
1. Innledning: sikkerhetspolitisk utfordring

Robert Jervis (2002), “An Interim Assessment of September 11: What Has Changed and What Has Not?" Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 117, Nr 1, s. 37-54 18 sider

John Mueller (2004), “Reacting to Terrorism: Probabilities, Consequences and the Persistence of Fear”. Paper presented at the ISA Conference 2007. 13 sider

Alex P. Schmid (2004), “Frameworks for Conceptualising Terrorism” Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 16. Nr. 2, Summer 2004, s. 197-221, 25 sider

2. Teoriutfordringer

Jack Snyder (2004), ”One World, Rival Theories”, Foreign Policy, November/December 2004, s. 53-62, 10 sider

Samuel P. Huntington (1993), "The clash of civilizations?", Foreign Affairs, Vol 72, nr. 3, s. 22-49, 28 sider

Thomas S. Mowle and David H. Sacko (2004), "The Unipolar Dilemma: Bandwagons, the Balkans and Baghdad", Paper presented at the ISA Conference 2004, 55 sider

M. J. Williams (2005), ”The Politics of Risk: The US, Europe and Proactive Security for the 21st Century". Paper presented at the ISA Conference 2005. 25 s

Jakub Grygiel (2006), ”Imperial Allies”, Orbis, Spring 2006, s. 209-221, 13 sider

3. Hva er internasjonal terrorisme?

Brynjar Lia with Katja Skj?lberg (2004), “Causes of Terrorism: An Expanded and Updated Review of the Literature", FFI/RAPPORT-2004/04307, 75 sider

Brynjar Lia (2006), Globalism and the Future of Terrorism – Patterns and Predictions. kap. 1,2,6 og 8. Rutledge, UK (paperback), 80 sider

Thomas Hegghammer (2005), “En oversikt over islamistiske terrorgrupper”, i B.E. Rasch (red.), Islamistisk terrorisme, Oslo, Abstrakt forlag.

4. krig og legitimitet

Barry Buzan (2006), “’Will the global war on terrorism’ be the new Cold War?”, International Affairs, Vol. 82; 1101-1118. 18 sider

Frederick W. Kagan (2003), ”War and Aftermath”, Policy Review, No. 120. 19 sider

Spesielt interesserte b?r lese Ole W?ver “Securitization and Desecuritization”, i Ronnie D. Lipschutz (ed.), On Security, s. 46-86. Columbia University Press 1995.

5 Terrorismebekjempelse i praksis

Ho, Joshua (2003), "The Advent of a New Way of War: Theory and Practice of Effect Based Operations", Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies Singapore, 25 sider

Effekttenkning og effektbasert tiln?rming til operasjoner. Forsvarets Fellesoperative Doktrine, side 82-89, 8 sider

Wagemaker, Allard (2006), "Rescuing Afghanistan? Small Western Liberal Democracies and Multinational Intervention", Paper delivered at the PhD-Course “Security Theory – Critical Innovations”, Copenhagen 27 November – 1. December 2006. 29 sider

6. USA og NATO

Michael Boyle (2008), ”The war on terror in American grand strategy”, International Affairs, Vol. 84, no.2, s. 191-209. 19 sider

Knutsen, Bj?rn Olav (2008), “NATOs rolle i kampen mot internasonal terrorisme", Internasjonal Politikk, Vol. 66, nr. 1, 2008, side 35-63, 30 sider

Michael Cox (2005), ”Beyond the West: Terrors in Transatlantia”, European Journal of International Relations, 2005, Vol 11 (2), s. 203-233

7. EU, FN og OSSE

Keohane, Daniel (2008), “The Absent Friend: EU Foreign Policy and Counter-Terrorism", Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol, 46, no, 1; s. 125-146. 22 sider

Paul Wilkinson (2005), ”International terrorism: the changing threat and the EU’s response”, Chaillot Paper, nr. 84, October 2005, 52 sider

Eric Rosand, Alistair Millar, and Jason Ipe (2007), "The UN Security Council’s Counterterrorism Program: What Lies Ahead?"

Background Paper, Workshop in the International Process on Global Counter-Terrorism Cooperation, 21-22 January 2008 (Zurich), Center on Global Counter-terrorism Cooperation.

FN resolusjon, 60/288. The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, General Assembly: Sept. 2006.

Eric Rosand (2007), "Global Terrorism: Multilateral Responses to an Extraordinary Threat". International Peace Academy Coping with Crisis Working Paper Series. April 2007.

OSCE: Actions Against Terrorism. Factsheet.

OSCE Permanent Council: Decision No, 756 – OSCE Work Programme for 2007 on Preventing and Combating Terrorism.

OSCE Ministerial Council: Ministerial Statement on Supporting the UN Global Counter-terrorism Strategy, 30 November 2007.

8. Virkemidler/sivil-milit?re relasjoner

Annika Hansen, Anders Kj?lberg, Bj?rn Olav Knutsen, ?yvind ?sterud og Ola Aabakken (2006). "Bekjempelse av internasjonal terrorisme – fra milit?rmakt til utviklingshjelp", FFI-RAPPORT 2006/01763

Annika Hansen (2002), “Civil-military cooperation: the military, paramilitaries and civilian police in executive policing”, i Renata Dwan (ed), Executive Policing – Enforcing the Law in Peace Operations, side 67-84

Jonas Gahr St?re (2005), “In the new types of conflict we face, how to define and defend humanitarian space?”, The Norwegian Atlantic Committee’s 40th annual Leangkollen Conference, 31 January 2005. 7 sider. Ligger p? DNAKs hjemmeside.

9. Norges agenda

Anders Kj?lberg (2007) "Livet i hegemonens skygge", FFI/RAPPORT 2007/01626, 32 sider

Nina Gr?ger og Halvard Leira (2005): ”Norwegian Strategic Culture after World War II”, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 40(1), s. 45-66, 22 sider

Janne H. Matlary (2005): ”Internasjonaliseringen av milit?rmakten – makt eller avmakt?”, i Matlary og ?sterud (red) Mot et avnasjonalisert forsvar?, s. 185-244, 60 sider

10. Oppsummering/framtid

Published May 20, 2008 1:09 PM - Last modified June 19, 2008 3:50 PM