Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
19.08.2009Johannes R?? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Explanations? Required reading: Dessler (1991); Elster (2007); Trachtenberg, chapter 1. ?
20.08.2009Johannes R?? 14:15-16:00, Room 847? Research questions, theories and models? Required reading: King et.al (1994) pp. 3-33; Hoyle (2002) pp. 3-44; Van Evera (1994) pp. 5-39; Gaddis (1986); Trachtenberg (2006), chapter 2. ?
21.08.2009Bent Sofus Tran?y? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Research design: Case studies ? Required reading: King, et.al (1994) pp. 208-230; George and Bennett (2005); Gerring (2007); Checkel (2008). ?
27.08.2009Bent Sofus Tran?y? 08:15-10:00, Room 847? Research design: Comparative studies ? Required reading: Ragin; Mahoney; Goldstone?
02.09.2009Jon Hovi? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Operational definitions and measurement problems ? Required reading: Adcock (2001) pp. 529-546; Hoyle (2002) pp. 75-95; ?sterud (2008)?
10.09.2009Eli Skogerb?? 14:15-16:00, Room 847? Collecting and analyzing oral sources ? Required reading: Bryman (2008) chap. 8 and 18; Strauss and Corbin. ?
15.09.2009Eli Skogerb?? 10:15-12:00, Room 847? Content analysis ? Required reading: Wolfsfeld; Ghersetti (2004); Bryman (2008) chap. 12 and 21 ?
17.09.2009Olav Nj?lstad? 14:15-16:00, Room 847? Methodological issues in archival research ? Required reading: Carr (1961) pp. 7-30; Lebow (2000) pp. 103-125; Wohlforth (2000) pp. 126-145; Melve (2002); Waage (2003); Trachtenberg, chapter 3,4 and 5. ?
24.09.2009Jo Thori Lind? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Reading statistical analysis in peace and conflict studies: Preliminaries and basics. ? Required reading: Hinkle et. al (2003), ch. 1, 2 and 3. ?
30.09.2009Jo Thori Lind? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Distributions and statistical inference ? Required reading: Hinkle et.al. (2003), ch. 3, 4, 7 and 8. ?
01.10.2009Jo Thori Lind? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Seminar? ?
08.10.2009Jo Thori Lind? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Correlation? Required reading: Hinkle et. al. (2003), ch. 5 (except Spearman's rho). ?
14.10.2009Jo Thori Lind? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Linear regression ? Required reading: Hinkle et. al (2003), ch. 6 and 17; Muller and Weede (1990). ?
15.10.2009Jo Thori Lind? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Seminar? ?
16.10.2009Kjetil Tronvoll? 14:15-16:00, Room 847? Field work ? Required reading: Simons; Wood; Nordstrom; Tronvoll ?
22.10.2009Jo Thori Lind? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Inference in regression models; chi2 test ? Required reading: Hinkle et. al. (2003), pp. 201-204, 546-561. ?
28.10.2009Jo Thori Lind? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Reading statistical analysis in peace and conflict studies: Logistic regression and other advanced methods. Conclusions. ? Required reading: Hegre (2005); Salehyan and Gleditsch (2006). ?
29.10.2009Jo Thori Lind? 12:15-14:00, Room 847? Seminar? ?
06.11.2009Henrik Urdal? 09:15-15:30, Room 847 (824/830)? One-day seminar: Term paper assignments ? The deadline for submission (Fronter) of an outline of your term paper assignment is 2 November.?
Published June 3, 2009 4:53 PM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2009 10:58 AM