SOSANT 1300: Antropologiske perspektiver p? ?konomi og materielt liv
B?ker som m? kj?pes hos Akademika eller l?nes p? biblioteket:
@Ferguson, J.: Global Shadows. Africa in the Neoliberal World, 2006. Durham: Duke University Press. Introduction og kap. 1-3, kap. 5. sidene 1-87, 113-154 (88 + 41 sider).
@Mauss, Marcel : Gaven, 1995. Cappelens Upopul?re Skrifter. Cappelen: Oslo.. Kap. 2 og 4 er pensum.
I tillegg til "Gaven" av Mauss m? studentene velge og lese to monografier, en oversikt over hvilke du kan legge opp finner du nederst p? denne siden.
Artikler i kompendium:
Barth, Fredrik: "?konomiske sf?rer i Darfur." i Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Sosialantropologiske grunntekster, 1996. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. Sidene 361-381 (20 sider).
Bloch, Maurice og Jonathan Parry: "Introduction: Money and the Morality of Exchange." i Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Introduction: Sosialantropologiske grunntekster, 1996. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. Sidene 455-487 (33 sider).
Bohannan, Paul: "The Impact of Money on an African Subsistence Economy." i Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Sosialantropologiske grunntekster, 1996. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. Sidene 349-360 (11 sider).
Caldeira, Teresa: "Fortified Enclaves: The New Urban Segregation." i Public Culture, 8 (2),1996. Sidene 303-328 (25 sider).
Comaroff & Comaroff: "Milennial Capitalism: First Thoughts on a Second Coming." i Public Culture, 12 (2), 2000. Sidene 291-343 (52 sider).
Dilley, Roy: "Contesting Markets. A General Introduction to Market Ideology, Imagery and Discourse." i Roy Dilley (ed.): Contesting Markets; Analyses of Ideology, Discourse and Practice, 1992. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Sidene1-34 (34 sider).
Hart, Keith: "Money is both personal and impersonal." i Anthropology Today, vol. 23, no 5, 2007.
Harvey, David: "Nyliberalismen og byen - eksemplet New York." i R?dt. Marxistisk Tidsskrift, 4, 2007. (12 sider).
Hayden, Cori: "Taking as Giving: Bioscience, exchange, and the Politict of Benefit-Sharing." i Social Studies of Science, 37, 2007. Sidene 729-758 (29 sider).
Kopytoff, Igor: "The Cultural Biography of Things." i A. Appadurai (ed.): The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, 1986. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sidene 64-91 (28 sider).
Malinowski, Bronislaw : "The Essentials of the Kula" i B. Malinowski: Argonauts of the Western Pacific, 1961[1922]. New York: E.P.Dutton. Sidene 81-104 (24 sider).
Melhuus, Marit: "Kultur, bytte og makt: s?d og egg- p? norsk." i Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, vol .11(3), 2000. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Sidene 161-181 (21 sider).
Meyer, Birgit: "Commodities and the Power of Prayer: Pentecostalist Attitudes towards Consumption in Contemporary Ghana" i J. Xavier og R. Rosaldo (eds.): The Anthropology of Globalization, 2002. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Sidene 247-267 (24 sider).
Mills, Mary Beth: "Contesting the Margins of Modernity: Women, Migration, and Consumption in Thailand." i American Ethnologist, 24(1),1997. Sidene 37-61 (25 sider).
Ong, A.: "The Production of Possession: Spirits and the Multinational Corporation in Malaysia." i American Ethnologist, 15 (1),1988. Sidene 28-41 (14 sider).
Ong, A.: "The Chinese Axis: Zoning Technologies and Variegated Sovereignty." i Journal of East Asian Studies, 4, 2004. Sidene 69-96 (28 sider).
Pfaffenberger, Bryan: "Fetishized Objects and Humanized Nature: Towards an Anthropology of Technology." i Man, vol. 23 (2),1988. Royal Anthropological Institute. Sidene 236-250 (16 sider).
Polanyi, Karl: "The Economy as Instituted Process." i E. LeClair og H. K. Schneider (eds.): Economic Anthropology. Readings in Theory and Analysis, 1968. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Sidene 122-143 (21 sider).
Rajan, K. S.: "Subjects of Speculation: Emergent Life Sciences and Market Logics in the United States and India." i American Anthropologist, vol. 107, issue 1, 2005. Sidene 19-30 (12 sider).
Ssorin-Chaikov, Nikolai: "Bear skins and macaroni: The social life of things at the margins of a Siberian state collective." i P. Seabright (ed.): The Vanishing Rouble; Barter Network and Non-Monetary Transaction in Post-Soviet Society, 2000. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Sidene 345-361 (16 sider).
Verdery, Katherine: "`Caritas’ and the coneptualization of money in Romania." i Jonathan Benthall (ed.): The best of Anthropology Today, 2002. London and New York: Routledge. Sidene 144-156 (13 sider).
Volkman, Toby Alice : "Our Garden is the Sea: Contingency and improvisation in Mandar Woman?s Work." i American Ethnologist, 21(3),1994. Sidene 564-585 (22 sider).
Waldby, C. og M. Cooper: "The Biopolitics of Reproduction. Post-Fordist Biotechnology and Women's Clinical Labour." i Australian Feminist Studies, 23 (55), 2008. Sidene 57-73 (17 sider).
Totalt ca 600 sider
@=B?ker som kan l?nes p? biblioteket eller som m? kj?pes hos Akademika eller i annen bokhandel.
§=B?ker som er trykket opp som kompendium og som er tilgjengelig hos Kopiutsalget i underetasjoen hos Akademika. Husk at gyldig semesterkort m? fremvises.
2 av 7 monografier skal legges opp
@Lien, Marianne: Marketing and Modernity, 1997. Oxford Berg. 280 sider ( kap. 3 kan sl?yfes).
@Malinowski, Bronislaw: Argonauts of the Western Pacific: An account of native enterprise and adventure in the archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea, 1961[1922]. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.. Introduction (sidene 1-27), kap. 2-7 (sidene 49-207), kap. 17 (sidene 392-428), kap. 22 (sidene 509-519) .
@Miller, Daniel: The Dialectics of Shopping , 2001. Chicago University Press. (205 sider).
§Mintz, Sidney: Sweetness and power : The place of sugar in modern history, 1985. New York: Viking. (274 sider).
@Ong, A. : Neoliberalism as Exception: Mutations in Citizenship and Sovereignity, 2006. Durham: Duke University Press.
@Luetchford, Peter: Fair Trade and a Global Commodity: Coffee in Costa Rica, 2008. London: Pluto Press.
@Tsing, A. L. : Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection, 2004. Princeton: Princeton University Press.