Syllabus/achievement requirements autumn 2015

Sosant 2525 Overheating: The anthropology of accelerated change

The syllabus is comprised of articles in Readers and online articles.

Compendia can be purchased at the “Kopiutsalget” on the lower floor of Akademika bookstore. Valid student ID must be presented on purchasing compendia. If “Kopiutsalget” has sold out of a compendium please contact the department as early as possible in the semester in order that more may be obtained.

Many of the online articles require that you use a computer within the university network. If outside the university network, open your web browser and go to

Curriculum Articles in Readers/Compendia

Barth, Fredrik (1978) Conclusions. In F. Barth, ed., Scale and Social Organization, pp. 253–272. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Bateson, Gregory (1972a) Double bind 1969. In Steps to an ecology of mind, pp. 271–278. New York: Chandler.

Bateson, Gregory (1972c)  Ecology and flexibility in urban civilization. In Steps to an ecology of mind, pp. 494-505. New York: Chandler.

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2015) Globalization and its contradictions: Anthropological research in an overheated world. In Andrew Strathern and Pamela Stewart, eds., The Ashgate Research Companion to Anthropology, pp. 293–316. Basingstoke: Ashgate.

Goody, Jack (1998) The globalisation of Chinese food. In J. Goody, Food and Love, pp. 161–172. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Mathews, Gordon (2012) Neoliberalism and globalization from below in Chungking Mansions, Hong Kong. In Gordon Mathews, Gustavo Lins Ribeiro and Carlos Alba Vega, eds.: Globalization From Below: The World's Other Economy, pp. 69-85. London: Routledge.

Maurer, Bill (2012) Finance 2.0, in J. Carrier, ed., A Handbook of Economic Anthropology, 2nd edn., pp. 183–201. London: Edward Elgar.

Mintz, Sidney (1985) Introduction, pp. xv-xxx, and Chapter 1: Food, Sociality, and Sugar, pp. 1-18, in Mintz: Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Nuttall, Mark (2009) Living in a world of movement: Human resilience to environmental instability in Greenland. In Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions, eds. Susan A. Crate and Mark Nuttall, pp. 292-310. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

Orlove, Ben (2009) The past, the present and some possible futures of adaptation. In Adapting to Climate Change: Thresholds, Values, Governance, eds. W. Neil Adger, Irene Lorenzoni and Karen O'Brien, pp. 131-163. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Van Daele, Wim (2013) Oscillating between Village and Globe: Articulating Food in Sri Lankan Activism. In Carole. Counihan and Valeria Siniscalchi, eds,. Food Activism: Agency, Democracy and Economy, pp. 211-224. London: Bloomsbury.

Wolf, Eric (1982) The movement of commodities. In E. Wolf: Europe and the People Without History, pp. 310–353. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Yang, Yang (2012) African traders in Guangzhou: Routes, reasons, profits, dreams. In Gordon Mathews, Gustavo Lins Ribeiro and Carlos Alba Vega, eds.: Globalization From Below: The World's Other Economy, pp. 154-170. London: Routledge.

Curriculum Online articles

Ballard, Chris and Glenn Banks (2003). "Resource wars: The Anthropology of Mining", Annual Review of Anthropology 32: 287-313.

Bateson, Gregory (1972b) The roots of ecological crisis. In Steps to an ecology of mind, pp. 494-498. New York: Chandler. pdf

Bear, Laura (2014) 3 For labour: Ajeet's accident and the ethics of technological fixes in time. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20: 71–88.

Berge, Trond (2012) The worse, the better: On safe ground in ‘the most polluted town on Earth’. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 21 (1): 81–102.

Blommaert, Jan (2007) Sociolinguistic scales. Intercultural Pragmatics, 4 (1): 1–19. de gruyter

Borovnik, Maria (2011) The mobilities, immobilities and moorings of work-life on cargo ships. Sites, 9 (1): 59–82. pdf

Breman, Jan (2013) A bogus concept? New Left Review, 84: 130–138.

Caldwell, Melissa (2004) "Domesticating the French Fry: McDonald?s and Consumerism in Moscow", Journal of Consumer Culture, 4(1): 5–26.

Comaroff, John and Jean L. Comaroff (2000) "Millennial capitalism: First thoughts on a second coming", Public Culture, 12 (2): 291–343. Duke university press

Crate, Susan (2011) A political ecology of ‘Water in Mind’: Attributing perceptions in the Era of Global Climate Change. Weather, Climate, and Society, 3 (3): 148-164.

Della Porta, Donatella and Mario Diani (2006) "The study of social movements: Recurring questions, (+partially) changing answer", in D. Della Porta and M. Diani, Social Movements: An Introduction, pp. 1–22. Basingstoke: Wiley.

Emel, Jody, Matthew T. Huber and Madoshi Makene (2011). Extracting sovereignty: Capital, territory, and gold mining in Tanzania. Political Geography 30 (2): 70–79.

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2007) Stacking and continuity: On temporal regimes in popular culture. In Robert Hassan and Ronald E. Purser, eds., 24/7: Time and Temporality in the Network Society, pp. 141–160. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Ferguson, James (2005). Seeing like an oil company: space, security, and global capital in neoliberal Africa. American Anthropologist 107 (3): 377–382.

Ferguson, James (2006) Decomposing modernity: History and hierarchy after development. In J. Ferguson, Global Shadows, pp. 176–193. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. pdf

Gregson, Nicky, M. Crang, F. Ahamed, N. Akhter and R. Ferdous (2010) Following things of rubbish value: End-of-life ships, ‘chock-chocky’ furniture and the Bangladeshi middle class consumer. eroforum, 41: 846-854.

Gupta, Akhil and James Ferguson (1997) "Beyond ‘culture?: Space, identity, and the politics of difference", Cultural Anthropology, 7 (1): 6–23.

Hannerz, Ulf (2000) "Flows, boundaries and hybrids: Keywords in transnational anthropology". Working paper no. WPTC-2K-02. Oxford: University of Oxford. Transnational Communities Programme.

Hart, Keith (2006) Bureaucratic form and the informal economy. In B. Guha-Khasnobis, R. Kanbur and E. Ostrom, eds., Unlocking Human Potential: Concepts and Policies for Linking the Informl and Formal Sectors. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pdf

Harvey, David (2004) The ‘new’ imperialism: Accumulation by dispossession. Socialist Register, 63–87.

Hilgers, Mathieu (2012) The historicity of the neoliberal state. Social Anthropology, vol. 20 (1): 80-94.

Hornborg, Alf (2013) The fossil interlude: Euro-American power and the return of the physiocrats. In S. Strauss, S. Rupp & T. Love, eds., Cultures of Energy: Power, Practices, Technologies, pp. 41-59. Left Coast Press.

Kopytoff, Igor (1986) The cultural biography of things: Commoditization as process. In A. Appadurai, ed., The Social Life of things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, pp. 64–91. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pdf

Leichenko, Robin M., Karen O'Brien and William D. Solecki (2010) Climate change and the global financial crisis: A case of double exposure. Annals of the Assoiciation of American Geographers, 100 (4): 963–972. Taylor & Francis online

Li, Fabiana (2013) Relating divergent worlds: Mines, aquifers and sacred mountains in Peru. Anthropologica, 55: 399–411. ProQuest

Luning, Sabine (2014). The future of artisanal miners from a large-scale perspective: From valued pathfinders to disposable illegals? Futures 62 (A): 67–74.

Marcus, George (1995) "Ethnography in/of the world system: The emergence of multi-sited ethnography", Annual Review of Anthropology, 24: 95–117.

Narotzky, Susana (2012) Europe in crisis: Grassroots economics and the anthropological turn. Etnográfica, 16 (3): 627–638. etnografica.revues

Pleyers, Geoffrey (2010) Alter-Globalization. In Keith Hart, Jean-Louis Laville and Antonio David Cattani, eds. (2010) The Human  Economy, pp. 63–74. Cambridge: Polity. LAST OPP PDF

Price, Richard (2001) The miracle of creolization: A retrospective. New Westi Indian Guide, 75 (1/2): 35–64.

Richter, Melvin and Michaela W. Richter (2006) Introduction: Translation of Reinhard Koselleck's ‘Krise’ in Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe. Journal of the History of Ideas, 67 (2): 343–356.

Standing, Guy (2011) ‘The Precariat’? in Standing: The Precariat. The New Dangerous Class, pp. 1–25. London: Bloomsbury. pdf

Steffen, Will, Paul J. Crutzen og John R. McNeill (2007) "The Anthropocene: Are Human Beings Now Overwhelming the Forces of Nature?",  AMBIO, 36(8):614–21.

Stensrud, Astrid B. (2014) Climate change, water practices and relational worlds in the Andes. Ethnos, 1–24. Taylor & Francis online

Tainter, Joseph (2014) Collapse and sustainability: Rome, the Maya, and the Modern World. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, 24: 201–214.

Tsing, Anna (2000) "The global situation", Cultural Anthropology, 15 (3): 327–356.

Vertovec, Steven (2007) "Super-diversity and its implications", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30 (6): 1024–1054. Taylor & Francis online

Vigh, Henrik (2008) Crisis and chronicity: Anthropological perspectives on conflict and decline. Ethnos, 73 (1): 5–24. Taylor & Francis online

Wacquant, Lo?c (2012) Three steps to a historical anthropology of actually existing neoliberalism. Social Anthropology, vol. 20 (1): 66–79.

White, Leslie (1943) "Energy and the evolution of culture", American Anthropologist, 45 (3): 335–356.

Wimmer, Andreas and Nina Glick Schiller (2002) "Methodological nationalism and beyond: Nation-state building, migration and the social Sciences", Global Networks, vol. 2 (4): 301–334. Wiley online Library

Zaloom, Caitlin (2003) Ambiguous numbers: Trading technologies and interpretation in financial markets. American Ethnologist, 30 (2): 258-272.

Further recommende readings

Published Apr. 28, 2015 1:33 PM - Last modified Apr. 14, 2016 4:12 PM