
Makt og autoritet

Kursets pensum finnes i sin helhet i fire b?ker.


Halvard Vike : Velferd uten grense, 2004. Akribe Forlag. Hele boka (216 sider).

Hildi Henderickson (ed.): Clothing and Difference. Embodied Identities in colonial and post-colonial Africa , 1996. London: Duke University Press. Sidene 1-16 og 95-244, 166 sider.

Steven Gregory : Black Corona. Race and the Politics of Place in an Urban Community , 1998. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Hele boken. (266 sider).

Christian Krohn-Hansen : Det vanskelige voldsbegrepet. Politisk liv i Den dominikanske republikk og andre steder, 2001. Oslo: Pax Forlag. Pensum: 7-33, 51-74, 97-165. (118 sider).

Et lite knippe anbefalte tekster:

Nedenfor finner du et lite utvalg anbefalte tekster om makt og autoritet, og en mer utf?rlig liste med forslag til videre lesning.

Max Weber : "Power and Domination." i Max Weber Economy and Society, vol. 1 edited by Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich , 1978. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. Sidene 53-54 (2 s).

Max Weber : "Makt og herred?mme. Overgangsformer" og "Herred?mme gjennom "organisasjon". Legitimeringsgrunnlag" i Max Weber Makt og byr?krati, redigert av Egil Fivelstad, 1971. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag. Sidene 71-81 og 86-88 (11 s).

Hubert L. Dreyfus og Paul Rabinow : "Preface" i Hubert L. Dreyfus and PaulRainbow (red) Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, 1983. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Sidene xi- xiii (2 s).

Michel Foucault : "The Subject and Power." Afterword i Hubert L. Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow (eds.): Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, 1983. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Sidene 208-226 (19 sider).

”Makt” , Agora 3-4/02.

McNay, L: "The Foucauldian body and the Exclusion of Experience”, 1991. Hypatia, Vol.6(3). Sidene 125-139.

En liste med forslag til videre lesning:

For innf?ring i og oversikt over politisk antropologi:

Joan Vincent (ed.) : The Anthropology of Politics. A Reader in Ethnography Theory, and Critique, 2002. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

John Gledhill: Power and Its Disguiese. Anthropological Perspectives on Politics, 1994. London: Pluto Press.

Christian Krohn-Hansen og Halvard Vike: "Makt og symbolske former - perspektiver p? politikk" i Finn Sivert Nielsen og Olaf H. Smedal (red) Mellom himmel og jord. Tradisjoner, teorier og tendenser i sosialantropologi, 2002. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Noen teoretiske arbeider:

Pierre Bourdieu : Outline of a Theory of Practice, 1977. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pierre Bourdieu : Language and Symbolic Power, 1992. Cambridge: Polity Press.

James Scott: Domination and the Arts of Resistance, 1990. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Michel Foucault: Power/Knowledge edited by Colin Gordon, 1980. Pantheon Books.

Michel-Rolph Trouillot : Silencing the Past. Power and the Production of History, 1995. Boston: Beacon Press.

Se i tillegg resten av b?kene av/ om Weber og Foucault nevt ovenfor under anbefalt litteratur

Noen monografier:

Edmund Leach : Political Systems of Highland Burma, [1954] 1981. London: The Athlone.

Fredrik Barth : Political Leadership among Swat Pathans, [1959] 1986. London: The Atholone Press.

Richard Price : First-Time. The Historical Vision of an Afro-American People, [1983] 1991. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Roger Lancaster : Life is Hard. Machismo, Danger, and the Intimacy of Power in Nicaragua, 1994. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Liisa Malkki : Purity and Exile. Violence, Memory, and National Cosmology among Hutu Refugees in Tanzania , 1995. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Allen Feldman : . Formations of Violence. The Narrative of the Body and Political Terror in Nothern Irland , 1991. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Nicholas Thomas and Caroline Humphrey (eds.) : Shamanism, History, and the State , 1996. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press..

Fernando Coronil : The Magical State. Nature, Money, and Modernity in Venezuela, 1997. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Jean Comaroff and John Comaroff : Modernity and Its Malcontents. Ritual andPower in Postcolonial Africa , 1993. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press..

Roger Sanjek : The Future of Us All. Race and Neighborhood Politics in New York, 1998. City. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Arlene Dávila : Latinos Inc. The Marketing and Making of a People, 2001. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Katherine Verdery : The Political Lives of Dead Bodies. Reburial and Postsocialist Change , 1999. New York: Columbia University Press..

Thomas Blom Hansen and Finn Stepputat (eds.): States of Imagination.Ethnographic Explorations of the Postcolonial State, 2001. Duke University Press.

Jorge Duany : The Puerto Rican Nation on the Move. Identities on the Island and in the United States, 2002. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.

Publisert 21. apr. 2005 14:53 - Sist endret 10. mai 2005 16:24