

Dalton, Russel J. (2019, 7. utgave) Citizen Politics. Public Opinion and Political Parties in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Los Angeles: Sage & CQ Press.

  • Kapittel 2: “The Nature of Belief Systems”, s. 15-36 (22 s.)
  • Kapittel 3: “How we participate”
  • Kapittel 4: ?Who participates?, s. 37-83 (47 s.)
  • Kapittel 5: “Values in Change”, s. 87-104 (18 s.)
  • Kapittel 6: “Issues and Ideological Orientations”, s. 105-130 (26 s.)
  • Kapittel 7: “Elections and Political Parties”
  • Kapittel 8: “The Social Bases of Party Support”, s. 133-182 (50 s.)
  • Kapittel 9: “Partisanship and Electoral Behavior”, s. 183-206 (24 s.)
  • Kapittel 10: “Attitudes and voting choice”, s. 207-233 (27 s.)
  • Kapittel 12: “Citizens and the Democratic Process” s. 255-277 (23 s.)

Iyengar, Shanto & Donald Kinder. (2010). News That Matters. Updated Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (63 s.)

  • Kapittel 3: The Agenda-Setting Effect, s. 16-33 (12 s.)
  • Kapittel 7: The Priming Effect, s. 63-72 (10 s.)
  • Kapittel 9: Priming and Presidential Responsibility, (on framing), s. 82-89, (8 s.)
  • Kapittel 12: News That Matter, s. 112-133 (22 s.)
  • Epilogue 2010, s. 135-145 (11 s.)

Norris, Pippa (2011): Democratic Deficit. Critical Citizens Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

  • Kapittel 1: “Democratic Hopes and Fears”, s. 3-18, (16 s.)
  • Kapittel 2: “The Conseptual Framework”, s. 19-37 (19 s.)
  • Kapittel 11: “The Consequences for Citizenship, Governance and Democratization”, s. 219-235 (17 s.)
  • Kapittel 12: “Conclusions and Implications”, s. 236-246 (11 s.)

Tilgjengelig i kompendium som kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget, Akademika

  • Aardal, Bernt & Pieter Van Wijnen. (2005): “Issue Voting”, kap. 8 i Jacques Thomassen (red.), The European Voter. A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies (s. 191-211). Oxford: Oxford University Press (21 s.)
  • Bartle. John and Paolo Bellucci (2009): “Partisanship, social identity and individual attitudes?, kap. 1 (s. 2–21) i John Bartle og Paolo Bellucci (red.): Political Parties and Partisanship: Social Identity and Individual Attitudes. London og New York: Routledge. (20 s.)
  • Blais, André (2010): “Political Participation”, kap. 8 i Lawrence LeDuc, Richard G. Niemi & Pippa Norris (red.): Comparing Democracies 3 (s. 165-183). Los Angeles, London, New Dehli, Singapore, Washington D.C.: Sage Publications (19 s.)
  • Enjolras, Bernard, Rune Karlsen, Kari Steen-Johnsen og Dag Wolleb?k (2013): ?Samfunnsengasjement, deltakelse og offentlighet i en Facebook-tid?, kap. 8, (s. 171-200) i Enjolras, Bernard, Rune Karlsen, Kari Steen-Johnsen og Dag Wolleb?k: Liker, Liker ikke. Sosiale medier, samfunnsengasjement og offentlighet, Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk (30 s.)
  • Halman, Loek og Thorleif Petterson (2006): “A decline of religious values?”, kap. 2 i Peter Ester, Micheal Bruun og Peter Mohler (red.): Globalization, value change and generations. A cross-national and intergenerational perspective. Leiden & Boston: Brill (29 s.)
  • Holmberg, S?ren (1994): “Party identification compared across the Atlantic”, kap. 5 i M. Kent Jennings &Thomas E. Mann (red.): Elections at Home and Abroad: Essays in Honor of Warren E. Miller. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press (29 s.)
  • Hooghe,Marc and Ellen Quintelier (2013): “Political Participation in Europe”, kap. 10 i Silke I. Keil and Oscar W. Gabriel (red.): Society and Democracy in Europe, London, New York: Routledge (24 s.)
  • Kitschelt, Herbert (1994): The Transformation of European Social Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 8-37 (30 s.)
  • Kitschelt, Herbert (1995): The Radical Right in Western Europe – A Comparative Analysis. Ann Arbor: The University Press of Michigan, s. 13-28 (16 s.)
  • Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2006): “The end of traditional values?” kap. 5 i Peter Ester, Micheal Bruun og Peter Mohler (red.): Globalization, value change and generations. A cross-national and intergenerational perspective. Leiden & Boston: Brill       (36 s.)
  • Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2013): “Structural determinants of party choice: The changing impact of socio-structure variables on party choice in comparative perspective”, kap. 10 i Wolfgang . C. Müller og Hanne Marthe Narud (red.): Party Governance and Party Democracy. New York: Springer (29 s.)
  • Oskamp, Stewart and P. Wesley Schultz (2005): Attitudes and Opinions. Third Edition Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
    • Kapittel 1: Background: History and Concepts (16 s.)
    • Kapittel 3: “Explicit measures of attitudes” (23 s.)
    • Kapittel 11: “Attitude change: cognitive theories and research” (32 s.)
  • Van der Brug Wouter m. fl. (2013): “Radical right parties. Their voters and their electoral competitors”, kap. 3 i Jens Rydgren (red.): Class Politics and the Radical Right. London & New York: Routledge (23 s.)

Digitalt pensum

Abendsch?n, Simone og Stephanie Steinmetz (2014): “The Gender Gap in Voting Revisited: Women’s Party Preferences in a European Context”, Social Politics 21 (2): 315-344 (30 s.)

  • Gainous, Jason, Adam David Marlowe & Kevin M. Wagner (2013): “Traditional Cleavages or a New World: Does Online Social Networking Bridge the Political Participation Divide?”, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 26:145–158 (14 s.)
  • Hitlin, Steven og Jane Allyn Piliavin (2004): “Values: Reviving a dormant concept", Annual Review of Sociology 30: 359–393 (35 s.)
  • Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2005): “The impact of sector employment on party choice: A comparative study of eight West European countries”, European Journal of Political Research 44: 593-621 (29 s.)
  • Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2011): “Values”, s. 2691-2697 i Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser og Leonardo Morlino (red.): International Encyclopedia of Political Science, Volume 8. Los Angeles: Sage (8 s.)
  • Kriesi, Hanspeter m. fl. (2006): "Globalization and the transformation of the national political space: Six European countries compared", European Journal of Political Research 45: 921-956 (36 s.)
  • Mair, Peter & Cas Mudde (1998): 'The party family and its study', Annual review of political science 1: 211-29 (19 s.)
  • Moeller, Judith, Claes de Vreese, Frank Esser and Ruth Kunz (2014): “Pathway to Political Participation: The Influence of Online and Offline News Media on Internal Efficacy and Turnout of First-Time Voters”, American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 58 (5): 689-700 (12 s.)
  • Newton, Kenneth (2007): “Social and Political Trust”, kap. 18 (s. 342-361) i Russell J. Dalton & Hans-Dieter Klingemann (red.): The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior Oxford: Oxford University (20 s.)
  • Oesch, Daniel (2006): “Coming to grips with a changing class structure: an analysis of employment stratification in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, International Sociology 21(2), 263–288 (26 s.)
  • Oberschall, A. (2008): ?The Historical Roots of Public Opinion Research”, kap. 8 i Wolfgang Donsbach & Michael W. Traugott (red.): The SAGE Handbook of Public Opinion Research (s. 83-92). Los Angeles, London, New Dehli & Singapore: Sage Publications (11 s.)
  • Petrocik, John R. (1996): “Issue Ownership in Presidential Elections with a 1980 Case Study”, American Journal of Political Science, 40 (3), 825-850 (26 s.)
  • Semetko, Holli A. (2007): “Political Communication”, kap. 7 i Russell. J. Dalton & Hans-Dieter. Klingemann (red.): The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior (s. 123-143). Oxford: Oxford University Press. (21 s.)
  • Tourangeau, Roger & Mirta Gale?ic (2008): “Conceptions of Attitudes and Opinions”, kap. 13 i Wolfgang Donsbach & Michael W. Traugott (red.): The SAGE Handbook of Public Opinion Research (s. 141-154). Los Angeles, London, New Dehli & Singapore: Sage Publications (14 s.)

    Samlet sidetall: 1041 s.

Publisert 3. mai 2019 14:10 - Sist endret 3. mai 2019 14:11