
Lecture 1: Introduction and theory

BUZAN, Barry (2006), ”Will the ’global war on terrorism’ be the next Cold War?”, International Affairs, Vol. 82, pp. 1101-1118. 18 pages. Link

HUNTINGTON, Samuel P. (1993), ”The clash of civilizations?”, Foreign Affairs, Vol 72, no. 3, pp. 22-49. 28 pages. K

SCHMID, Alex P. (2004), ”Frameworks for Conceptualizing Terrorism”, Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 16. no. 2. Summer 2004, pp. 197-221. 25 pages. Link

SNYDER, Jack (2004), ”One World, Rival Theories”, Foreign Policy, November/December 2004, pp. 53-62. 10 p. K

81 pages

Lecture 2: International terrorism

LIA, Brynjar (2006), Globalism and the Future of Terrorism – Patterns and Predictions. Chapters 1, 2, 6 and 8. Rutledge, UK (paperback). 80 pages.

LIA, Brynjar, with Katja Skj?lberg (2004), Causes of Terrorism: An Expanded and Updated review of the Literature. FFI/RAPPORT-2004/04307, 75 pages.

155 pages

Lecture 3: Insurgency and Counterinsurgency

KILCULLEN, David (2006), Three Pillars of Counterinsurgency. 7 pages

METZ, Steven (2007), Rethinking Insurgency. 70 pages The Wikipedia article on ”Insurgency” also gives a good introduction.

77 pages

Lecture 4: The US and the EU

AYLWIN-FOSTER, Nigel (2005), ”Changing the Army for Counterinsurgency Operations”, Military Review, November-December 2005. pp. 2-15. 14 pages

GATES, Robert M, (2009), ”The National Defense Strategy Striking the Right Balance,”, Joint Force Quarterly, No. 52, pp. 2-7. 6 pages

NAGL, John A. (2009), ”Let’s Win the Wars We’re In.” Joint Force Quarterly, No. 52, pp. 20-26. 7 pages

SHIN, David W. (2009), ”Narrowing the Gap: DOD and Stability Operations,” Military Review, March-April 2009, pp. 23-32. 10 pages

STEINBERG, James B. (2008), ”Real Leaders Do Soft Power: Learning the Lessons of Iraq,”, Washington Quarterly, Spring 2008, pp. 155-164. 10 pages

NORHEIM-MARTINSEN, Per Martin (2007), ”European Strategic Culture Revisited: The Ends and Means of a Militarised European Union”, Defence and Security Studies, Vol. No. 3. September 2007. 52 pages

Lecture 5: NATO and the instruments at disposal

COX, Michael (2008): ”From the Cold War to the War on Terror: Old Threats, New Threats, and the Future of the Transatlantic Relationship”, In Geir Lundestad (ed): Just Another Crisis. The United States and Europe Since 2000. Oxford University Press. 19 pages.

NEVERS, Renée de (2007): ”NATO’s International Security Role in the Terrorist Era”. International Security. Vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 34-66. 32 pages.

NOETZEL, Timo & Benjamin SCHREER (2009): ”Does a multier-tier NATO matter? The Atlantic alliance and the process of strategic change”, International Affairs, Vol. 85. no. 2 pp 211-226. 16 pages Link

STEPANOVA, Ekaterina (2003): Anti-terrorism and Peace-building During and After Conflict. SIPRI, Stockholm. Link 50 pages.

Lecture 6: UN and the use of force

”Peacekeeping After the Cold War”, pp. 75-93, in Understanding Peacekeeping, by Alex J. Bellamy, Paul Williams and Stuart Griffin. Blackwell Publishing 2004. 19 pages. K

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations (2009): ”Strategic Summary 2008”, pp. 1-8, ”The Purposes of Peace Operations”, pp. 9-19, and ”The Broader Horn: Peacekeeping in a Strategic Vacuum”, pp. 21-29. Center on International Cooperation (CIC). Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 2009. Link 29 pages.

KJEKSRUD, Stian (2009), Squaring the Circle – Matching Robust Ambitions with Robust Action in UN Peace Operations, FFI/RAPPORT (will appear this spring/summer). 38 pages.

TARDY, Thierry (2007), ”The UN and the Use of Force: A Marriage Against Nature”, Security Dialogue, Vol. 38, no. 1, March 2007 22 pages.

Lecture 7: Military theory and exeriences

KILCULLEN, David (2009), The Accidental Guerilla, ch. 2 ” The Crazies will kill: Afghanistan 2006-2008”, pp. 39-115. Hurst & Co. 77 pages

Lecture 8: Civil-military relations

CORNISH, Stephen and Marit GLAD (2008), Civil-military relations: No Room for Humanitarianism in Comprehensive approaches. The Norwegian Atlantic Committee, Security Policy Library 2008 no. 5. 28 pages.

EGNELL, Robert (2009), Between Reluctance and Necessity: The Utility of Military Force in Humanitarian and Development Operations. The Norwegian Atlantic Committee, Security Policy Library 2009 no. 1. 36 pages

GUTTIERI, Karen (2005), ”Humanitarian Space in Insecure Environments: A Shifting Paradigm”, Strategic Insights, Vol. 4, no. 11 (November 2005) 4 pages

FRANKE, Volker (2006), ”The Peacebuilding Dilemma: Civil-Military Cooperation in Stability Operations”, International Journal of Peace Studies, Vol. 11, no. 2, Autumn/Winter 2006, pp. 5-25. 21 pages

ROS?N, Frederik (2009), Third Generation Civil-Military Relations and the ’New Revolution in Military Affairs’. DIIS Working Paper. Danish Institute for International Studies.

Lecture 9: National strategies and agendas

Will be supplied later: For the time being two powerpoint presentations from XI Suomenlinna Seminar, 29 May 2008 are the basis:

BAILES, Alyson: Motives for Overseas Missions: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

RAITASALO, Jyri: (Why on Earth) Should Small States Do Expeditionary Operations?

KNUTSEN, Bj?rn Olav (2009): NATO and Stabilization Operations beyond Afghanistan. Link

Lecture 10: Discussion among and with the lecturers

Published Apr. 2, 2009 3:27 PM - Last modified Sep. 2, 2009 5:00 PM