institutions, European Union Politics, 14(3): 388 - 407

Schafer (2014) European Commission Officials' Policy Attitudes, Journal of Common Market Studies, 52(4): 911 - 927

Schneider & Tobin (2013) Interest Coalitions and Multilateral Aid Allocation in the European Union, International Studies Quarterly 57(1): 103 - 114

Schneider & Urpelainen (2014) Partisan Heterogeneity and International Cooperation: The Case of European Development Funds, Journal of Conflict Resolution 58(1): 120 - 142

Toshkov (2014) The Dynamic Relationship Between Asylum Applicants and Recognition Rates in Europe (1987 - 2010), European Union Politics, 15(2): 192 - 214

Tosun (2014). Absorption of Regional Funds: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Common Market Studies, 52(2): 371- 387

Van Mol, de Valk & van Wissen (2015) Falling in love with(in) Europe: European bi-national love relationships, European identification and transnational solidarity, European Union Politics, 16(4): 469 - 489

Published Dec. 4, 2015 11:21 AM - Last modified Jan. 14, 2016 4:11 PM