Tidsskriftartikler som has i abonnement ved Universitetsbiblioteket er tilgjengelige gjennom Universitetsbibliotekets database for tidsskrifter. Gratisressurser er tilgjengelige over Internett.
Claes, Dag Harald og Carl Henrik Knutsen (red.) Governing the Global Economy. Routledge, 2011. Alle kapitler unntatt kap. 6, 8, 9, 10 og 15. 275 s. (boken kan kj?pes hos Akademika)
Podcast Vitenskapsakademiet 19.mai
Vitenskapsakademiet den 19. mai
Nedlastbare tidsskriftsartikler og andre nedlastbare tekster
Aglietta, Michel (2012) “The European Vortex”, New Left Review, May/June. 22 s
Jacques, Martin (2009), sammendrag av sin bok (se under) i New Statesman 25. Juni 2009. 5 s.
Johnson, Simon (2009) “The Quiet Coup”, _The Nation_, Mai. 10 s.
Lanchester, John (2008). “Cityphilia”, _London Review of Books_, 3 januar. 12 s.
Lanchester, John (2011):“Once Greece Goes” London Review of Books, no 14, s.
Yergin, Daniel (2006), ‘Ensuring Energy Security’, Foreign Affairs. 85(2): 69-82. 13 s.
Tilgjengelig i kompendium som kj?pes i Kopiutsalget, Akademika
Kapittel 8 i Claes, Dag Harald, Helge Hveem og Bent Sofus Tran?y (2012) Global ?konomi, krise og politisk styring. Universitetsforlaget, s. 202-243. 42 s.
Hveem, Helge (1998) “N?r ?konomien l?srives fra samfunnet. Karl Polanyi’s nyaktualiserte klassiker The Great Transformation”, i Internasjonal Politikk, nr. 3, 1998 20 s.
Hveem, Helge (2006) “Explaining the Regional Phenomenon in an Era of Globalization”, i Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey R.D. Underhill (eds.) Political Economy and the Changing Global Order. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press of Canada, s. 294 - 305. 11 s.
Mokyr, Joel (1990). Lever of Riches, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 3-16. 14s.
Schwartz, Herman 2010: Structured finance for financed structures: American economic power before and after the global financial crisis, i Martijn Konings, ed., Beyond the Subprime Headlines: Critical Perspectives on the Financial Crisis, London: Verso, 2010. 15 s.
Kindleberger, Charles og Robert Aliber (2005) Manias, Panics and Crashes, London: Palgrave, pp.1-32. 32 s.
Pensum totalt: 985 s.
Sterkt anbefalt litteratur/forventede forkunnskaper (ikke pensum)
Studenter som ikke har grunnleggende kjennskap med IP? fra tidligere anbefales p? det sterkeste ? lese en grunnleggende innf?ringsbok i forkant av kurset, f.eks:
Claes, Dag Harald, Helge Hveem og Bent Sofus Tran?y (2012) Global ?konomi, krise og politisk styring. Universitetsforlaget.
?vrig anbefalt litteratur (ikke pensum):
Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson. 2002. Reversal of Fortune: Geography and Institutions in the Making of the Modern World Income Distribution. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 107(4): 1231-1294.
Barrett, Scott (2009) ‘Rethinking Global Climate Change Governance’, Economics 3 (5): 1-12
Chang, Ha-joon (2002) Kicking Away the Ladder. Development Strategy in Historical Perspective. London: Anthem Press
Cohen, Benjamin J. (2008) International Political Economy: An Intellectual History. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press
Jacques, Martin (2009) When China Rules the World. The Rise of the Middle Kingdom and the End of the West. London: Allen Lane.
Li, Quan (2009) “Democracy, Autocracy, and the Expropriation of Foreign Direct Investment”, Comparative Political Studies, 42 (8): 1098 – 1127.
New Political Economy, Vol. 14, No. 3 (September 2009) S?rnummer om “The British School” in International Political Economy, artiklene av Cox, Blyth, Weaver, Underhill, Murphy og Hveem (2009), ss. 315 – 376.
Ravenhill, John, ed. (2011) Global Political Economy. Oxford University Press
Phillips, Nicola and Catherine Weaver (eds.) (2010) International Political Economy. Debating the Past, Present and Future. Routledge. (Inneholder alle artiklene fra s?rnumrene av New Political Economy og Review of International Political Economy fra 2009).
Reinhart, Carmen M. og Kenneth S. Rogoff: IS THE 2007 U.S. SUB-PRIME FINANCIAL CRISIS SO DIFFERENT? AN INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL COMPARISON, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 13761.
Rodrik, Dani (1999): The New Global Economy and Developing Countries: Making Openness Work. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Kap 1- 4 og 6.
Sandmo, Agnar, (2006) Samfunns?konomi - en idéhistorie. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. .Spesielt kap. 3 (Smith), 5 (Mill), 10 (Marshall) og .. (Keynes).
Shields, Stuart et al., eds. (2011) Critical International Political Economy: Dialogue, Debate, and Dissensus. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wade, Robert H. (2003) “What strategies are available for developing countries today? The WTO and the shrinking of ‘development space”, Review of International Political Economy, 10 (4): 621-644.
Tran?y, Bent Sofus (2011), Poor Governance in a Very Rich and Advanced Microstate; Reflections from Political Science, in European Political Science no 10: 277-291.