Masterstudenter p? 3.semester skal velge ett av de to kursene nedenfor, p?melding skjer p? Studentweb
SOSANT4400 Komplekse samfunn
Ulf Hannerz: Cultural Complexity. Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning , 1992. New York:Colombia University Press.
Halvard Vike m.fl : Maktens samvittighet. Om politikk, styring og dilemmaer i velferdsstaten, 2002 . Oslo:Gyldendals Akademiske .
James C. Scott: Seeing like a State. How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed, 1998 . New Haven and London:Yale University Press.
SOSANT4400 Vi og de andre
Jonathan Marks: What it means to be 98% chimpanzee : apes, people, and their genes, 2002. Berkeley :University of California Press.
Peter Wade: Race, Nature and Culture. An anthropological perspective, 2002. London : Pluto Press.
Robert B. Edgerton: Sick Societies. Challenging the Myth of Primitive Harmony , 1992. New York:The Free Press.