Syllabus/achievement requirements

The texts marked with a "K" are to be found in compendiums sold at Kopiutsalget, Akademika bookshop.

Arter, David (1999/2008): Scandinavian Politics Today. Second Edition. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 343 pages.

Baldersheim, Harald (2004): "Nordic regions in a European Perspective”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Buzan, B. and W?ver, O. (2003): “Theories and Histories about the structure of contemporary international security” and "EU-Europe: The European Union and its Near-Abroad" chapters 1 and 11 from Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security, Cambridge Studies in Intenational Relations, Cambridge. 50 p. K

Christensen, Tom (2004): "Modern state reforms”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Daloz, Jean-Pascal (2007): “Political Elites and Conspicuous Modesty: Norway, Sweden, Finland in Comparative Perspective”, in Comparative Social Research, Vol. 23, 173-212, Fronter

Economist (2003): Dancing to a new tune. A survey of the Nordic countries, London: The Economist, 14th June 2003. 14 pages K

Ferrera, Maurizio and Rhodes, Martin (2000): 'Building a Sustainable Welfare State' , pp. 257-282 in Ferrera, Maurizio and Rhodes, Martin (eds.): Recasting European Welfare States. London: Frank Cass. 26 p. ISBN: K

Heidar, Knut (2001): Norway. Elites on Trial. Boulder, Co.: Westview Press. 176 pages.

Heidar, Knut (ed.) (2004): Nordic Politics. Comparative Perspectives, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (All chapters as specified.) 271 p.

Heidar, Knut (2004a): “State- and nation-building in the Nordic Area”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Heidar, Knut (2004b): “Parties and party systems”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Heidar, Knut (2004c): "Comparative Perspectives on the Northern Countries”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2004): "Voters and social cleavages”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Matlary, Janne Haaland (2004): "The Nordics and the EU”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2004): "Parliamentary nomination and political representation Representation - Group Representaion or Party Mandates?”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Nordby, Trond (2004): "Patterns of corporatist intermediation”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Nyhamar, Tore (2004): "Security policies from constraints to choice”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Raaum, Nina (2004): "The Presence of Women in Parliamentary Politics”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Rasch, Bj?rn Erik (2004): "Parliamentary Government”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Rose, Larry (2004): "Local government and politics”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Selle, Per (2004): "Civil society in transition”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Steen, Anton (2004): "The welfare state: Still viable?”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

S?rensen, ?ystein and Bo Str?th (1997): “Introduction: The Cultural Construction of Norden”, pp. 1-24 in ?ystein S?rensen and Bo Str?th, The Cultural Construction of Norden, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press, 24 p. K

SUM: 954 pages

How to you get the literature to the course on Nordic politics?

The literature for the course comprises three books and one Compendium. In addition you can print one of the articles from Fronter which you get access to when you have registered for the course.

The three books are:

Arter, David (2008): Scandinavian Politics Today. Second Edition. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Heidar, Knut (2001): Norway. Elites on Trial. Boulder, Co.: Westview Press.

Heidar, Knut (2004): Nordic Politics. Comparative Perspectives. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (All chapters as specified.)

In the Syllabus you will find many articles that are in the last book because it is an edited volume. This applies to all articles that is written: .. in Heidar ed. (2004). For example you fins the following article there: Christensen, Tom (2004): "Modern state reforms”, in Heidar ed. (2004). 15 articles (the whole books) are found in that edited volume.

The texts marked with a "K" in the Syllabus are printed in compendiums that you can buy at the ground floor in the Akademika bookshop.

You can also buy the books at the Akademika bookshop at Blindern, Oslo University.

To sum up: The Syllabus are found in one Compendium, three books and one article from Fronter. Many articles are found in the edited volume that is edited by Heidar.

Published Oct. 13, 2009 4:19 PM - Last modified Jan. 6, 2010 4:00 PM