
Required Readings

Required Books

Adler, Emanuel. 2002. “Constructivism and International Relations.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors, Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications. Chapter 5 -- 24 pages

Clark, Ian. 2005. “Globalization and the Post-Cold War Order.” In John Baylis and Steve Smith, Editors, The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapter 33 -- 15 pages

Fearon, James and Alexander Wendt. 2002. “Rationalism v. Constructivism: A Skeptical View.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors, Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications. Chapter 3 -- 21 pages

Frankel, Jeffrey. 2000. “Globalization of the Economy.” In Joseph S. Nye and John D. Donahue, Editors, Governance in a Globalizing World. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. Chapter 2 – 26 pages

Gilpin, Robert. 2001. “The Nature of Political Economy.” In Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy - Understanding the International Economic Order. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chapter 2 – 20 pages

Keck, Margaret and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. Activists beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Chapter 1 -- 38 pages

Ravenhill, John, Editor. 2005. Global Political Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapters 8, 9 – 60 pages

Risse, Thomas, Stephen Ropp and Kathryn Sikkink, Editors. 1999. The Power of Human Rights: International Norms and Domestic Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapters 1, 6 -- 70 pages

Snidal, Duncan. 2002. “Rational Choice and International Relations.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors, Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications. Chapter 4 -- 22 pages

Sverdrup, Ulf. Forthcoming. “Implementation and Europeanization. A Review Essay.” In P. Graziano and M.Vink, Editors, Handbook on Europeanization – A New Research Agenda. London: Palgrave ( – 30 pages

Sweeney, Simon. 2005. Europe, the State and Globalisation. London: Pearson Longman Publishers. Chapters 9, 11 – 59 pages

Sykes, Robert, Bruno Palier and Pauline Prior, Editors. 2001. Globalisation and European Welfare States. London: Palgrave. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 – 93 pages

Zuern, Michael. 2002. “From Interdependence to Globalization.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors, Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications. Chapter 12 -- 20 pages

Required Articles

Boerzel, Tanja. 2002. “Pace-Setting, Foot-Dragging, and Fence-Sitting. Member State Responses to Europeanization.” Journal of Common Market Studies 40, 2: 193-214 – 21 pages

Caporaso, James, Jeffrey T. Checkel and Joseph Jupille. 2003. “Integrating Institutions: Rationalism, Constructivism and the Study of the European Union – Introduction.” Comparative Political Studies 36, 1/2: 11-17 -- 6 pages

Checkel, Jeffrey T. 2003. “Is a More Democratic Europe Good News for Post-Soviet States?” Policy Memo #297, Program on New Approaches to Russian Security, Center for Strategic and International Studies and the University of Washington (October) ( -- 5 pages

Falkner, Gerda, Hartlapp, M., Leber, S., and O. Treib. 2004. “Non-Compliance with EU Directives in the Member States: Opposition through the Backdoor?” West European Politics 27, 3: 452-73 – 21 pages

Follesdal, Andreas and Simon Hix. Forthcoming. “Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and Moravcsik.” Journal of Common Market Studies ( -- 23 pages

Gourevitch, Peter. 1978. "The Second Image Reversed: The International Sources of Domestic Politics." International Organization 32, 4: 881-912 -- 31 pages

Henderson, Jeffrey, Peter Dicken, Martin Hess, Neil Coe and Henry Wai-Chung Yeung. 2002. “Global Production Networks and the Analysis of Economic Development.” Review of International Political Economy 9, 3: 436-464 – 28 pages

Major, Claudia. 2005. “Europeanisation and Foreign and Security Policy - Undermining or Rescuing the Nation State?” Politics 25, 3: 175-195 -- 20 pages

Mastenbroek, Ellen. 2005. “EU Compliance: Still a ‘Black Hole’? Journal of European Public Policy 12, 6: 1103-1120 – 17 pages

Moravcsik, Andrew. 2002. “In Defence of the 'Democratic Deficit': Reassessing Legitimacy in the European Union.” Journal of Common Market Studies 40, 4: 603-24 – 21 pages

-------. 2004. “Is There a 'Democratic Deficit' in World Politics? A Framework for Analysis.” Government and Opposition 39, 2: 336-63 – 27 pages

Nagel, Thomas. 2005. “The Problem of Global Justice.” Philosophy and Public Affairs 33, 2: 113-147 – 34 pages

Olsen, Johan P. 2002. “The Many Faces of Europeanization.” Journal of Common Market Studies 40, 5: 921-52 -- 31 pages

Pierson, Paul. 1998. "Irresistible Forces, Immovable Objects: Post-Industrial Welfare States Confront Permanent Austerity." Journal of European Public Policy 5, 4: 539-60 – 21 pages

Sen, Amartya K. 2001. "A World of Extremes: Ten Theses on Globalization." Los Angeles Times (17 July) ( -- 2 pages

Smith, Michael. 2004. “The Framing of European Foreign and Security Policy: Towards a Post-Modern Policy Framework?” Journal of European Public Policy 10, 4: 556-575 -- 20 pages

Sverdrup, Ulf. 2004. "Compliance and Conflict Resolution in the European Union - Nordic Exceptionalism." Scandinavian Political Studies 27, 1: 23-43 – 20 pages

Tonra, Ben. 2003. “Constructing the CFSP: The Utility of a Cognitive Approach.” Journal of Common Market Studies 41, 4: 731-756 -- 25 pages

Weiss, Linda. 1999. “Globalization and National Governance: Antinomy or Interdepedence.” Review of International Studies 25: 59-88 – 29 pages

Zuern, Michael and Jeffrey T. Checkel. 2005. “Getting Socialized to Build Bridges: Contructivism and Rationalism, Europe and the Nation State.” International Organization 59, 4: 1065-76 – 11 pages

Total Required Reading: 911 pages

The articles are collected in 3 compendiums, that are available at "kopiutsalget" in the Akademika bookstore on campus.

Recommended Readings

Recommended Books

Bonoli, Giuliano, Vic George and Peter Taylor-Gooby. 2000. Globalization and the Welfare State. Cambridge: Polity Press

Byrnes, Timothy and Peter J. Katzenstein, Editors. 2006. Religion in an Expanding Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Dicken, Peter. 2003. Global Shift - Reshaping the Global Economic Map in the 21st Century. London: Sage Publications.

Falkner, Gerda, Hartlapp, M., Leber, S., and O. Treib. 2005. Complying with Europe: EU Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Member States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Follesdal, Andreas. 2005. “Human Rights and Relativism.” In Andreas Follesdal and Thomas Pogge, Editors, Real World Justice: Grounds, Principles, Human Rights Standards and Institutions. Berlin: Springer

Rhodes, Martin. 2001. “The Political Economy of Social Pacts: ‘Competitive Corporatism’ and European Welfare Reform.” In Paul Pierson, Editor, The New Politics of the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Rieger, Elmar and Stephan Leibfried. 2003. Limits to Globalization. Cambridge: Polity Press

Tran?y, Bent Sofus. 2000. Losing Credit - The Politics of Liberalisation and Macro-Economic Regime Change in Norway 1980-92. PhD Thesis. Oslo: Department of Political Science, University of Oslo.

W?ver, Ole. 1998. “Insecurity, Security, Asecurity in the West European Non-War Community.” In Emanuel Adler and Michael Barnett, Editors, Security Communities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Weiss, Linda, Editor. 2003. States in the Global Economy - Bringing Domestic Institutions Back In. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Zuern, Michael and Christian Joerges, Editors. 2005. Law and Governance in Postnational Europe – Compliance Beyond the Nation State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Recommended Articles

Haverland, M. 2005. “Does the EU Cause Domestic Developments? The Problem of Case-Selection in Europeanization Research.” European Integration Online Papers 9, 2 (

Mittelman, James. 2004. “What is Critical Globalization Studies?” International Studies Perspectives 5 (August): 219-30

Paris, Roland. 2003. “The Globalization of Taxation? Electronic Commerce and the Transformation of the State.” International Studies Quarterly 47, 2: 153-82

Sen, Amartya K. 2004. “Elements of a Theory of Human Rights.” Philosophy and Public Affairs 32: 315-56.

Published June 1, 2006 12:46 PM - Last modified Sep. 27, 2006 9:29 AM