
Published Nov. 13, 2009 10:13 AM

Important information regarding the exam SOSANT2550 Autumn 2009!

  • The exam questions will be available in the subject’s room in Fronter in the folder named “Handing in of home exam: SOSANT2550 Autumn 2009”.

  • The folder named “Handing in of home exam: SOSANT2550 Autumn 2009” will open automatically Monday 7 of December at 4 p.m. and will close automatically Tuesday 15 of December at precisely 12:00(midday).

  • Each student must also hand in an identical paper copy and a “Declaration of sources” form at the grand office of the Department of Social Anthropology, 6th floor Eilert Sundt?s house Tuesday 15 of December between 12:00 and 13:00 p.m.

Published Sep. 4, 2009 10:46 AM

Viktig informasjon vedr. innlevering av hjemmeeksamen: SOSANT2550, h?st 2009!

Hjemmeeksamen i SOSANT2550 h?sten 2009 skal leveres i Fronter. Kandidatene skal i tillegg levere inn et papireksemplar (for mer informasjon om tid og sted se under overskriften ”Eksamen og vurderingsformer”). Mer detaljert informasjon omkring innlevering i Fronter vil bli lagt ut senere p? emnets semesterside.

Important information regarding exam papers: SOSANT2550 autumn 2009!

The take-home exam in SOSANT2550 autumn 2009 is to be handed in through FRONTER (UiO?s learning management system). In addition to handing in the exam in Fronter, the candidates have to hand in an identical copy in paper (for information about time and place look under “Examination/form of assessment). More information and instructions will be released later.

Published Aug. 13, 2009 4:35 PM

Til orientering: Alle kompendier som selges fra Kopiutsalget er komplette. Noen av disse kompendiene (datert 2008) selges med et vedlegg, av milj?messige og ?konomiske ?rsaker.