Pensum/l?ringskrav v?ren 2015

Generell antropologi: Grunnlagsproblemer og kjernesp?rsm?l (Sosant 2000)

Pensum finnes i sin helhet som kompendium, online artikler og en tekst som lastes ned fra Fronter. I pensumlista nedenfor er ikke online-artiklene skilt ut med egen overskrift, men st?r oppf?rt under tilh?rende tema.

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Tilgjengeliggj?ring via internett er en fordel da det gir tilgang til deler av pensum p? et tidligere tidspunkt enn ved trykking av kompendier, samt at studenter kan velge ? lese p? skjerm. Ved utskrift betaler studenter for dette utover utskriftskvoten, men dette er ogs? rimeligere pr side enn kj?p av kompendier pr trykt side.

Kompendium kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget (husk semesterkortet). Instituttet bestiller kompendiet f?r semesterstart, til et forventet antall studenter. Viser det seg at vi har bestilt for f? kompendier, kan vi bestille flere. En slik re-bestilling m? gj?res tidlig i semesteret. Merknad: Tekstene i kompendiet m? klareres f?r kopiering, en prosess som tar tid. Av den grunn er det dessverre ikke mulig ? re-bestille kompendiet n?rt opp til eksamen.



Rasjonalitet og relativisme

Levy-Bruhl, L.: "Utdrag" i J. Cazeneuve (ed.): Lucien Levy-Bruhl, 1972. Oxford: Blackwell. Sidene 33-45 og 85-87 (11 sider).

Evans-Pritchard, E.E.: "Introductory, Chapter I" og "Part I, Chapter I og IV" i boka til Evans-Pritchard: Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande, 1937. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (47 sider).

Clifford, J.: "Introduction: Partial Truths." i Clifford, James & George E. Marcus (eds.): Writing Culture: the poetics and politics of ethnography, 1986. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press. s. 1-26.

Lewis, G.: "Magic, Religion and the Rationality of Belief." i Tim Ingold (ed.): Companion and Encyclopedia of Anthropology, 1994. London: Routledge. Sidene 569-590 (22 sider) .

Talle, A.: "Kvinnelig omskj?ring som konvensjon" i Aud Talle (red.): Kvinnelig omskj?ring. Debatt og erfaring, 2003. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget . Sidene 114-130 (16 sider).

Teori og metode

Howell, Signe: "Reading Culture”: Or how anthropological texts create fielswork expectations and shape future texts." i Eduardo P. Archetti (ed.): Exploring the Written Anthropology and the Multiplicity of Wriring, 1994. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. Sidene 317-336 (18 sider).

Wilson, R. A: "Human Rights, Culture and Context: An Introduction" i R.A. Wilson (ed.): Human Rights, Culture and Context. Anthropological Perspectives, 1997. London: Pluto Press. Sidene 1-27 (27 sider) .

Kuper, A.: "The Man in the Study, the Man in the Field: Ethnography, Theory and Comparison in Social Anthropology" i Archives Europeenne Sociologie, xxi, 1980. Sidene 14-39 (22 sider).


Symbolbruk i ritualer

Turner, V.: "Symbols in Ndembu Ritual" i M. Gluckman (ed.): Closed Systems and Open Minds, 1964. London: Oliver & Boyd. Sidene 20-51 (31 sider).

Geertz, C.: "Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight" i C. Geertz (ed.): The Interpretation of Cultures, 1973. New York: Basic Books. Sidene 412-453 (42 sider) .

Kapferer, B.: "The Ritual Process and the Problem of Reflexivity in Sinhalese Demon Exorcisms" i MacAloon (ed.): Rite, Drama, Festival, Spectacle, 1984. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues . Sidene 179 -207 (29 sider).

Ortner, S.B.: "On Key Symbols" i American Anthropologist, 75 (5), 1973. Sidene 1338-1346 (9 sider).

Lakoff, G.: "Idealized Cognitive Models", Chapter 4 in G. Lakoff (ed.): Women, Fire and Dangerous Things, 1987. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Siden 68-76.

Slektskap og n?re relasjoner

Carsten, J.: "Introduction: Cultures of Relatedness" i J. Carsten (red): Cultures of Relatedness. New approaches to the study of kinship, 2000. Sidene 1-36 (35 sider). LASTES NED FRA FRONTER.

Teman, E.: "Embodying Surrogate Motherhood: Pregnancy as a Dyadic Body-project" i Body&Society, 15:47, 2009. Sidene 47-69 (22 sider.

Kognisjon og emosjon

Lévi-Strauss, C.: "Det konkretes vitenskap" i C. Lévi-Strauss: Den ville tanke, 2002 [1'962]. Oslo: Spartacus. Sidene 21–57.

Rosaldo, M.: "Toward an Anthropology of Self and Feeling" i Shweder, Richard and R. A. Le Vine (eds.): Culture Theory: Essays on Mind, Self, and Emotion, 1980. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sidene 137-157 (21 sider).

Scheper-Hughes, N. and M. Lock: "The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology" i Medical Anthropology Quarterly, New Series, 1(1), 1987. Sidene 6-41 (36 sider).

Makt og motmakt

Wolf, E.: "Facing Power: Old Insights, New Questions" i R. Borofsky (ed.): Assessing Cultural Anthropology, 1994. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc. Sidene 218-228 (10 sider).

Lund, S.: "Bequething and Quest: Processing Personal Identification Papers in Bureaucratic Spaces (Cuzco, Peru)" i Social Anthropology: The Journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, 9:1, 2001. Sidene 3 - 24 (21 sider).

Kj?nn, etnisitet og nasjon

Ardener, S.: "A Note on Gender Iconography: The Vagina" i P. Caplan (ed.): The Cultural Construction of Sexuality, 1987. London: Tavistock. Sidenen 113-142 (15 sider).

Barth, F.: "Introduction" i Barth, F. (ed.): Ethnic Groups and Boundaries, 1969. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Sidene 9-38 (30 sider).

Anderson, B.: "Introduction" i Benedict Anderson (ed.): Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, 1983. London: Verso. Sidene 11-16 (6 sider) .

Harrison, S.: "Cultural Boundaries" i Anthropology Today, 15 (5), 1999. Sidene 10-13 (4 sider).


Hva er et samfunn

Barnes, J.A: "Durkheim's Division of Labour in Society" i Man, New Series, 1 (2), 1966. Sidene 158-175.

Barth, F.: "The analysis of culture in complex societies" i Ethnos, 54, 1989. Sidene 120-142.

Eriksen, T. H.: "Complexity in social and cultural integration: Some analytical dimensions" i Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30, 2007. Sidene 1055-1069. Taylor & Francis online

Gr?nhaug, R.: "Scale as a variable in analysis: Fields in social organization in Herat, Northwest Afghanistan" i Barth, F. (red.): Scale and Social Organization, 1978. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Sidene 78–121.

Hannerz, U. : "The global ecumene as a network of networks" i A. Kuper (red.): Conceptualizing Society, 1992. London: Routledge. Sidene 34–58.

Det naturlige og det sosiale

Mauss, M.: "Techniques of the Body" i Economy and Society, Vol. 2, No 1, 1973 [1934]. Sidene 70-88 (19 sider) .

Martin, E.: "The End of the Body?" i American Ethnologist, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1992. Sidene 121-140 (20 sider).

Turner, T.: "Social Body and Embodied Subject: Bodiliness, Subjectivity, and Sociality among the Kayapo" i Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1995. Sidene 143-170 (27 sider).

Geissler, P.W. and R.J. Prince: "Active Compounds and Atoms of Society: Plants, Bodies, Minds and Cultures in the Work of Kenyan Ethnobotanical Knowledge" i Social Studies of Science, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2009. Sidene 599-634.

Antropologi og historie

Comaroff, J.: "Images of Empire, Contests of Conscience: Models of Colonial Domination in South Africa" i American Ethnologist, Vol 6, No. 4, 1989. Sidene 661-685 (25 sider) .

Gow, P.: "River People: Shamanism and History in Western Amazonia" i Thomas and Humphrey (eds): Shamanism, History and the State, 1996. Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press. Sidene 90-113 (23 sider).

Cohen, D.W. og E.S. Atieno Odhiambo: "Silences of the Living, Orations of the Dead: The Struggle in Kenya for S.M. Otieno's Body, 20 December 1986 to 23 May 1987" i Sider and Smith (eds.): Between History and Histories. The Making of Silences and Commemorations, 1997. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Sidene 180-198 (18 sider).

Global - Lokal

Collier, S. J.: "Global Assemblages" i Theory Culture Society, Vol. 23, No. 2-3, 2006. Sidene 399-401.

Gluckman, M.: "Analysis of a Social Situation in Modern Zululand" i Bantu Studies, 14, 1940. Sidene 1-30.

Gupta, A. and J. Ferguson: Anthropological Locations. Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science, 1997. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, University of California Press. Chapter 1. Sidene 1-46.

Redfield, P: "Vital Mobility and the Humanitarian Kit" i Lakoff, A. and S. Collier (eds): Biosecurity Interventions: Global Health and Security in Question, 2008. Columbia University Press. Sidene 147-171 (24 sider).

Viten og vitenskap

Hayden, C.: "Taking as Giving: Bioscience, Exchange, and the Politics of Benefit-sharing" i Social Studies of Science, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2007. Sidene 729-758.

De Laet, M. and A. Mol: "The Zimbabwe Bush Pump: Mechanics of a fluid technology" i Social Studies of Science 30, no. 2, 2000. Sidene 225-263.

Redfield, P.: "Bioexpectations: Life technologies as Humanitarian goods" i Public Culture 24:1, 2012. Sidene 157-184.

Publisert 30. okt. 2014 14:18 - Sist endret 30. okt. 2014 14:41