Pensum/l?ringskrav v?ren 2015

SOSANT2410: Kosmologi og rituelt liv

Pensum finnes i sin helhet som b?ker, kompendium og en artikkel i Fronter

B?kene/monografiene er ? f? kj?pt p? og Akademika har ogs? noen eksemplarer. I tillegg skal de fleste b?ker/monografier kunne l?nes p? biblioteket.

Kopiutsalget selger kompendium. Husk at semesterkort m? fremvises. Instituttet bestiller kompendiet f?r semesterstart, til et forventet antall studenter. Viser det seg at vi har bestilt for f? kompendier, kan vi bestille flere. En slik re-bestilling m? gj?res tidlig i semesteret. Merknad: Tekstene i kompendiet m? klareres f?r kopiering, en prosess som tar tid. Av den grunn er det dessverre ikke mulig ? re-bestille kompendiet n?rt opp til eksamen.



@ Barth, F.: Cosmologies in the Making: A Generative Approch to Variation in inner New Guinea, 1987. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

@ Bloch, Maurice: From Blessing to Violence. History and ideology in the circumsision ritual of the Merina of Madagascar, 1986. Cambridge University Press. Paperback 228 sider.

@ Stang, Carla D.: A walk to the river in Amazonia. Ordinary Reality for the Mehinaku Indians, 2011. Oxford: Berghahn Books. Paperback utgave. 248 sider.


Artikkel i Fronter

Howell, S. (2012): "Knowledge, Morality, and Causality  in a ‘Luckless’ Society", Social Analysis, 56 (1):133-147.


Tekster i kompendium

Humphrey, Caroline and James Laidlaw: "Jainism and the Puja Ritual" i Humphrey, Caroline and James Laidlaw (eds.): The Archetypal Actions of Ritual. A theory of ritual illustrated by the Jain rite of worship, 1994. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Sidene 16-63.

Howell, Signe: "’May Blessings Come, May Mischiefs Go!’ Living Kinds as Agents of Transitions and Transformation in an Eastern Indonesian Setting" i Laura Rival (ed.): The Social Life of Trees. Anthropological Perspectives on Tree Symbolism, 1988. Oxford: Berg. Sidene 159-175.

Howell, Signe: "Introduction" i Signe Howell (ed.) : For the sake of our future, Leiden University, CNWS publications Vol 42. Sidene 1-26.

Howell, Signe: "A life for ‘life’. Blood and other Life-promoting Substances in Northern Lio Moral Discourse" i Signe Howell (ed.): For the sake of our future, 1996. Sidene 92-109.

Kapferer, Bruce: "Ritual Dynamics and Virtual Practice: Beyond Representation and Meaning" i Handelman, Don & Galina Linquist (eds): Ritual in its own right, 2004. Oxford: Berghahn. Sidene 35-54.

Droogers, André: "Enjoying an Emerging Alterntive World: Ritual inits Own Ludic Right" i Handelman, Don & Galina Linquist (eds.): Ritual in its own right, 2004. Oxford: Berghahn. Sidene 138-154.

S?rum, Arve: "In search of the lost Soul: Bedamini Spirit Seances and Curing Rites" i Oceania, Vol. L, No 4, 1980. Sidene 273-296.

S?rum, Arve: "The Seeds of Power: Patterns in Bedamini Male Initiation" i Social Analysis, No.10, 1982. Sidene 42-62.

S?rum, Arve: "Growth and Decay: Bedamini Notions of Sexuality" i G. Herdt (ed.): Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia, 1984. University of California Press. Sidene 318-336.

S?rum, Arve: "Magic gardens as symbolic production" i Gr?nhaug, R. Haaland G. and G. Henriksen (eds.): The ecology of choice and symbol, 1991. Bergen: Alma mater forlag. Sidene 244-257.

Publisert 30. okt. 2014 10:29 - Sist endret 12. jan. 2015 14:18