SOSANT9100 – Recent Theory in Anthropology

Course content

This course is, from spring 2017, replaced by SOSANT9100A and SOSANT9100B.

This intensive three-day residential Ph.D. training course, which is organised annually, alternating between the universities of Bergen and Oslo, explores on-going theoretical development in social anthropology, across diverse regional and thematic areas. The contemporary world keeps challenging the theoretical and methodological heritage of social anthropology, including its most fundamental understandings of space and time.

Once conceived of as a ‘synchronic’ social science, occupied with particular localities and groups, and premised upon ‘face-to-face ‘ fieldwork, the past 30 or so years have challenged taken for granted ideas of field, field work and presence, opening the discipline for radically new theoretical framings, experimental methodological departures, and novel themes and subjects. The rapid changes, both to our discipline and to the world we study, open possibilities for a renewal of social anthropology between the social sciences and humanities, and afford chances for us to critically contribute to social and political processes around us.

During the course, ‘teachers’ and ‘students’ present texts that relate in some way to the set theme, and discuss the texts in small groups. The teachers will also provide some overview of relevant literature, while each of the student papers will be pre-circulated and closely commented on by two of the teachers, as well as fellow students. The student texts may be more or less finished, and more less focused on the theoretical theme, as long as they seek to engage with part of the proposed reading list and the description of the particular year’s subject (detailed on the particular semester’s webpage). Our conversations will be further enhanced by shared meals and walks/ski tours.

For information regarding Spring 2015 please click here.

Learning outcome

Upon successful completion of this course the participants should be able to:

  • demonstrate insight into set theoretical and methodological subject
  • prepare and present an essay/thesis chapter that engages with this subject
  • give and receive constructive critisism on the texts/thesis Chapters


This course is for PhD candidates (in Social Anthropology).

For PhD candidates from Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo: apply by using Studentweb

Other PhD candidates: apply by sending an e-mail to this address: Please include a) a short CV b) abstract of thesis or Chapter (300 Words) c) information about which PhD program you are a part of.

The deadline is 1 February.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

You must be admitted to a PhD programme (in Social Anthropology) to enroll in this course.


The course combines plenary lectures by the teachers and semianrs during which the studts' texts will be discussed. A detailed program for the whole course will be circulated to the registered participants.

Participants are expected to prepare an essay for the course - where they develop their own material in relation to the topics and suggested readings. They will during the course present a paper (about 30 minutes), and there will be ample time for discussion among fellow students and staff.

This course, a cooperation with the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Bergen, is held at Finse.


Within two months after the course participants will submit their written essay for evaluation. Essay length: 7000 Words +/- 10 percent, including footnotes.

Send the essay to:

If you wish to part take in the course without submitting an essay, it is possible to do so. The ones not submitting an essay will not be awarded 10 credits. Please inform the Department when you apply if you want to participate in the course without submitting an essay. 

Language of examination


Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

Evaluation of submitted essay after the course.


Explanations and appeals

Facts about this course

Every other spring starting 2003
Every other spring starting 2003
Teaching language
Course fee
Kr 4000,-