Artikler merket med *K er samlet i kompendier som kan kj?pes i Kopiutsalget p? Akademika
1 Det internasjonale systemet: Begreper og perspektiver
Jackson, Robert og Georg S?rensen (2003): Introduction to International Relations Theories and Approaches, Oxford University Press. Second Edition.
- Kap. 3: Realism, 67-105
- Kap. 4: Liberalism, 105-139
- Kap. 6: International Political Economy (IPE) – Classical Theories 175-195
- Kap. 8: Methodologica debates - Classical vs positivist approaches 227-247
Jervis, Robert (1998): "Realism in the Study of World Politics", i International Organization 52 (4). s. 971-991 *K.
Ruggie, John Gerard (1998): “What Makes the World Hang Together? Neo-utilitarianism and the Social Constructivist Challenge” , International Organization 51(4). s. 855-887 *K.
Wolforth, William (1999): "The Stability of a Unipolar World", International Security 24(1). s. 5-41 *K.
2 Utenrikspolitikk
Allison, Graham T. (1969): ”Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis”, American Political Science Review. No. 3. s. 689-718. *K.
McElroy, Robert W. (1992): Morality and American Foreign Policy, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Kap. 1. The Debate on Morality and International Relations *K
- Kap. 2. Toward a Theoretical Understanding of the Role of .... *K
Melby, Svein (1995): Amerikansk utenrikspolitikk , Oslo: Tano Forlag.
- Kap. 1. Den amerikanske tiln?rming til utenrikspolitikk s. 15-38 *K
Nye, Joseph S. (2002): "The American national interest and global public goods", I International Affairs 78(2). s. 233-244 *K.
Putnam, Robert D. (1988): ”Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: the Logic of Two-Level Games” , International Organization. 42(3). s. 427-460. *K.
Underdal, Arild (1984): ”Can we, in the study of international politics, do without the model of the state as a rational, unitary actor?” , Internasjonal Politikk. s. 63-79. *K.
Webber, Marc and Michael Smith (2002) : Foreign Policy in a Transformed World, Prentice Hall. ISBN:?0-139-08757-5.
- Kap.1 Problems and Issues in Foreign Policy Analysis, s.9-26 *K
- Kap.2 The Foreign Policy Arena, s.29-46 *K
3 Motsetninger, konflikt og konfliktl?sning
Gleditsch, Nils, P. (2001): ”Resource and Environmental Conflict: The State of the Art”, i Alexander Cairus (red.): Responding to Environmental Conflicts: Implications for Theory and practice. Dordrecht , s. 1-15. *K.
Hovi, Jon (2001): “Hvorfor ?konomiske sanksjoner virker – tross alt”, Internasjonal Politikk, 59(4). s. 509-523 *K.
Oatley, Thomas (2003): International Political Economy Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy, Pearson Longman. ISBN:?0-321-07661-3.
- Kap. 1 International political economy, s.1-18
- Kap. 2 The multilateral trade system s.18-75
- Kap. 4 Trade and Economic development in the South s.123-170
- Kap. 8 Developing countries and the international financial system s. 313-361
Redclift, Michal and Colin Sage (1999): ‘Resources, Environmental Degradation and Inequality’ , i Andrew Hurrell and Ngaire Woods (red.) Inequality, Globalization and World Politics, Oxford University Press s. 122-150 *K.
4 Samarbeid, organisasjoner og regimer
Barrett, Scott (2003): Environmental Statecraft ? The strategy of Environmental Treaty-Making, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kap. 1: Introduction, s.1-19
- Kap. 2: The North Pacific Fur Seal Treaty and the Theory of International Cooperation, s.19-49
- Kap. 15: Global Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, s.359-399
Hasenclever, A., Peter Mayer, og Volker Rittberger (1996): ”Interests, Power, Knowledge: The Study of International Regimes”, i Mershon International Studies Review 40(2). s. 177-229 *K.
Moravcsik, Andrew (1998): The Choice for Europe , London: UCL Press.
- Kap. 1: Theorizing European Integration *K
Schimmelfennig, Frank (2004): Liberal intergovernmentalism, s.75-94, i Wiener, Antje and Thomas Dies: European Integration Theory. Oxford University Press 0-19-925248-3 *K.