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Marsh, David, Selen A. Ercan, and Paul Furlong (2018) “A skin not a sweater: ontology and epistemology in political science”, ch. 11 in Vivien Lowndes et al. (eds.) Theory and Methods in Political Science. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (22p)
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Adcock, Robert & David Collier (2001): “Measurement validity: a shared standard for qualitative and quantitative research”, American Political Science Review 95, 3: 529-546. (18p)
Charmaz, Kathy (2003) “Qualitative interviewing and grounded theory analysis”, pp. 311-330 in James A. Holstein and Jaber F. Gudrium (eds.) Inside Interviewing: New Lenses, New Concerns. London: Sage. (20p)
Collier, David, and James Mahoney (1996). “Insights and pitfalls: selection bias in qualitative research”, World Politics 49:1: 56–91. (36p)
Frendreis, John P. (1983) “Explanation of variation and detection of covariation: the purpose and logic of comparative analysis”, Comparative Political Studies 16: 255-272. (18p)
Fujii, Lee Ann (2010) “Shades of truth and lies: interpreting testimonies of war and violence”, Journal of Peace Research 47, 2: 231-241. (11p)
Gaskarth, Jamie (2006) “Discourses and ethics: the social construction of British foreign policy”, Foreign Policy Analysis 2: 325-341. (17p)
Gerring, John (2007) Case Study Research. Principles and Practices. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ch. 6: “Internal validity: an experimental template”, pp. 151-171. (21p)
Jackson, Patrick T. (2017) “Causal Claims and Causal Explanation in International Studies,” Journal of International Relations and Development 20:4 (2017), pp. 689-716. (28p)
Kreuzer, Marcus (2019) “The structure of description: evaluating descriptive inferences and conceptualizations”, Perspectives on Politics 17, 1: 122-39. (18p)
Levy, Jack S. (2008) “Case studies: types, designs, and logic of inference”, Conflict Management and Peace Science 25: 1-18. (18p)
Lijphart , Arend (1971) “Comparative politics and the comparative method”, American Political Science Review 65, 3: 682-693. (22p)
Mahoney, James (2012): “The logic of process tracing tests in the social sciences”, Sociological Methods & Research 41, 4: 570-597. (28p)
Mahoney, James and Gary Goertz (2006) “A tale of two cultures: contrasting quantitative and qualitative research”, Political Analysis 14, 3: 227-249. (23p)
Mahoney, James & Gary Goertz (2004) “The possibility principle: choosing negative cases in comparative research”, The American Political Science Review 98, 4: 653-69 (17 p)
Maynard, Jonathan L. (2013) “A map of the field of ideological analysis”, Journal of Political Ideologies 18, 3: 299-327. (29p)
Megoran, Nick (2006) “For ethnography in political geography: experiencing and re-imagining Ferghana Valley boundary closures”, Political Geography 25: 622-640. (19p)
Moravcsik, Andrew (2014) “Trust, but verify: the transparency revolution and qualitative international relations”, Security Studies 23: 663-88. (26p)
Rauh, Christian (2015) “Communicating supranational governance? The salience of EU affairs in the German Bundestag, 1991-2013”, European Union Politics 16: 116-138. (23p)
Robins, Simon (2011) “Towards victim-centred transitional justice: understanding the needs of families of the disappeared in postconflict Nepal”, International Journal of Transitional Justice 5, 1: 75-98. (24p)
Saunders, Benjamin et al. (2018) “Saturation in qualitative research: exploring its conceptualization and operationalization”, Quality & Quantity 52, 4: 1893-1907. (15p)
Seawright, Jason and John Gerring (2008) “Case selection techniques in case study research: a menu of qualitative and quantitative options”, Political Research Quarterly 61, 2: 294-308. (15p)
Sellers, Jefferey M. (2019) “From within to between nations: subnational comparison across borders”, Perspectives on Politics 17, 1: 85-105. (21p)
Tarrow, Sidney (2010) “The strategy of paired comparison: toward a theory of practice”, Comparative Political Studies 43, 2: 230–259. (30p)
Wedeen, Lisa (2013) “Reflections on ethnographic fieldwork in political science”, Annual Review of Political Science 13: 255-272. (18p)
Total: 824 pages.