Syllabus/achievement requirements

The texts marked with a "K" are to be found in compendiums sold at Kopiutsalget, Akademika bookshop.

Arter, David: Scandinavian Politics Today, 1999. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 353 pages.

Baldersheim, Harald (2003): “Local government reforms in the Nordic countries. Bringing politics back in?” , in Norbert Kersting, Angelika Vetter (eds.). Reforming Local Government in Europe. Closing the Gap between Democracy and Efficiency. . Opladen: Leske + Budrich. 11 p. ISBN:?-K-.

Baldersheim, Harald (2004): "Nordic regions in a European Perspective”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Buzan, B. and W?ver, O. (2003): Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security, Cambridge Studies in Intenational Relations, Cambridge.

Chapter 1 “Theories and Histories about the structure of contemporary international security”; and ch. 11 "EU-Europe: The European Union and its Near-Abroad". 50 p.-K-

Christensen, Tom (2004): "Modern state reforms”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Economist (2003): Dancing to a new tune. A survey of the Nordic countries, London: The Economist, 14th June 2003. 14 pages -K-.

Ferrera, Maurizio and Rhodes, Martin (2000): 'Building a Sustainable Welfare State' , pp.257-282 in Ferrera, Maurizio and Rhodes, Martin (eds.): Recasting European Welfare States. London: Frank Cass. 26 p. ISBN:?-K-.

Heidar, Knut: Norway. Elites on Trial, 2001. Boulder, Co.: Westview Press. 176 pages.

Heidar, Knut (2004): Nordic Politics. Comparative Perspectives, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (All chapters as specified.) 271 p.

Heidar, Knut (2004a): “State- and nation-building in the Nordic Area”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Heidar, Knut (2004b): “Parties and party systems”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Heidar, Knut (2004c): "Comparative Perspectives on the Northern Countries”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2004): "Voters and social cleavages”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Matlary, Janne Haaland (2004): "The Nordics and the EU”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2004): "Parliamentary nomination and political representation Representation - Group Representaion or Party Mandates?”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Nordby, Trond (2004): "Patterns of corporatist intermediation”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Nyhamar, Tore (2004): "Security policies from constraints to choice”, in Knut Heidar ed. (2004).

Raaum, Nina (2004): "The Presence of Women in Parliamentary Politics”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Rasch, Bj?rn Erik (2004): "Parliamentary Government”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Rose, Larry (2004): "Local government and politics”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Selle, Per (2004): "Civil society in transition”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Steen, Anton (2004): "The welfare state: Still viable?”, in Heidar ed. (2004).

Str?m Kaare, Hanne Marthe Narud and Henry Valen (2004): “A More Fragile Chain of Governance”, West European Politics, forthcoming (2005). 27 p. ISBN:?-K-.

SUM: 928 pages

Published Oct. 25, 2005 12:32 PM - Last modified Jan. 24, 2006 4:41 PM