Syllabus/achievement requirements

C= Literature marked with a C are to be found in an article compilation which can be bought from Kopiutsalget at Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus.

A= You can search the articles marked with an A in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library. This requires having access to and being logged onto the UiO system. Some articles and reports are also available online.


Lecture 1: Introduction

KJ?LBERG, Anders (2011), ?Stability Operations?, in Nils Marius REKKEDAL et al.: Winds of Change – On Irregular Warfare, Helsinki, Finnish National Defence University. pp.329-359, 31 pages

LID?N, Kristoffer, et al. (2009), ?Introduction: Beyond Northern Epistemologies of Peace: Peacebuilding Reconstructed??, Intenational Peacekeeping, Vol 16, No. 5, November 2009, pp. 587-598. 12 pages (A)

TYRREL; Marc W.D.; ?What To Know Before You Go: 10 Questions To Ask Before, and During, a Mission?, pp. 106-138. 32 pages (A).

QUINLIVAN, James T. (2003), ?Burden of Victory. The painful Arithmetic of Stability Operations?, RAND Review, Summer Issue 2003, 1 page (A)

METZ, Steven (2007), Rethinking Insurgency, pp.1-41, 42 pages


Lecture 2: Civil-military relations

HUNTINGTON, Samuel (1957), The Soldier and the State, ch. 4, 18 pages. C

JANOWITZ, Morris (1960), The Professional Soldier, ch. 20, 26 pages. C

FEAVER, Peter D, (1996), ?The Civil-Military Problematique: Huntington, Janowitz, and the Question of Civilian Control?, Armed Forces & Society, Vol. 23, No 2. pp. 149-178. 30 pages (A)


Lecture 3: Future international operations

US Government. The Joint Operating Environment. Norfolk, VA. Joint Forces Command 2010. 68 papes (A).

The US Army Capstone Concept. Department of Army Headquarters: US Army Training and Doctrine Command, TRADOC Pam 525-3-0 (A).


Lecture 4: International terrorism

LIA, Brynjar (2011). ?What is Terrorism??, in REKKEDAL et al. pp. 360-375, 15 pages

LIA, Brynjar, with Katja Skj?lberg (2004), Causes of Terrorism: An Expanded and Updated review of the Literature, FFI/RAPPORT-2004/04307. 75 pages (A)


Lecture 5: Protection of civilians

SMITH, Rupert (2006), The Utility of force: the art of war in the modern world. Penguin Book, pp 1-26. 25 pages C

PAPE, Robert A. (2012), ?When Duty Calls – A pragmatic standard of humanitarian intervention?, International Security, Vol. 37, No 1 (Summer 2012), pp. 41-80. 40 pages (A).

EVANS, Gareth & Ramesh THAKUR (2013), ?Correspondence: Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect?, International Security, Vol. 37, No. 4 (Spring 2013), pp. 199-2.14, 16 pages (A)

BEADLE. Alexander William (2011), Finding the 'utility of force to protect' – towards a theory on protection of civilians, FFI-RAPPORT 2011/01889  pp. 7-34. 27 pages (A)

ISAF (2009), Commander's Counterinsurgency Guidance, August 2009, (Kabul: Headquartes ISAF), 7 pages (A)


Lecture 6: UN and African Union-operations

CAVALHO, Benjamin de, and Cedric de CONING (2013), Rising Powers and the Future of Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding. NOREF Report, 14 November 2013.

CONING, Cedric de (2013), ?Africa and International Peace Operations?, in Tim Murithi (ed), Handbook of Africa's International Relations, New York, Routledge 2013, pp.155-164, 10 pages. C

BOUTELLIS, Arthur, and Paul D. WILLIAMS (2013), Peace Operations, the African Union, and the United Nations – Toward More Effective Partnerships, International Peace Institute, April 2013, 21 pages

TARDY, Thierry (2011), ?A Critique of Robust Peacekeeping in Contemporary Peace Operations?, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 18, issue 2, pp 152-167, 15 pages (A)

NORHEIM-MARTINSEN, Per Martin, and Jacob Aasland RAVNDAL (2011), ?Towards Intelligence-Driven Peace Operations? The Evolution of UN and EU Intelligence Structures?. International Peacekeeping, Vol. 18, issue 4, pp. 454-467, 13 pages (A)


Lecture 7: Counter-regime operations

BIDDLE, Stephen (2005/6), ?Allies, Airpower, and Modern Warfare – The Afghan Modell in Afghanistan and Iraq?, International Security, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 161-176. 16 pages. (A)

BORGHARD, Erica D, and Costantino PISCHEDDA (2012), ?Allies and Airpower in Libya?, Parameters, Spring 2012, pp. 63-74. 12 pages. (A)

DIESEN, Sverre (2013), ?Future high intensity conflict out of area. A possible NATO counter-regime (CORE)  operation in Africa."??, in NORHEIM-MARTINSEN and NYHAMAR (eds) forthcoming. Chapter to be found in Fronter in the folder 'Lectures'.

KJ?LBERG, Anders (2013), CORE-operations (English translation of chapter in a forthcoming book about Norway in international military operations). This is to be found in Fronter in the folder 'Lectures' - Oct 7_CORE.


Lecture 8: Counter-insurgency operations

NAGL, John (2005), Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9. University of Chicago Press.


Lecture 9: Lessons from Afghanistan and Libya

SIMPSON, Emile (2012), War from the Ground Up. Twenty-First-Century Combat as Politics. London; Hurst & Company, Ch. 1, pp. 15-41, ?The Language of War?. C

JOHNSON, Adrian and Saqueb MUEEN (2012), ?Short War, Long Shadow – The Political and Military Legacies of the 2011 Libya Campaign?, White Hall Report 1-12. RUSI Journal, No. 1 2012, 77 pages. (A)


Lecture 10: Cyber operations and military assistance

NYE, Joseph, jr (2010), Cyber Power, Harvard; Kennedy School, Belfour Center for Science and International Affairs, pp. 1-24. (A)

RID, Thomas (2012): ?Cyber War Will not Take Place?, Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol 35: 1, pp 5-32. (A)

NILSSON, Claes and Kristina ZETTERLUND (2011). Arming the Peace. The Sensitive Business of Capacity Building. Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI-R-3269-SE.(A)


Published May 15, 2014 2:49 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2014 3:19 PM