Syllabus/achievement requirements

SOSANT2550 Medical Anthropology

@=Books avaliable at the library, at Akademika and other bookshops


@ Farmer, P. E.: Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor, 2002. Berkeley and London: University of California Press. ISBN:?978-0-520-24326-2.

@ Murphy, R. F.: The Body Silent, 1990 edition, 1987. New York and London: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN:?978-0-393-32042-8.

Compendium bought at Kopiutsalget

Armstrong, D.: "Public health spaces and the fabrication of identity" in Sociology, 27, 1993. pp 393–410.

Csordas, T. J.: "Words from the holy people: a case study in cultural phenomenology" in T. J. Csordas (ed.): Emodiment and Experience: The Exitential Ground of Culture and Self, Cambridge Studies in Medical Anthropology, no 2, 1994. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 269-90.

Das, V.: "What do we mean by health" in J.C. Caldwell (ed.): What we Know about the Health Transition: The Cultural, Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health, vol. 1, Health Transition Series No. 2. , 1990. Canberra: Health Transition Centre, Australian National University. pp. 27-46.

Das, V.: "The anthropology of pain" in V. Das (ed.): Critical Events: An Anthropological Perspective on Contemporary India. , 1995a. Delhi: Oxford University Press. pp. 175-96.

Desjarlis, R.: "Struggling along: the possibilities for experience among the homeless mentally ill" in American Anthropologist, 96, 1994. pp. 886-901.

Eisenberg, L.: "Disease and Illness: Distinction between Professional and Popular Ideas of Sickness" in Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 1, 1977. pp. 9-23.

Farmer, P. E.: "An anthropology of structural violence" in Current Anthropology, 45, 2004. pp 305–325.

Foucault, M: "The birth of biopolitics" in P. Rabinow (ed.): Ethics Subjectivity and Truth, vol. 1, The Essential Works of Foucault 1954–1984, 1997. New York: The New Press. pp. 73–79.

Foucault, M.: "The birth of social medicine" in J.D. Faubion (ed.): Power, vol. 3, The Essential Works of Foucault 1954–1984, 2000. New York: The New Press. pp. 134–56.

Geissler, P. W.: "'Kachinja are coming!’: encounters around medical research work in a Kenyan village" in Africa, 75:173–202, 2005.

Good, B. J: "The narrative representation of illness" in B.J. Good (ed.): Medicine, Rationality, and Experience: An Anthropological Perspective, The Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures 1990, 1994b. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 135–165.

Kleinman, A., and J. Kleinman : "Suffering and its professional transformation: toward an ethnography of interpersonal experience" in Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 15, 1991. pp 275-301.

Pandolfi, M.: "Boundaries inside the body" in Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 14, 1990. pp. 255-273.

Scheper-Hughes, N.: "Parts unknown. Undercover ethnography of the organs-trafficking underworld" in Ethnography, 5, 2004. pp 29–73.

Published Apr. 4, 2009 9:48 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2009 7:43 PM