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Askim, J., D.H. Claes, P.K. Mydske og B.S. Tran?y (2007): "Nettverksn?ringer mellom offentlig forvaltning og privat marked", kap. 7 i D.H. Claes, A. Lie og P.K. Mydske, red., Nyliberalismen - Ideer og politisk virkelighet. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (19 s) k
Blomqvist, Paula og Rothstein, Bo (2000): V?lferdsstatens nya ansikt, Stockholm: Agora. Kap 2-4 (125 s)
Bovens, M., P. ’T Hart og S. Kuipers (2006) ”The politics of policy evaluation”, kap. 15 i M. Moran, M. Rein og R.E. Goodin, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (17 s). k
Christensen, T. og P. L?greid (2007): “The whole-of-government approach to public sector reform”. Public Administration Review Volume 67. s. 1059-1066. Lenke
Christensen, T., P.L?greid, P.G.Roness og K.A. R?vik (2009): Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor: Instrument, kultur, myte (2. utgave). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 1–4. (88 s)
Egeberg, Morten (2000): "Mot en europeisk union? Den organisatoriske dimensjonen" i Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 81. s. 297-305 (9 s) k
Esping-Andersen, G. (1990): Three worlds of welfare capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press. Kap. 1 (26 s) k
Fl?tten, T, A Gr?nnings?ter, J.M, Hippe og J. Christensen (2007): ”Den reformerte velferdsstaten – en ny samfunnskontrakt”, kap. 3 i J. E. D?lvik, T. Fl?tten, G. Hernes og J.M. Hippe, red. Hamskiftet, den norske modellen i endring, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. (29 s) k
Freeman, R. (2006): ”Learning in Public Policy”, kap. 17 i M. Moran, M. Rein og R.E. Goodin, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (21 s). k
Ikke pensum, kun tilleggslitteratur: Hacker, J.S. (2004): Privatizing Risk Without the Welfare State. Hidden Politics of Social Policy Retrenchment in the United States", i American Political Science Review, 98(2), ss. 243-260. k
Hacker, Jacob S. (2005). “Policy Drift: The Hidden Politics of the U.S. Welfare State.” Pp. 40-82 in W. Streeck and K. Thelen (eds.): Beyond Continuity: Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Kommer i Fronter)
Hay, C. (2006): ”Globalization and Public Policy”, kap. 29 i M. Moran, M. Rein og R.E. Goodin, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (19 s). k
Kumlin, S and B. Rothstein (2005): “Making and Breaking Social Capital: The Impact of Welfare-State Institutions”, Comparative Political Studies vol. 38(4): 339-365. (26 s) Lenke
Peters, B. Guy (2001): The Future of Governing. Four Emerging Models. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press. Kap. 1-7 og 9. (187 s)
Pierson, P. (1996): “The New Politics of the Welfare State”, i World Politics 48.2 (1996) 143-179 (36 s) Lenke
Pierson. P. (2000): “Increasing Returns, Path Dependence, and the Study of Politics”, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 94, No. 2 (Jun., 2000), pp. 251-267 (16 s) Lenke
Pollitt, Christopher og Geert Bouckaert (2004): Public Management Reform. A comparative analysis. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kap. 1-4. (96 s)
Rothstein, Bo (1998) Just Institutions Matter: The Moral and Political Logic of the Universal Welfare State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kap 3-4 (58 s) k og Fronter
R?iseland, Asbj?rn og Signy Irene Vabo (2008): Governance p? norsk. Samstyring som empirisk og -analytisk fenomen. Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift Nr 01, 2008. S. 86-107 (21 s) Lenke
Sahlin-Andersson, K. (2001): "National, International and Transnational Construction of New Public Management" i T. Christensen og P. L?greid (red.): New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice, Aldershot: Ashgate . (30 s). k
Sverdrup, U. (2007) ‘Implementation’. In Maarten Vink and Paolo Graziano (eds.) Europeanization: New Research Agendas. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 197-211 (14 s) Fronter
S?tren, H. (2005) ‘Facts and Myths about Research on Public Policy Implementation: Out-of-Fashion, Allegedly Dead, But Still Very Much Alive and Relevant’, Policy Studies Journal 33 (4) , 559–582. (23 s) Lenke
Bent Sofus Tran?y og Espen L?ken (2009): R?dgr?nn politikk overfor delprivate selskaper: Aktiv retorikk m?ter passiviserende institusjoner. Vard?ger 31-09. (Ligger i Fronter)
Winter, S?ren (2003): “Implementation perspectives: Status and reconsideration”, kap. 10 i B.G. Peters and J. Pierre, red., The Handbook of Public Administration. London: Sage. (10s) k
?sterud, ?. og J.H. Matlary (2007): "Nyliberal milit?rmakt", kap. 8 i D.H. Claes, A. Lie og P.K. Mydske, red., Nyliberalismen - Ideer og politisk virkelighet. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (14 s) k
Til sammen 984 s.