PECOS4092 – Thesis seminar 1 - Political science track

Course content

PECOS4092 Thesis Seminar 1 consists of both individual supervision and an information meeting held at the beginning of 3rd term. At this information meeting, we will tell you about the rights and obligations in the supervision relationship, and the supervision contract will be signed.

Registration takes place in the Studentweb, and the first semester you will receive supervision you shall sign up for PECOS4092 Thesis Seminar 1, PECOS4094 – Master's Thesis, PECOS4080 – Design seminar - Political science track (discontinued) and an optional course or PECOS4006 – Internship.

You will find information regarding how to apply for a supervisor here.

Learning outcome

The aim of the last part of the master study is to help you complete an academic analysis. Through counseling seminars, you can discuss all aspects of the research process, and you will get advice and tips about how to organize your work.

The course is intended to support your work with the thesis. Both plenary sessions and individual supervision are arenas for constructive criticism and discussion of research questions.


The course is restricted to students that follows the political science track at the Peace and Conflict Studies programme


Formal prerequisite knowledge

PECOS4021 – Research Methods (discontinued) and PECOS4022 – Applied Statistics for Peace and Conflict Studies or equivalent must be passed in order to be assigned a supervisor.


The Department will invite you to information meetings at the start of the 3rd and 4th term. Participation at information meetings is not mandatory, but we expect you to be there as important information about your studies will be given.

Details about the information meetings to be read


Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

Explanations and appeals

Special examination arrangements

Application form, deadline and requirements for special examination arrangements.

Facts about this course

Teaching language