Pensum/l?ringskrav v?ren 2018

Pensum finnes i sin helhet som en bok, kompendium, online artikler og en tekst i Fronter.

Boka kan kj?pes hos Akademika eller fra  I tillegg skal denne boka kunne l?nes p? biblioteket.

Kompendium selges hos Kopiutsalget (etasjen under Akademika). Husk at gyldig semesterkort m? fremvises. Instituttet bestiller kompendiet f?r semesterstart, til et forventet antall studenter. Viser det seg at vi har bestilt for f? kompendier, kan vi bestille flere. En slik re-bestilling m? gj?res tidlig i semesteret. Merknad: Tekstene i kompendiet m? klareres f?r kopiering, en prosess som tar tid. Av den grunn er det dessverre ikke mulig ? re-bestille kompendiet n?rt opp til eksamen.

Online artikler: se beskjed nederst p? siden.


@ Hetherington, Kregg:  Guerrilla Auditors: The Politics of Transparency in Neoliberal Paraguay. Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2011.


Mignolo, Walter D.: “After Latin America: The colonial Wound and the Epistemic Geo-/Body-Political Shift”, chapter 3 in The Ideas of Latin America. Blackwell Publishing, 2005. Pages 95-148.


Archetti, Eduardo P.: “Locating Maculinities and Moralities”, chapter 4 in Masculinities: Football, Polo and the Tango in Argentina. Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic. 1st Edition, 1999. Series: Global Issues. Pages 113-127, 194-207.

Gow, P.: "River People: Shamanism and History in Western Amazonia", pp 90-113 in (eds.) Thomas and Humphrey, Shamanism, History and the State.  Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1996. Pages 90-113.

Hirsch, Silvia Maria: “The emergence of political Organizations among the Guarani Indians of Bolivia and Argentina: A comparative perspective”, chapter 5 in (eds.) Eric D Langer and Elena Mu?oz, Contemporary Indigenous Movements in Latin America. Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003. Series: Jaguar Books on Latin America (Book 25). Pages 81-101.

Long, Norman and Bryan R. Roberts (eds.): “Peasant Cooperation and Underdevelopment in Central Peru”, chapter 11 in Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru. Publisher: University of Texas Press; First Edition (US) First Printing edition, April 1, 1979. Series: Latin American Monographs (book 46). Pages 297-339.

Melhuus, Marit: “Cash Crop Production and Family Labour: Tobacco growers in Corrientes, Argentina”, chapter 3 in (ed.) Long, Norman, Family and Work in Rural Societies. London: Tavistock, 1984. Pages 61-82.

Melhuus, Marit and Kristi Anne St?len (eds.): “Introduction”, in Machos, Mistresses, Madonnas: Contesting the Power of Latin American Gender Imagery. Publisher: Verso, December 17, 1996. Series: Critical Studies in Latin American and Iberian Cultures. Pages 1-33.

Melhuus, Marit: “The troubles of virtue. Values of violence and suffering in a Mexican context”, chapter 7 in (ed.) Signe Howell, The ethnography of moralities. London: Routledge, 1997. Pages 178-202.

Santos-Granero, Ferdinand (ed.): “From Baby Slings to Feather Bibles and from Star Utensils to Jaguar Stones: The multiple ways of being a thing in the Yanesha lived world”, chapter 4 in The Occult Life of Things. Native Amazonian Theories of Materiality and Personhood. Tucson:  University of Arizona Press, 2013. Pages 105-127.

Wolf, Eric R.: “Introduction” and “Afterwards”, in Europe and the People without History. Pp 3-23 and 385-391. University of California Press, 1983.

Online artikler

Escobar, Arturo. (1988). Power and Visibility: Development and the Invention and Management of the Third World. Cultural Anthropology, 3: 428–443.

De La Cadena, M. (2010), Indigenous Cosmopolitics in the Andes: Conceptual Reflections beyond “Politics”. Cultural Anthropology, 25: 334–370.

De Castro, E. (1998). Cosmological Deixis and Amerindian Perspectivism. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 4(3), 469-488.

Gordillo, Gaston. (2003), Shamanic Forms of Resistance in the Argentinean Chaco A Political Economy. Journal of Latin American Anthropology, 8: 104–126.

Maria Lugones. 2008. "The Coloniality of Gender?. Worlds & Knowledges Otherwise. pp 1-17.

Restrepo, Eduardo, & Escobar, Arturo. (2005). 'Other Anthropologies and Anthropology Otherwise': Steps to a World Anthropologies Framework. Critique of Anthropology, 25(2), 99-129.

Ribeiro, Gustavo. L. (2006). World Anthropologies. Critique of Anthropology, 26(4), 363-386.

Segato, Rita Laura. (2016). Patriarchy from Margin to Center: Discipline, Territoriality, and Cruelty in the Apocalyptic Phase of Capital. South Atlantic Quarterly 115(3): 615-624.

Taussig, M. (1977). The Genesis of Capitalism amongst a South American Peasantry: Devil's Labor and the Baptism of Money. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 19(2), 130-155.

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Tilgjengeliggj?ring via internett er en fordel da det gir tilgang til deler av pensum p? et tidligere tidspunkt enn ved trykking av kompendier, samt at studenter kan velge ? lese p? skjerm. Ved utskrift betaler studenter for dette utover utskriftskvoten, men dette er ogs? rimeligere pr side enn kj?p av kompendier pr trykt side

Publisert 31. okt. 2017 14:05 - Sist endret 23. feb. 2021 15:43