
SOSANT 1300: Antropologiske perspektiver p? ?konomi og materielt liv

Barth, Fredrik: "?konomiske sf?rer i Darfur" i F. Barth Manifestasjon og prosess, 1994. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (20sider).

Bloch, Maurice og Parry, Jonathan: "Money and the Morality of Exchange" i M. Bloch og J. Perry (eds) Money and Moralitiy og Exchange, 1989. Cambridge: Cambridge Universiy Press. (33sider).

Bohannan, Paul: "The Impact of Money on an African Subsistence Economy" , 1959. Journal of Economic History (19) . Sidene 30-42, (13 sider).

Bruner, Edward M.: "The Maasai and the Lion King: authenticity, nationalism and globalization in African tourism" , 2001 . American Ethnologist 28 (4). Sidene 881-908 (28 sider).

Dilley, Roy: Contesting Markets. i R. Dilley (ed) Contesting Markets; Analyses of Ideology, Discourse and Practice., 1992. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. s 1 - 34 (34 sider).

Kopytoff, Igor: "The Cultural Biography of Things" i A. Appadurai (ed.) The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, 1986. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (30 sider).

Lien, Marianne : Between market exchange and friendly favour: An ethnographic Study of advertising exchange, 1998. Sosiologi i dag(4). sidene 43-61 (18 sider).

Lund, Sarah S: Appropriating pawns: Andean dominance and manipulation of things, 1995. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 1(4). s 787 - 803 (17 sider).

Malinowski, Bronislaw : "The Essentials of the Kula" i Argonauts of the Western Pacific, 1922/1961. London: Routledge and Keagan Paul. Kap.3 sidene 81-104 (24sider).

Meillassoux, Claude: "From Reproduction to Production: A marxist approach to economic Anthropology", 1972. Economy and Society vol 1. sidene 93-105 (13 sider).

Melhuus, Marit: "Kultur, bytte og makt: s?d og egg- p? norsk", 2000. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift ?rgang 11. Sidene 161-181 (21 sider).

Meyer, Birgit: Commodities and the Power of Prayer: Pentecostalist Attitudes towards Consumption in Contemporary Ghana" i J.Xavier og R. Rosaldo: The Anthropology of Globalization, 2002. Oxford: Blackwell. s 247-267 (24 sider).

Miller, Daniel : Consumption Studies as the Transformation of Anthropology. i D. Miller (ed.) Acknowledging Consumption, 1995. London: Routledge. Sidene 264-295 (32 sider).

Mills, Mary Beth: "Contesting the Margins of Modernity: Women, Migration, and Consumption in Thailand" , 1997. American Ethnologist 24(1). Sidene 37-61 (25 sider).

Morean, Emilio F: Nurturing the forest; Strategies of Native Amazonians i Roy Ellen (ed) Redefining Nature, 1996. Berg, Oxford. s 531 -555 (25 sider).

Nielsen, Finn Sivert: "Den sosiale forvaltning av ting ? ?konomisk antropologi" i Mellom himmel og jord. , 2000. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Kap.3 sidene 77-113 (37 sider).

Patterson, Thomas C. : Changes and Development in the Twentieth Century, 1999. New York: Berg. (Kort intro til marxisme) (9 sider)..

Pfaffenberger, Bryan: "Fetished Objects and Humanized Nature: Towards an Anthropology of Technology", 1988. Man Vol.23 (2) . Sidene 236-250. (16 sider).

Polanyi, Karl: "The Economy as Instituted Process", i E. LeClair og H. K. Schneider (eds.): Economic Anthropology. Readings in Theory and Analysis, 1968. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Sidene 122-132 (11 sider).

Schneider, Jane : "In and out of polyester: Desire, disdain and global fibre competitions" , 1994. Anthropology Today 10(4). Sidene 2-10 (9 sider).

Ssorin-Chaikov, Nikolai: Bear skins and macaroni: The soscial life of things at the margins of a Siberian state collective i P. Seabright (ed) The Vanishing Rouble; Barter Network and Non-Monetary Transaction in Post-Soviet Society, 2000. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. s 92 - 119 (28 sider).

Stenning, Derick J. : "Household Viability Among the Pastoral Fulani" i Jack Goody (ed) The Developmental Cycle of Domestic Groups , 1962. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sidene 92-119 (28 sider).

Verdery, Katherine: "`Caritas? and the coneptualization of money in Romania", 1995. Anthropology Today 11(1). Sidene 3-7 (5 sider).

Volkman, Toby Alice : "Our Garden is the Sea: Contingency and improvisation in Mandar Woman?s Work, 1994. American Ethnologist 21(3) . Sidene 564-585 (22 sider).

Totalt 507 sider


2 av 5 monografier skal legges opp

Allen Catherine J: The hold life has : Coca and Cultural Identity in an Andean Community. Smithsonian series in ethnographic inquiry , 1988. Washington:Smithsonian Institution Press. 293 sider.

Lien, Marianne: Marketing and Modernity, 1997. Oxford Berg. 280 sider ( kap. 3 kan sl?yfes).

Malinowski, Bronislaw: Argonauts of the Western Pacific: An account of native enterprise and adventure in the archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea, [1922]1961 (2002). E. P. Dutton & Co. , New York. ISBN:? 0-415-26716-1 (ib.). Introduction pages 1 - 27, Chapters 2 - 7 (pages 49 - 195), 17 (page 392 - 428), 22.

Miller, Daniel: The Dialectics of Shopping , 2001. Chicago University Press. (205s).

Mintz, Sidney: Sweetness and power : The place of sugar in modern history, 1985. New York: Viking. (274 sider).

Published Oct. 27, 2003 5:21 PM - Last modified Oct. 8, 2004 4:04 PM