

Titler market med @ er b?ker som m? kj?pes eller l?nes. Artiklene finnes tilgjengelig i form av kompendium.

SOSANT4010 Metode og Prosjektbeskrivelse.

Archetti, E. : "Introduction" I Archetti, E., (Ed) Exploring the Written. Anthropology and the Multiplicity of Writing. , 1994. Scandinavian Press, Oslo . Sidene 11-24 (13 sider).

Barth, Fredrik : "Comparative Methodologies in the Analysis of Anthropological Data." I J.H. Bowen & R. Peterson (red). Critical Comparisons in Politics and Culture. Cambridge: , 1999 . Cambridge University Press. . S. 78-89. (12 s).

Belmonte, Thomas : Kap. 2: Fieldwork in Naples, i T. Belmonte: The Broken Fountain. , 1989 (1979). New York: Columbia University Press . Sidene 9 - 26 ( 18 s).

Bourgois, Philippe: Respect at work: "Going legit" I S. Taylor (red) Ethnographic Research: A Reader. , 2002 . London: Sage publications. . S. 15-35 (21 s).

Briggs, J. : "Kapluna Daughter" i Golde, P. (ed). Women in the Field: Anthropological Experiences. 2. Ed, , 1986:. University of California Press, Berkeley.

Denizin, N.K.: The Research Act: a Theoretical Introduction to Sociological Methods, 3.edition,, 1989:. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, . s. 234-247 (13 s).

Engelstad, F.: "澳门葡京手机版app下载setikk." kap. 20 i Engelstad, F. et al. (red.). Samfunn og vitenskap, , 1998. Ad Notam Gyldendal AS Oslo . s. 429-451 (22 s).

Garbett, G. Kingsley: The analysis of Social Situations. , 1970. Man vol 5(2) . S. 214-227 (14 s).

Holy, Ladislav: Introduction. Description, Generalisation and Comparison: Two paradigms, I L. Holy (red.) Comparative Anthropology 1-21. , 1987. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (21 s).

Holy, Ladislav og Stuchlik, Milan: Notions and actions, i Holy og Stuchlik: Actions, Norms and Representations , 1983. Cambridge University Press. s. 20-44 (25 s).

Kapferer, B. : "Nationalist Ideology and Comparative Anthropology." , 1989. Ethnos 54. 161-199 (39 s).

Leach, Edmund: "An anthropologist?s Reflection on a Social Survey". I Jongmans & Gutkind: Anthropologists in the Field , 1967 . Assen: Van Gorcum . s 194 ? 207 (13 s).

Mintz, Sidney W. : "The Anthropological Interview and the Life History." , 1979 . The Oral History Review. S 18-26 (9 s).

Mitchell J. Clyde: "On Quantification in Social Anthropology" i A.L. Epstein, red.: The Craft of Social Anthropology , 1967. Tavistock . s. 17-45(29 s).

Nielsen, Finn Sivert: "Empiri og teori", i F.S. Nielsen: N?rmere kommer du ikke, 1996. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget . S. 25-50 (26 s) .

@ Pelto, P.J. and Pelto, G. : Kap. 7: "Counting and Sampling" og kap 8: "Measurement, scales, and Statistics" i Anthropological Research: the Strucure of Inquiry, 2nd ed. , 1978. Cambridge University Press Cambridge. (54s).

Spiro, Melford E. : "Is the Western Conception of the Self "Peculiar" within the Context of the World Cultures?" , 1993. Ethos vol 21, No. 2. . S. 107-153 (47 s) .

Stoller, Paul : Eye, Mind, and Word in Anthropology. I P. Stoller: The Taste of Ethnographic Things. The Senses in Anthropology. , 1989 . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press . S. 37-55 (19 s) .

Vike, Halvard : Semantikk og politikk. Tegn og handling i lokalpolitiske prosesser , 1999 . Sosiologisk ?rbok, 4(2). 109 ? 138 (30 s).

Wadel, Cato: Feltarbeid i egen kultur. , 1991. SEEK Flekkefjord. s.127-181(54 s).

Wikan, Unni: Towards and Experience-Near Anthropology, 1991. Cultural Anthropology 6 (3) . s. 285-305 (21 s).


@ Widerberg, K. : Historien om et kvalitativt forskningsprosjekt. , 2001. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.


Studentene velger fire monografier for et n?rmere studium. Minst en av monografiene skal v?re fra gruppen "Klassikere". En av de tre ?vrige monografiene kan byttes ut med en fritt valgt monografi.

(1) Klassikere

Bateson, Gregory: Naven. The Culture of the Iatmul people of New Guinea as revealed through a study of the "naven" ceremonial. 2nd edition , 1958 (1936) . Stanford Stanford University Press . (302 s) .

Evans-Pritchard, E.E.: The Nuer. A description of the modes of livelihood and political institutions of a nilotic people, 1940. Oxford Oxford University Press . (266 s).

Dumont, Louis : Homo Hierarchicus. The Caste System and its Implications. , 1980 (1966) . Chicago: The University of Chicago Press . (238 s).

Mead, Margaret: Coming of age in Samoa , 2001 (1928) . New York: William Morrow.

?vrige monografier

Anderson, Elijah: Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community , 1992 . Chicago University of Chicago press . (250 s).

Beyer Broch, H.: Jangan Lupa. An experiment in cross cultural understanding. , 2002. Oslo Novus forlag . (232 s.).

Brenner, Suzanne A. : The Domestication of Desire. Wome, wealth, and modernity in Java , 1998 . Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Gullestad, Marianne : Kitchen Table Society: A Case Study of the Family Life and Friendships of young Working-Class Mothers in Urban Norway, 1984 . Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Feld, Steven : Sound and Sentiment. Birds, Weeping, Poetics, and Song in Kaluli Expression , 1982 . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press . (235 s).

Maggi, Wynne : Our Women are free. Gender and Ethnicity in the Hindukush. , 2001 . Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. (244 s).

Miller, Daniel & Slater, Don : The Internet: An Ethnographic Approach , 2000. New York: New York University press. (224 s).

Scheper-Huges, Nancy : Saints, Scholars and Schizophrenics: Mental Illness in Rural Ireland. 20th anniversary edition , 2001(1979). Berkeley: University of California press . (400 s).

Turner, Victor : The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure, 1995 (1969) . Aldine de Gruyter, Reprint edition . (200 s).

Publisert 19. mai 2003 10:28 - Sist endret 4. juli 2003 15:49