
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
05.09.2006Tora Skodvin ? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Introduction and basic theoretical concepts? Literature: Hopmann (1996), chapter 3, 4 and 5; Pillar (1983); Underdal (1992); Underdal (1991/2002); Sebenius (1991/2002), Muthoo (2000).?
06.09.2006Tora Skodvin ? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Negotiation dynamics: Concessions and concession behavior, distributive bargaining tactics? Literature: Hopmann (1996), chapter 3, 4, 5 and 10; Fearon (1995); Schelling (1960); Pruittt (1991/2002); Zartman (1991/2002). ?
07.09.2006Tora Skodvin? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Integrative bargaining tactics, institutional arrangements? Literature: Hopmann (1996), chapter 6, 7, 10; Sebenius (1983); Watkins (2003). ?
12.09.2006Tora Skodvin? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Power and the impact of asymmetries? Literature: Habeeb (1988), chapter 1,2,3 and 7; Zartman and Rubin (2000) ?
13.09.2006Tora Skodvin ? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Causes of negotiation failure. Mediation/third-party intervention? Literature: Underdal (1983); Bercovitch and Houston (1995); Carnevale (1986); Hopmann (1996), chapter 12; Pruitt et al. (1997); Kelman (1997); Watkins (2003); Shlaim (1994).?
14.09.2006Hilde Henriksen Waage? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Third-parties in asymmetric peace negociations: the Case of the Oslo Process? Literature: Henriksen Waage(2005)?
19.09.2006Tora Skodvin? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Conflict resolution in ethnopolitical disputes, implementation of peace settlements. Brief summary of the lectures so far? Literature: Pearson (2001); Walter (2002), chapter 1, 2 and 8; Sebenius (1991/2002). ?
20.09.2006Anne Julie Semb? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Conflict resolution: Basic concepts, theoretical underpinnings? Literature: Wallensteen (2002) pp. 33-38 and 53-60; Miall et.al. (1999) ?
20.09.2006Anne Julie Semb ? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Conflict resolution in inter-state conflicts.? Literature: Wallensteen (2002), chapter 5?
21.09.2006Anne Julie Semb? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Conflict resolution in intra-state conflicts? Literature: Lijphart (1996); Coakley (2003), McGarry (1999); Kaufmann (2006)?
26.09.2006Anne Julie Semb? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Conflict resolution in intra-state wars, peace keeping? Literature: Chopra (2000); Fearon and Laitin (2004); Bellamy et.al. (2004), pp. 146-185 ?
27.09.2006Anne Julie Semb? Group room 4, Georg Sverdrups House? Post-settlement peace building? Literature: Stedman (1997); Santiso (2002); Appleby (2001); Lederach (2001). Paris (2003), pp. 1-51 and 179-211; Vetlesen (2005), pp. 265-288?
Published July 4, 2006 11:53 AM - Last modified July 5, 2006 12:17 PM