Literature marked with a C are to be found in an article compilation which can be bought from Kopiutsalget at Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus.
You can search the articles in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library. This requires having access to and being logged onto the UiO system.
Achen, Christopher H. and Duncan Snidal (1989) “Rational deterrence theory and comparative case studies”, World Politics 41, 2: 143-169. (27p) Fronter
Adcock, Robert and Collier, David (2001): “Measurement validity: a shared standard for qualitative and quantitative research”, American Political Science Review 95: 529-546. (18p) Fronter
APSA: Qualitative Methods - Symposium: discourse and content analysis, Qualitative Methods 2, 1 (2004) s. 15-40. (26p) Fronter
Charmaz, Kathy (2003) “Qualitative interviewing and grounded theory analysis”, pp. 311-330 in James A. Holstein and Jaber F. Gudrium (eds.) Inside Interviewing: New Lenses, New Concerns. London: Sage. (20p) C
Collier, David (2011) “Understanding process tracing”, PS: Political Science and Politics 44, 4: 823-830. (8p) Fronter
Fearon, James D. and David Latin (2008) “Integrating qualitative and quantitative research methods”, in Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier, Henry E. Brady and David Collier (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (20p) C
Frendreis, John P. (1983) “Explanation of variation and detection of covariation: the purpose and logic of comparative analysis”, Comparative Political Studies 16: 255-272. (18p) Fronter
Fujii, Lee Ann (2010) “Shades of truth and lies: interpreting testimonies of war and violence”, Journal of Peace Research 47, 2: 231-241. (11p) Fronter
Gaskarth, Jamie (2006) “Discourses and ethics: the social construction of British foreign policy”, Foreign Policy Analysis 2: 325-341. (17p) Fronter
Geddes, Barbara (1990) “How the cases you choose affect the answers you get: selection bias in comparative politics”, Political Analysis 2, 1: 131-150. (20p) Fronter
Gerring, John (2007) Case Study Research (Cambridge University Press). Ch. 1-6 + Epilogue. (194p)
Goertz, Gary (2005) Social Science Concepts (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Ch. 1, 2, 5. (93p)
Hopf, Ted (2002) Social Construction of International Politics: Identities and Foreign Policies, Moscow, 1955 and 1999. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Ch. 1. (38p) Fronter
Johnston, Richard (2008) “Survey methodology”, in Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier, Henry E. Brady, and David Collier (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (20p) C
King, Gary, Robert O. Keohane and Sidney Verba (1994) Designing Social Inquiry. Princeton University Press. Ch. 1-5. (227p) (In Stock at Akademika bookstore in week 35).
Krosnick, Jon A. (1999) “Survey research”, Annual Review of Psychology 50: 537-567. 31 p. Fronter
Levy, Jack S. (2008) “Case studies: types, designs, and logic of inference”, Conflict Management and Peace Science 25: 1-18. (18p) Fronter
Lieberman, Evan S. (2005) “Nested analysis as a mixed-method strategy for comparative research”, American Political Science Review 99, 3: 435-452. (18p) Fronter
Mahoney, James and Gary Goertz (2006) “A tale of two cultures: contrasting quantitative and qualitative research”, Political Analysis 14, 3: 227-249. (23p) Fronter
Megoran, Nick (2006) “For ethnography in political geography: experiencing and re-imagining Ferghana Valley boundary closures”, Political Geography 25: 622-640. (19p) Fronter
Neumann, Iver B. (2002) “Returning practice to the linguistic turn: the case of diplomacy”, Milennium: Journal of International Studies 31, 3: 627-651. (25s) Fronter
Posner, Daniel (2004) “The political salience of cultural differences: why Chewas and Tumbukas are allies in Zambia and adversaries in Malawi”, American Political Science Review 98, 4: 529-546. (18p) Fronter
Rueschemeyer, Dietrich (2003) “Strategies of causal assessment in comparative historical analysis”, in James Mahoney and Dietrich Rueschemeyer (eds.) Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (35p) C
Trachtenberg, Marc (2006) The Craft of International History: A Guide to Methods. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Ch. 2-5. (139p)
Verwimp, Philip (2003) “Testing the double genocide thesis for central and southern Rwanda”, Journal of Conflict Resolution 47, 4: 423-442. (20p) Fronter
Weeden, Lisa (2010) “Reflections on ethnographic fieldwork in political science”, Annual Review of Political Science 13: 255-72. (18p) Fronter
Weyland, Kurt (2009) “The diffusion of revolution: ‘1848’ in Europe and Latin America”, International Organization 63: 391-423. (33p) Fronter
Total: 1,123 pages