Pensum/l?ringskrav h?sten 2019

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B?kene er ? f? kj?pt p? og Akademika har ogs? noen eksemplarer. I tillegg skal de fleste pensumb?ker kunne l?nes p? biblioteket.

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@ Barth, F.: Cosmologies in the Making: A Generative Approch to Variation in inner New Guinea, 1987. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Paperback, 114 sider.

@ Bloch, Maurice: From Blessing to Violence. History and ideology in the circumsision ritual of the Merina of Madagascar, 1986. Cambridge University Press. Paperback 228 sider.

@ Boylston, Tom (2018) The Stranger at the Feast. Prohibition and Mediation in an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Community,. Oakland: University of California Press. 173 sider. Open access

@ Stang, Carla D.: A walk to the river in Amazonia. Ordinary Reality for the Mehinaku Indians, 2011. Oxford: Berghahn Books. Paperback utgave. 248 sider.

Online artikler

Eriksen, Annelin and Knut Rio 2017. ‘Demons, devils and witches in Pentecostal Port Vila: On changing cosmologies of evil in Melanesia’. In (eds.) Rio, K., M. MacCarthy and R. Blanes, Pentecostalism and Witchcraft: Spiritual Warfare in Africa and Melanesia; pp 189-211. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ORIA

Flikke, Rune (2018). Healing in polluted places: Mountains, air, and weather in Zulu Zionist ritual practice. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 12(1), s 76- 95. ORIA

Haeri, Niloofar (2013) The Private Performance of Salat Prayers: Repetition, Time, and Meaning,. Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. 86, No. 1, p. 5-34.

Hage, Ghassan (2003) "Comes a Time We Are All Enthusiasm”: Understanding Palestinian Suicide Bombers in Times of Exighophobia. Public Culture 15(1): 65–89. ORIA

Handelman, Don (2004)  Introduction: Why Ritual in Its Own Right? How So? In Ritual in Its Own Right: Exploring the Dynamics of Transformation, pp. 1-32. Social Analysis, Vol. 48, No. 2.

Howell, Signe (1994) Singing to the Spirits and Praying to the Ancestors: A Comparative Study of Chewong and Lio Invocations. L’Homme, 34e Année, No. 132, pp. 15-34.

Howell, Signe (2012): "Knowledge, Morality, and Causality in a ‘Luckless’ Society", Social Analysis, 56 (1):133-147.

Ortner, Sherry (1997). Thick Resistance: Death and the Cultural Construction of Agency in Himalayan Mountaineering. Representations 59: 135-162.

Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2012). Separating Encounters: Tangency in an inter-religious encounter in Ifugao, the Philipppines. Anthropos 107(2), s. 427- 434.

S?rum, Arve (1982)  The Seeds of Power: Patterns in Bedamini Male Initiation" i Social Analysis, No.10, s. 42 - 62.

S?rum, Arve (2019).  The Spirit within. The Landscape of Bedamini Spirit Seances, in R. I. Lohmann (ed.), Haunted Pacific: Anthropologists Investigate Spectral Apparitions across Oceania. Durham: Carolina Academic Press (pp 190 - 213).

Tomlinson, Matt (2009) Chapter 4: Kava. In Matt Tomlinson: I M. Tomlinson: In God’s Image.The Metaculture of Fijian Christianity. Berkeley: University of California Press, s. 109 -1 30. Researchgate

Tomlinson, Matt (2012) God Speaking to God: Translation and Unintelligibility at a Fijian Pentecostal Crusade. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 23: 274-289. ORIA

Publisert 15. mai 2019 14:49 - Sist endret 24. mai 2019 14:31