Pensum/l?ringskrav h?sten 2017

Pensum finnes i sin helhet som b?ker, kompendium og online artikler.

B?kene er ? f? kj?pt p? Akademika har ogs? noen eksemplarer. I tillegg skal de fleste b?ker/monografier kunne l?nes p? biblioteket.

Kompendiet selges hos Kopiutsalget. Husk at gyldig semesterkort m? fremvises. Instituttet bestiller kompendiet f?r semesterstart, til et forventet antall studenter. Viser det seg at vi har bestilt for f? kompendier, kan vi bestille flere. En slik re-bestilling m? gj?res tidlig i semesteret. Merknad: Tekstene i kompendiet m? klareres f?r kopiering, en prosess som tar tid. Av den grunn er det dessverre ikke mulig ? re-bestille kompendiet n?rt opp til eksamen.


@ Lien, M. 2015. Becoming Salmon: Acquaculture and the domestification of a fish. Berkeley. University of California Press. 232 pages.

@ Schober, Elisabeth. Base Encounters: The US Armed Forces in South Korea. Pluto Press, 2016.

Valgfrie b?ker:

@ Goffman, Alice. On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City. Chicago; London: University Of Chicago Press, 2014.

@ Hutchinson, S. 1996. Nuer Dilemmas: coping with money war and the state. Berkeley. University of California Press. 408 pages.

Tekster i kompendium

Burawoy, M.: “Introduction”, in (ed.) Michael Burawoy et al: Global Ethnography, 2000. University of California Press, pp 1-40 (40 sider).

Madden, R.: “Ethnographic Fields: home and away”, chapter two in (ed.) Raymond Madden: Being Ethnographic: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography, 2010. Sage publications, pp 37-55 (18 sider).

Moore, H.: “Anthropological Theory at the Turn of the Century”, chapter one in (ed.) Henrietta Moore: Anthropological Theory Today, 1999. Polity press, pp 1-24 (24 sider).

Moore, H.: “What ever happened to women and men? Gender and other Crisis in Anthropology”, chapter 6 in (ed.) Henrietta Moore: Anthropological Theory Today, 1999. Polity press, pp 151-171 (20 sider).

McLean, A. 2008. When the Borders of Research and Personal Life Become Blurred: Thorny Issues in Conducting Dementia Research. In (eds.) A. McLean and A. Leibing The shadow side of fieldwork: exploring the blurred borders between ethnography and life. Pp. 262-286. London. Blackwell. 24 pages.

Smith, K. 2012. Moving between races and gender categories. In K. Smith. Fairness, class and belonging in contemporary England. Pp. 163-185. London. Palgrave. 22 pages.

Smith, K.  2015. Finding My Wit: Explaining Banter and Making the Effortless Appear in the Unstructured Interview. In K. Smith, J. Staples and N. Rapport (eds). Extraordinary encounters: authenticity and the interview. Pp. 83-99. New York. Berghahn. 16 pages.  

Staples, J and K. Smith. 2015. The interview as analytical category. In Smith, Staples and N. Rapport (eds). Extraordinary encounters: authenticity and the interview. Pp. 1-18. New York. Berghahn. 18 pages..

Online artikler

Uke 1

The following 5 essays are taken from the third editions of A History of Anthropological Theory and Readings for a History of Anthropological Theory (written and edited by Paul A. Erickson and Liam D. Murphy). 

Anthropologists Talk About Why Theory Matters

1) Lamphere, L. 2010. Why Theory Matters. In P. Erickson and L. Murphy (eds.). Readings for a history of anthropological theory. Toronto. University of Toronto Press. 2 pages.

2) Brenneis, D. 2010. Why Theory Matters. In P. Erickson and L. Murphy (eds.). Readings for a history of anthropological theory. Toronto. University of Toronto Press. 1 page.

3) Abu-Lughod, L. 2008. Speaking About Theory. In P. Erickson and L. Murphy (eds.). A history of anthropological theory. Toronto. University of Toronto Press. 2 pages.

4) Baker, L. 2008. Speaking About TheoryIn P. Erickson and L. Murphy (eds.). Readings for a history of anthropological theory. Toronto. University of Toronto Press. 2 pages.

5) Boddy, J. 2008. Speaking About Theory. In P. Erickson and L. Murphy (eds.). Readings for a history of anthropological theory. Toronto. University of Toronto Press. 2 pages.

Uke 2

Russell, H. 2006. Preparing for Research. In H. Russell. Research methods in anthropology: qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pp. 69-95. Lanham. Altamira Press. 26 pages.

Marshall, C. 1995. “The substance of the study.  Framing the Research Question”. In C. Marshall. Designing qualitative research. Pp. 15-37. Thousand Oaks. Sage. 22 pages.

Uke 3

Benedict, R. 1934. The Science of Custom. In R. Benedict. Patterns of Culture. Pp. 1-21. Boston. Houghton Mifflin. 20 pages.

Geertz, C. Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture. In. C. Geertz. The interpretation of cultures: selected essays. Pp. 3-30. New York. Basic Books. 27 pages.

Clifford, J. 1986. Partial Truths. In J. Clifford and G. Marcus (eds.). Writing Culture: the poetics and politics of ethnography. Pp. 1-26. Berkeley. University of California Press. 26 pages.

Sahlins, M. 1999. Two or Three Things I know about Culture. JRAI. 5(3):399-421. 22 pages.

Uke 4

Marcus, George E. 1998. Ethnography in/of the World System. The Emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography. Pages. 95-117. In Ethnography through Thick & Thin, 25 pages.

Candea, M. 2007. Arbitrary locations: in defence of the bounded field-site. JRAI. 13 (167-184). 17 pages.

Kolshus, T. 2011. The Technology of Ethnography. An empirical argument against the repatriation of historical accounts. Journal de la societe des Oceanistes. Pp.299-308. 10 pages.

Uke 5

Guha, R. 1997. Chandra’s Death. In R. Guha (ed.) A subaltern studies reader, 1986-1995. Pp. 34-62. University of Minnesota Press. 28 pages.

Uke 6

Dewalt and Dewalt. 2005. Writing fieldnotes. In Dewalt and Dewalt. Participant Observation a guide for fieldworkers. Pp. 157-178. Lanham. Altamira Press. 21 pages.

Spradley, J. 1980. Doing Participant Observation. In J. Spradley Participant Observation. Pp. 53-61. New York. Holt, Rinehart and Wilson. 8 pages.

Spradley, J. 1979. Interviewing an informant. In J. Spradley The ethnographic interview. Pp. 55-69. Fort Worth. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers. 14 pages.

Wolfinger, N. 2002. On writing fieldnotes. Qualitative Research. vol. 2(1): 85-95. 10 pages.

Cohen, A. 1984. Participant Observation. In R.Ellen (ed.) Ethnographic research: a guide to general conduct. Pp.216-229. 13 pages.

McDougall, D. 1997. The visual in anthropology. In M. Banks and H. Morphy Rethinking visual anthropology. Pp 276-295. New Haven. Yale University Press. 19 pages.

Additional Readings, week 6

Uke 7

Tsing, A. 2002. The Global Situation. In Xavier, J. and R. Rosaldo (eds.): The anthropology of Globalization. Pp. 453-485. Oxford: Blackwell. 22 pages.

Nash, J. An anthropological odyssey: from structural functionalism to activism. In J. Nash. Practicing Ethnography in a Globalizing World: An Anthropological Odyssey.Lanham. Altamira Press. 14 pages. Pp. 1-14 Google scholar.  

Wolf, E. 1982. Introduction: Europe and the People’s without history. In E. Wolf. Europe and the people’s without history. Berkeley. University of California Press. 21 pages. Pp. 3-24 Google book.

Uke 8

Burawoy, M. The extended case method. Sociological Theory. 16:1(4-33). 29 pages.

Gluckman, M. 1940. Analysis of a social situation in modern Zululand. Bantu Studies, 14:1, 1-30. 30 pages.

Crapanzano, V. 1977. The life history in anthropological field work.  Anthropology and humanism. Vol 2 pp.3-7. 4 pages. anthrosource

Markham, A. Fieldwork in Social Media: What would Malinowski do? Qualitative Communication Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2013, pp. 434–446. 12 pages.

Bonila, Y and Rosa, J. #Ferguson. Digital protest, hashtag ethnography, and the racial politics of social media in the United States. American Ethnologist. Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 4–17. 13 pages.

Uke 9

Lakoff, G and Johnson, M. Metaphors we live by, 1980. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp 3-40. 37 pages.

Levi-Strauss, C. 1963. Structural analysis in linguistics and anthropology. In C. Levi-Strauss. Structural Anthropology Volume 1. Pp.31-54. New York. Basic. 23 pages.

Robbins, J. 2001. God is nothing but talk: Modernity, language and prayer in a Papua New Guinea Society. American Anthropologist. 103(4):901-912. 11 pages. onlinelibrary.wiley,com

Uke 10

Davies, J. 2010. Introduction: Emotions in the field. In J. Davies and D. Spencer (eds.) Emotions in the Field: the psychology and anthropology of fieldwork experience. Pp.1-31 Google scholar. Stanford. Stanford University Press. 31 pages.

Evans-Pritchard, E. 1976. Some reminiscences and reflections on fieldwork. In E. Evans-Pritchard. Witchcraft, oracles and magic among the Azande. Pp. 240-254. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 14 pages.

Hume, L. and Molcock, J. 2004. Introduction: Awkward spaces, productive places. In L. Hulme and J. Molcock (eds.) Anthropologists in the field: case studies in participant observation. Xi-xxvii. New York. Columbia University Press. 16 pages. Google scholar

Wikan, U. 1992. Beyond the Words: The Power of Resonance, American Ethnologist, 1992. Pages. 460 – 682. 22 pages.

Uke 11

Wagner, R. 1974. Are there social groups in the New Guinea Highlands? In M. Leaf (ed.) Frontiers in anthropology. Pp. 95-122. New York. D van Nostrand. 27 pages.

Barnes, J. 1954. Class and committees in a Norwegian island parish. Human relations 7:39-58. 19 pages.

Latour, B. 2005. How to resume the task of tracing associations. In B Latour. Reassembling the social: an introduction to actor network theory. Pp.1-20. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 20 pages.

Martin, K. 2014. Knot-work not networks. Hau. 4(3):99-115. 16 pages.

Uke 12

Fluehr-Lobban, C. 1994. Informed consent in anthropological research. Human organization, 53(1):1-10. 10 pages.

Sen, A. 2004. Mumbai slums and the search for ‘a heart’: Ethics, ethnography and dilemmas of studying urban violence. Anthropology Matters 6(1):1-7. 7 pages.

Pollard, A. 2009. Field of screams: difficulty and ethnographic fieldwork. Anthropology Matters. 11(2):1-24. 24 pages.

Three short journalistic pieces:

Parry, Marc: "Conflict Over Sociologist's Narrative Puts Spotlight on Ethnography". Chronicle of Higher Education 

Lubet, Steven: "Ethics On The Run". Review of ON THE RUN: Fugitive Life in an American City (Fieldwork Encounters and Discoveries), by Alice Goffman. The New Rambler

Goffman, Alice: "A reply to Lubet's Critique".

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Publisert 10. mai 2017 15:53 - Sist endret 23. feb. 2021 15:43