Reading list

Please note that participants are expected to have read the works on the course’s reading list before the course.

Choose one or several of the following monographs:

Seth Holmes (2013) Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers in the United States. Berkeley: The University of California Press

Karen Ho (2009) Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street. Durham: Duke University Press

Michael Herzfeld (2004) The Body Impolitic. Artisans and Artifice in the Global Hierarchy of Value. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press


All read the following eight articles or chapters:

Hannah Arendt ([1964] 2003) “Labor, Work, Action”, in The Portable Hannah Arendt, Edited with an Introduction by Peter Baehr, pp. 167-181

Tom Gill (1999) “Wage Hunting at the Margins of Urban Japan”, in Sophie Day, Evthymios Papataxiarchis, and Michael Stewart (eds.) Lilies of the Field: Comparative Essays on Marginality and Autonomy. Boulder: Westview Press, pp. 119-136

Michael Taussig (2008) “Redeeming Indigo”, Theory, Culture & Society 25 (3): 1-15

Anna Tsing (2009) “Supply Chains and the Human Condition”, Rethinking Marxism 21 (2):148-176

Lorraine Gibson (2010) “Making a Life: Getting Ahead, and Getting a Living in Aboriginal New South Wales”, Oceania 80: 143-160

Andrea Muehleback (2011) “On Affective Labor in Post-Fordist Italy”, Cultural Anthropology 26 (1): 59-82

Hannah Appel (2012) “Offshore Work: Oil, modularity, and the how of capitalism in Equatorial Guinea”, American Ethnologist 39 (4): 692-709

James Ferguson (2013) “Declarations of Dependence: Labour, personhood, and welfare in southern Africa”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 19 (2): 223-242


Choose five of the following articles or chapters:

Anna Tsing (2013) “Sorting out commodities: How capitalist value is made through gifts”, Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 3 (1): 21-43

Grace Carswell and Geert De Neve (2013) “Labouring for Global Markets: Conceptualising Labour Agency in Global Production Networks”, Geoforum 44: 62-70

Ronaldo Munck (2013) “The Precariat: A View from the South”, Third World Quarterly 34 (5): 747-762

Sian Lazar (2012) “A Desire to Formalize Work? Comparing Trade Union Strategies in Bolivia and Argentina”, Anthropology of Work Review 33 (1): 15-24

Sharryn Kasmir and August Carbonella (2008) “Dispossession and the Anthropology of Labor”, Critique of Anthropology 28 (1): 5-25

Leslie Gill (2007) “’Right There with You’: Coca-Cola, Labor Restructuring, and Political Violence in Colombia”, Critique of Anthropology 27 (3): 235-260

Massimiliano Mallona (2005) “Factory, Family and Neighbourhood: The Political Economy of Informal Labour in Sheffield”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 11: 527-548

Michael Hardt (1999) “Affective Labor”, Boundary 2  26 (2): 89-100

Elizabeth Povinelli (1995), “Do Rocks Listen? The Cultural Politics of Apprehending Australian Aboriginal Labor”, American Anthropologist 97 (3): 505-518

Pierre Bourdieu (1963) “The Attitude of the Algerian Peasant toward Time”, in Julian Pitt-Rivers (ed.) Mediterranean Countrymen, Paris: Mouton, pp. 55-72

E.P. Thompson (1967) “Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism”, Past and Present 38: 56-97

Aihwa Ong (1988) “The Production of Possession: Spirits and the Multinational Corporation in Malaysia”, American Ethnologist 15: 28-42

Jonathan Parry (1999) “Satanic Fields, Pleasant Mills: Work in a Indian Steel Plant”, Contributions to Indian Sociology (new series) 33 (1-2): 107-140

Keith Hart (1973) “Informal income opportunities and urban employment in Ghana”, Journal of Modern African Studies 11 (1): 61-89

Max Gluckman (1961) “Anthropological Problems Arising from the African Industrial Revolution”, Social Change in Modern Africa (Oxford University Press), pp. 67-82

Published Jan. 7, 2014 9:23 AM - Last modified Jan. 7, 2014 3:21 PM