

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Moralens genealogi. F?rste avhandling. Spartacus, 2010.

Rawls, John (1999): The Law of Peoples – With the Idea of Public Reason Revisited. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. (ss. 1 -128) (128 s.)

Tilgjengelig i kompendium som kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget, Akademika

Pogge, Thomas (2013). World Poverty and Human Rights. Second edition. Cambridge: Polity Press. Chapter 5: "The Bounds of Nationalism", pp. 124-151. Notes: pp. 288-297.

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Angell, Kim (2013): “Do Insecure Property Rights Ground Rights of Jurisdiction? Miller on Territorial Justice”, i Res Publica, Vol. 19, Nr. 2: ss. 183-192. (10 ss.)

Cohen, G. A. (1989): “On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice”, i Ethics, Vol. 99, No. 4: 906-44. (39 ss.)

Daniels, Norman (2011): “Reflective Equilibrium”, i The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (red.) (16 ss.)

Elster, Jakob (2011): “How Outlandish Can Imaginary Cases Be?”, i Journal of Applied philosophy 28: 241-258. (18 ss.)

Hume, David. An Inquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals. Kap 1 og 5, og Appendix 1.

Locke, John (1690): Second Treatise of Government. (ca. 110 ss.)

Miller, David (2011): “Territorial Rights: Concept and Justification”, i Political Studies, Vol. 60, Nr. 2: ss. 252-268. (17 ss.)

Nagel, Thomas (1995): “Libertarianism without Foundations”, i The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 85, No. 1: 136-149. (14 ss.)

Nagel, Thomas (2005) “The Problem of Global Justice”. Philosophy and Public Affairs. Vol. 33 No 2: 113-147. (34s.)

Nine, Cara (2008): “A Lockean Theory of Territory”, i Political Studies, Vol. 56, Nr. 1: ss. 148–165. (18 ss.)

Otsuka, Michael (1998): “Self-Ownership and Equality: A Lockean Reconciliation”, i Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 27, Nr. 1: ss. 65-92. (27 ss.)

Simmons, A. John (2001): “On the Territorial Rights of States”, i No?s, Vol. 35: ss. 300-326. (27 ss.)

Singer, Peter (1972): “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”. Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol 1: No 3: 229-243 (14 s.)

Singer, Peter (2005): “Ethics and Intuitions”, i The Journal of Ethics 9: 331-352. (22 ss.)

Sobel, David (2012): “Backing Away from Libertarian Self-Ownership”, i Ethics, Vol. 123, Nr. 1: ss. 32-60. (30 ss.)

Valentini, Laura (2012): “Ideal vs. Non‐ideal Theory: A Conceptual Map”, i Philosophy Compass 7: 654-664. (11 ss.)

Waldron, Jeremy (1983): “Two Worries About Mixing One's Labour”, i The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 33, Nr. 130: ss. 37-44. (8 ss.)

Waldron, Jeremy (1992): “Superseding Historic Injustice”, i Ethics, Vol. 103, Nr. 1: ss. 4-28. (26 ss.)


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Publisert 18. nov. 2014 14:31 - Sist endret 19. nov. 2014 16:33