Syllabus/achievement requirements spring 2015

Medical Anthropology (Sosant 2550)

Syllabus is comprised of books and articles in Readers (compendium)

Required books are purchased at Akademika bookstore or ordered from online booksellers, such as Required books are also available at the University Library (provided the item is held). Compendium (articles in readers) is purchased at Kopiutsalget (groundfloor Akademika). Remember to bring your semester-card.



@ Livingston, J. (2012): Improvising Medicine: An African Oncology Ward in an Emerging Cancer Epidemic. Durham: Duke University press.

@ Prince, R.J. & P.W. Geisler (2010): The Land is Dying: Contingency, Creativity and Conflict in Western Kenya. London & Oxford, Berghahn. 424 pages.

Articles in Readers (compendium)

Biehl, J. (2013). "The judicialization of biopolitics: Claiming the right to pharmaceuticals in Brazilian courts." American Ethnologist 40(3): 419-436.

Droney, D. (2014): "Ironies of Laboratory Work during Ghana's Second Age of Optimism." Cultural Anthropology 29(2): 363-384.

Feierman, S. (2011): "When Physicians Meet: Local Medical Knowledge and Global Public Goods" in Geissler, P.W and Catherine Molyneux (eds.): Evidence, Ethos and Experiment - The Anthropology and History of Medical Research in Africa. Oxford: Berghahn, pp 171-96.

Gammeltoft, T. M. (2013): "Potentiality and Human Temporality: Haunting Futures in Vietnamese Pregnancy Care." Current Anthropology 54(S7): S159-S171.

Hayden, C. (2003): "From market to market: Bioprospecting’s idioms of inclusion" in American Ethnologist 30 (3). Pp 359-371.

Lachenal, G. (2015): "Lessons in Medical Nihilism: Virus Hunters, Neoliberalism and the AIDS Pandemic in Cameroon" in P. W. Geissler: Para-States and Medical Science: Making African Global Health. Durham, Duke University Press. In press.

Langwick, S. A. (2008): "Articulate(d) bodies: Traditional medicine in a Tanzanian hospital." American Ethnologist 35(3): 428-439.

Leach M. & J. Fairhead (2011): "Being 'with MRC': Infant Care and the Social Meanings of Cohort Membership in Gambia's Plural Therapeutic Landscapes" in Geissler, P.W. and Catherine Molyneux (eds.): Evidence, Ethos and Experiment - The Anthropology and History of Medical Research in Africa. Oxford: Berghahn, pp 77-98.

Meinert, L. (2014): "Regimes of Homework in AIDS care: Questions of Responsibility and the Imagination of Lives in Uganda". in R Prince & R Marsland (eds), Making and unmaking public health in Africa: Ethnographic perspectives . Ohio University Press, pp. 119-140.

Osseo-Asare, A. D. (2013): "Scientific Equity: Experiments in Laboratory Education in Ghana." Isis 104(4): 713-741.

Petryna, A. (2004): "Biological Citizenship: The Science and Politics of Chernobyl-Exposed Populations" in Osiris, 2nd Series, Vol. 19, Landscapes of Exposure: Knowledge and Illness in Modern Environments. Pp. 250-265.

Prince, R. (2013): "Introduction. Situating Health and the Public in Africa Historical and Anthropological Perspectives" in R. Prince and R. Marsland (eds.): Making and Unmaking Public Health in Africa. Ethnographic and Historical Perspectives. Athens, Ohio University Press: 1-54.

Redfield, P. (2012): "The unbearable lightness of expats: double binds of humanitarian mobility." Cultural Anthropology 27(2): 358-382.

Strathern, M. (2011): "Can one Rely on Knowledge?" in Geissler, P.W. and Catherine Molyneux (eds.): Evidence, Ethos and Experiment - The Anthropology and History of Medical Research in Africa. Oxford: Berghahn books, pp. 57-76.

Street, A. (2011). "Artefacts of not-knowing: The medical record, the diagnosis and the production of uncertainty in Papua New Guinean biomedicine." Social Studies of Science 41(6): 815-834.

Tousignant, N. (2013): "Broken Tempos: Of Means and Memory in a Senegalese University Laboratory." Social Studies of Science 43 (5): 729-753.

Wendland, C. (2012): "Animating Biomedicine’s Moral Order: The Crisis of Practice in Malawian Medical Training." Current Anthropology 53(6): 755-788.

Published Oct. 31, 2014 1:49 PM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2014 2:11 PM