
Teori og metode (SOSANT4110)

B?ker/monografier l?nes p? biblioteket, eller kj?pes hos Akademika/annen bokhandel. De fleste pensumb?ker er ? f? kj?pt i e-bokhandlere som og Kompendium selges hos Kopiutsalget (gyldig semesterkort m? fremvises).


@ Barth, Fredrik: Nomads of South Persia: The basseri Tribe of the Khamseh Confederacy, 1964. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Hardcover: 159 sider.

@ Stewart, Alex: The Ethnographer?s Method, 1998. Sage Publications. (85 sider).

@ Moore, Henrietta (ed.): Anthropological Theory Today, 1999. Cambridge: Polity Press. Se neste avsnitt for hvilke kapitler som skal leses i denne boka.

F?lgende kapitler leses i Moore: Moore, Henrietta: "Anthropological Theory at the turn of the Century". Sidene 1-23. Carrier og Miller: "From Private virtue to public vice". Sidene 24-47. Moore, Henrietta: "Whatever happened to women and men? Gender and other Crises in Anthropology". Sidene 151-171. Csordas, Thomas J.: “The Body’s Career in Anthropology”. Sidene 172-206. Weiner, James: “Psychoanalysis and Anthropology: On the Temporality of Analysis”. Sidene 234-262.

@ Hutchinson, Sharon E.: Nuer Dilemmas. Coping with Money, War and the State, 1996. University of California Press. Paperback: 420 sider.

@ Mueggler, Erik: The age of the Wild Ghosts. Memory, Violence and Place in Southwest China, 2001. University of California Press. Paperback: 360 sider.

Artikler i kompendium:

Barth, Fredrik: "The Guru and the Conjurer, Transactions of knowledge and the shaping of culture in Southeast Asia and Melanesia" i Man, 25, Sidene 640-653.

Barth, F: "Comparative Methodologies in the Analysis of Anthropological Data." i J.H. Bowen & R. Peterson (eds.): Critical Comparisons in Politics and Culture, 1999. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sidene 78-89 (12 s).: "Comparative Methodologies in the Analysis of Anthropological Data" i J.H. Bowen & R. Peterson (eds.): Critical Comparisons in Politics and Culture, 1999. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sidene 78-89 (12 sider).

Briggs, J.: "Kapluna Daughter" i P. Golde (ed.): Women in the Field: Anthropological Experiences, 1986. Berkeley: University of California Press. Sidene 19 -44 (25 sider).

Broch, Harald Beyer: "The Battle of ?lo, 1996. A Descriptive Analysis of Confrontation Between Greenpeace Activists and Norwegian Mink-Whalers" i Folk Journal of the Danish Ethnographic Society, Vol 45, 2003. Sidene 177-206 (29 sider).

Bugge, Lars: "Pierre Bourdieus teori om makt" i Agora, nr. 3-4, 2000. (Temanummer om makt.) Sidene 224-248..

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: "Traditionalism and neoliberalism: The Norwegian folk dress in the 21st century" i Erich Kasten (ed.): Properties of Culture - Culture as Property, 2004. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. Sidene 267-286 (19 sider).

Ho?m, Ingjerd: "Jeg kan ikke f? sagt hvor mye du betyr for meg! Om spr?k og antropologi" i Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 12 (1-2), 2001. Sidene 51-59 (8 sider).

Fr?ystad, Kathinka: "Forestillinger om det 'ordentlige' feltarbeid og dets umulighet i Norge" i Rugk?sa, M. og K.T. Thorsen (red.): N?resteder nye rom: Utfordringer i antropologiske studier i Norge, 2003. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademiske. Sidene 32-64 (33 sider).

Geertz, Clifford: "Ethos, World View and the Analysis of Sacred Symbols" i C. Geertz (ed.): Interpretation of Cultures, 1973. New York: Basic books. Sidene 126-141.

Harvey, David: "The art of rent, globalization and the commodification of culture" i D. Harvey (ed.): Spaces of Capital, 2001. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Sidene 394-411.

Howell, Signe L. : "The Creation of Life Trajectories in Transnational Adoptive Families" i Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 9(3), 1993. Sidene 465-484 (19 sider).

Ingold, Tim: "The Temporality of Landscape" i Tim Ingold (ed.): The Percepction of the Environment. Essay in Livelihod, Dwelling and skill, 2000. London: Routledge. Sidene 189-208.

Lakoff, George og Mark Johnson: Metaphors we live by, 1980. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Sidene 3-40.

Lien, Marianne: "Latter og troverdighet. Om antropologi i hjemlige egne" i Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 12 (1-2), 1. ?rgang, 2001. Sidene 68-75.

Marcus, George E.: "Ethnography in/of the World System. The Emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography" i Ethnography through Tick & Tin, 1998. Sidene 79-104 (25 sider).

Miner, Horace: "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" i American Anthropologist, Vol 58(3), 1956. Sidene 503-507 (5 sider).

Mintz, Sidney W.: "The Anthropological Interview and the Life History" i The Oral History Review, 1979. Sidene 18-26 (9 sider).

Sanjek, Roger: "A Vocabulary for fieldnotes" i R. Sanjek (ed.): Fieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology, 1990. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Sidene 92-121 (19 sider).

Solheim, Jorunn: "Kropp som symbolsk univers" i J. Solheim (red.): Den ?pne kroppen, om kj?nnssymbolikk i moderne kultur, 1998. Oslo: Pax forlag. Sidene 59-78.

Spiro, Melford E.: "Is the Western Conception of the Self ‘Peculiar’within the Context of the World Cultures?" i Ethos, 21(2), 1993. Sidene 107-153.

Stoller, Paul: "Eye, Mind, and Word in Anthropology" i P. Stoller (ed.): The Taste of Ethnographic Things. The Senses in Anthropology, 1989. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Sidene 37-55 (19 sider).

Talle, Aud: "Kvinner og utvikling - tjue ?r senere" i Norsk Antropologisk tidsskrift, 13.?rgang (1-2), 2002. Sidene 47 -61 (15 sider).

Tilley, Christopher: "Space, place, landscape and perception. Phenomenological Perspectives" i Christopher Tilley (ed.): A phenomenology of landscape, 1994. Oxford: Berg. Sidene 7-34.

Tsing, Anna: "The Global Situation" i Xavier, J. og R. Rosaldo (eds.): The anthropology of Globalization, 2002. Oxford: Blackwell. Sidene 453-485.

Wadel, Cato: "Feltarbeid som runddans mellom teori, metode og data" i C. Wadel (ed.): Feltarbeid i egen kultur, 1991. SEEK Flekkefjord. Sidene 127-181 (54 sider).

Wikan, Unni: "Beyond the Words: The Power of Resonance" i American Ethnologist, 1992. Sidene 460 - 682 (25 sider).

Publisert 5. apr. 2011 10:31 - Sist endret 27. juli 2011 17:29