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K = Bidrag merket med K er samlet i et kompendium som kan kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget i underetasjen til Akademika Bokhandel.

Tidsskriftartikler som has i abonnement ved Universitetsbiblioteket er tilgjengelige gjennom Universitetsbibliotekets database for tidsskrifter. Du m? da ha tilgang til og v?re logget p? UiO-systemet. Gratisressurser er tilgjengelige over Internett.


1.1 Det internasjonale systemet: Begreper og perspektiver

Barnett, Michael og Raymond Duvall (2005). Power in International Politics. International Organization, 59(1): 39-75. (36 s)

Finnemore, Martha and Kathryn Sikkink (1998): ”International Norm Dynamics and Political Change”. International Organization, 52(4), s. 887-917. (30s) Lenke

Hvidsten, Andreas H.: Om forholdet mellom teoretisk modellering og empirisk analyse. Manus; lastes opp p? Fronter.

Jackson, Robert og Georg S?rensen (2013): Introduction to International Relations Theories and Approaches, Oxford University Press. Fifth Edition.

? Kap. 2: IR as an Academic Subject

? Kap. 3: Realism

? Kap. 4: Liberalism

? Kap. 5: International Society

? Kap. 6: International Political Economy (IPE) – Classical Theories

? Kap. 8: Social Constructivism

? Kap. 9: Post-Positivism in IR

Jervis, Robert (1998): "Realism in the Study of World Politics", i International Organization 52 (4). s. 971-991 Lenke

Kurki, Milja and Colin Wight (2007): ”International Relations and Social Science”, in T. Dunne, M. Kurki and Steve Smith (eds.) International Relations Theories, s. 13-33. K

Ruggie, John Gerard (1998): “What Makes the World Hang Together? Neo-utilitarianism and the Social Constructivist Challenge” , International Organization 52(4). s. 855-887. Lenke

Walt, Stephen M. (2005): “The Relationship Between Theory and Policy in International Relations”. Annual Review of Political Science, 2005: 23-48. (25 s) Lenke

Wolforth, William (1999): "The Stability of a Unipolar World", International Security 24(1). s. 5-41 Lenke


1.2 Utenrikspolitikk

Allison, Graham T. (1969):”Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis”, American Political Science Review. No.3. s. 689-718. Lenke

Nye, Joseph S. (2002): "The American national interest and global public goods", i International Affairs 78(2). s. 233-244 Lenke

Putnam, Robert D. (1988): ”Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: the Logic of Two-Level Games” , International Organization. 42(3). s. 427-460. Lenke

Scharpf, Fritz W. (1997). Games Real Actors Play. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Kapittel 2, “Actor-Centered Institutionalism”, side 36-50. K


1.3 Motsetninger, konflikt og konfliktl?sning

Chan, Steve: China, the U.S., and the Power-Transition Theory: A Critique. London: Routledge, 2008. Kap. 1. (10 s). K.

Dicken, Peter (2003): Global Shift: Reshaping the Global Economy in the 21st Century. Kap 2. London: Sage. (25s) K

Gilpin, Robert (2001): Global Political Economy – Understanding the International Economic Order. Kap. 2 og 3. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. (52s) K

Hovi, Jon (2001): “Hvorfor ?konomiske sanksjoner virker – tross alt”, Internasjonal Politikk, 59(4). s. 509-523 Lenke

Milner, Helen V. og Bumba Mukherjee (2009). "Democratization and Economic Globalization". Annual Review of Political Science, 12: 163-181.  (19 s)

Mitchell, Christopher (1981): The Structure of International Conflict. London: Macmillan. Kap. 1 (20s) K

Oneal, John R. and Bruce M. Russett (1999): “The Kantian Peace: The Pacific Benefits of Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organizations, 1885-1992”. World Politics, 52(1): s.1-37. (37s) Lenke

Redclift, Michael and Colin Sage (1999): ‘Resources, Environmental Degradation and Inequality’ , i Andrew Hurrell and Ngaire Woods (red.) Inequality, Globalization and World Politics, Oxford University Press s. 122-150 K.

Schneider, Gerald og Nils Petter Gleditsch (2010). "The Capitalist Peace: The Origins and Prospects of a Liberal Idea". International Interactions, 36(2): 107-114.  (8 s)

Scott, James og Rorden Wilkinson (2011). “The Poverty of the Doha Round and the Least Developed Countries”. Third World Quarterly, 32(4): 611-627.   (17 s)

Tomz, Michael, Judith L. Goldstein og Douglass Rivers (2007). “Do We Really Know that the WTO Increases Trade? Comment”. American Economic Review, 97(5): 2005-2018.  (14 s)

Zürn, Michael (2002): “From Interdependence to Globalization”. I Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse og Beth A. Simmons (red.), Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage. (20s) K


1.4 Styringsproblemet: 澳门葡京手机版app下载, organisasjoner og regimer

Barrett, Scott (2007): Why Cooperate? The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Introduction + kapitlene 1-3. (102s)

Hall, Rodney Bruce and Thomas J. Biersteker (eds.) (2002). The Emergence of Private Authority in Global Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, kap. 10, s. 203-22. K

Hveem, Helge (2003) “The Regional Project in Global Governance”, in Fredrik S?derbaum and Timothy M. Shaw (eds.) Theories of New Regionalism. London: Palgrave Macmillan. S. 81-98. K

Ostrom, Elinor (1998): “A Behavioral Approach to the Rational Choice Theory of Collective Action”. American Political Science Review, 92(1), s. 1-22. Lenke

Simmons, Beth A. (2009): Mobilizing for Human Rights: International Law in Domestic Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kap. 3 (s 57-111). K

Publisert 26. mai 2015 09:20 - Sist endret 26. mai 2015 09:24