Oppgave 1
Short questions
Answer both of the short questions:
Holland (2016) argues that patchy enforcement of state institutions may be the result of political incentives rather than weak state capacity. Discuss the scope conditions of this argument.
Piscopo (2015) presents an optimistic view of the state in Latin-America as a multidimensional site of struggle gradually paving the way for more women in politics. What are three observable implications of her argument?
Oppgave 2
Answer one of the following essay questions:
In elections in the Unites states, the turnout of Latinos and Asians tends to be much lower than that of white and black voters. Can the readings we have done for this course on vote choice, turnout or ethnic violence help us understand why?
Sarah McBride makes headlines as the first transgender state senator in the US. Drawing on insights from the readings for this course, why do you think it has been hard for transgender candidates to get elected and how would you design an electoral system to increase the chances of transgender persons getting elected?