B?ker og kompendier kan kj?pes p? Akademika. Gyldig semesterkort m? fremvises ved kj?p av kompendier.
Harris, Paul G. (red): Routledge Handbook of Global Environmental Politics. London: Routledge 2015/2016 (paperback), kap 1–4, 7–13, 15, 19–25, 28, 32 og 37. Totalt 290 s.
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Barrett, Scott. 2008. Why Cooperate? The Incentives to Supply Global Public Goods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Introduction (21 s)
Litfin, Karen T. 1994. Ozone Discourses: Science and Politics in Global Environmental Cooperation. New York: Columbia University Press. Kap 2 (38 s)
Mitchell , Ronald B. 2008. "Evaluating the Performance of Environmental Institutions: What to Evaluate and How to Evaluate It?" In Institutions and Environmental Change: Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers, edited by O. R. Young , H. Schroeder and L. King, 79-114. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (36 s)
Oberthür, Sebastian og Olav Schram Stokke. 2011. Conclusions: Decentralized Interplay Management in an Evolving Interinstitutional Order. S. Oberthür og O. S. Stokke (red), Managing Institutional Complexity: Regime Interplay and Global Environmental Change. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Kap 12 (30 s)
Skodvin, Tora and Arild Underdal. 2000. Exploring the Dynamics of the Science–Politics Interaction. S. Andresen, T. Skodvin, A. Underdal, and J. Wettestad. 2000. Science and Politics in International Environmental Regimes. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Kap 2. (13 s)
Tilgjengelig online
Andresen, Steinar. 2007. Key Actors in UN Environmental Governance: Influence, Reform and Leadership. International Environmental Agreements 7(4): 457–468 (12 s)
Auld, Graeme, and Lars H. Gulbrandsen. 2013. "Private Regulation in Global Environmental Governance." In Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy, edited by Robert Falkner, 394–411. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. (15 s)
Bailey, Jennifer L. 2008. Arrested Development: The Fight to End Commercial Whaling as a Case of Failed Norm Change. European Journal of International Relations 14(2): 289–318.
Biermann, Frank, Philipp Pattberg, Harro van Asselt. 2009. The Fragmentation of Global Governance Architectures: A Framework for Analysis. Global Environmental Politics 9(4): 14–40 (37 s)
Clapp, Jennifer, and Jonas Meckling. 2013. "Business as a Global Actor." In Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy, edited by Robert Falkner, 286–303. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. )17 s)
Gleditsch, Nils Petter. 1998. Armed Conflict and the Environment: A Critique of the Literature. Journal of Peace Research 35 (3): 381-400. (20 s)
Gleditch, Nils Petter og Ragnhild Nord?s. 2014. Conflicting Messages? The IPCC on Conflict and Human Security. Political Geography 43: 82–90 (9 s)
Gulbrandsen, Lars H. 2014. Dynamic Governance Interactions: Evolutionary Effects of State Responses to Non-State Certification Programs. Regulation and Governance 8: 74–92. (18 s)
Haas, Peter. 1992. Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination. International Organization 46(1): 1–35 (35 s)
Homer-Dixon, Thomas F. og Marc A. Levy. 1995. Correspondence: Environmental and Security. International Security 20(3): 189–198 (10 s)
Hovi, Jon, Detlef Sprinz og Arild Underdal. 2003. The Oslo–Potsdam Solution to Measuring Regime Effectiveness: Critique, Response, and the Road Ahead. Global Environmental Politics 3(3): 74–96 (23 s)
Hovi, Jon; Detlef F. Sprinz, and Arild Underdal. 2009. Implementing Long-term Climate Policy: Time Inconsistency, Domestic Politics, International Anarchy. Global Environmental Politics 9(3): 20–39. (20 s)
Hurrell, Andrew and Sandeep Sengupta. 2012. Emerging powers, North–South relations and global climate politics, International Affairs 88 (3): 463–484. (22 s)
Keohane, Robert O. og David G. Victor. 2011. The Regime Complex for Climate Change. Perspectives on Politics, 9(1): 7–23 (17 s)
Keohane, Robert O., and David G. Victor. 2016. "Cooperation and discord in global climate policy." Nature Clim. Change 6 (6):570-575. doi: 10.1038/nclimate2937.
Lidskog, Rolf og G?ran Sundqvist. 2015. When Does Science Matter? Global Environmental Politics 15(1): 1–20 (20 s)
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis. Washington, DC: Island Press. Oppsummeringen s. 1–24 (24 s). Nedlastbar fra f eks. Google Scholar.
Mitchell, Ronald B. 1998. Discourse and Sovereignty: Interests, Science, and Morality in the Regulation of Whaling. Global Governance 4: 275–293 (19 s)
Park, Susan. 2013. "Transnational Environmental Activism." In Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy, edited by Robert Falkner, 268–285. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. (17 s)
Rao, Narashimha D. 2014. International and Intranational Equity in Sharing Climate Change Mitigation Burdens. International Environmental Agreements 14: 129–146 (17 s)
Tallberg, Jonas, Thomas Sommerer, Theresa Squatrito og Christer J?nsson. 2014. Explaining the Transnational Design of International Organizations. International Organization 68(4): 741–774 (33 s)
Urdal, Henrik, Ole Magnus Theisen, Nils Petter Gleditsch, and Halvard Buhaug. "Klimakriger? En vurdering av det faglige grunnlaget." Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift 26 (4):297-320.
Young, Oran R. 2003. "Determining Regime Effectiveness: A Commentary on the Oslo-Potsdam Solution." Global Environmental Politics 3 (3).
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