Syllabus/achievement requirements

SOSANT1131 Afrika

Background reading:

Howell, Signe, et al.: Fjern og n?r : sosialantropologiske perspektiver p? verdens samfunn og kulturer, 1996. Oslo: Ad notam Gyldendal. Les: Kapitler om Afrika, sidene 128-199 (71 sider).

Books that need to be bought at Akademika/ or borrowed from the library

@ Ferguson, J.: Global Shadows: Africa in the Neoliberal World Order, 2006. Durham: Duke University Press. (Les hele boken).

Articles in the compendium:

Fortes, M.: "Culture contact as a dynamic process. An investigation in the northern territories of the Gold Coast" in Africa 9(1), 1936. Sidene 24-56 (22 sider).

Comaroff, J. & Comaroff, J. : "Occult Economics and the violence of Abstraction: Notes from the South African Postcolony" in American Ethnologist. A Journal of the American Anthropological Association26 (2) , 2000. pp 279-303.

De Boeck, F. : "Ch. 1: Beyond the Grave. History, Memory and Death in Postclonial Congo/Za?re" in Werbner, R. P.: Memory and the Postcolony. African Anthropology and the Critique of Power, 1998. Zed Books. ISBN:?1856495922. pp. 21-57.

Prince, R.: "Salvation and Tradition. Configurations of Faith in a Time of Death" in Journal of Religion in Africa 37, 2007. pp. 84-115.

Apter, A.: "Ch.10: Nigerian Democracy and the Politics of Illusion" in Comaroff, J. & Comaroff, J.: Civil society and the Political Imagination in Africa. Critical Perspectives, 1999. University of Chicago Press. ISBN:?0226114147. pp. 267-307.

Sanders, T.: "Reconsidering Witchcraft. Postcolonial Africa and Analytic (Un)certainties" in American Anthropologist, 2003. pp. 338-352.

Fairhead, J., Leach, M. & Small, M.: "Where Techno-science meets Poverty. Medical Research and the Economy of Blood in The Gambia, West Africa" in Social Science and Medecine 63, 2006. Pergamon Press. pp. 1109-1120.

Masquelier, A.: "Behind the Dispensary's Prosperous Facade. Imagining the State in Rural Nigeria" in Public Culture 13 (2), 2001. Duke University Press. pp. 267-291.

Articles accessible on the web

Mitchell, J. C. : The Kalela Dance. Aspects of Social Relationships among Urban Africans in Northern Rhodesia., 1956. Manchester, Manchester UP on behalf of the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute. . Sidene 1-44 (43 sider).

Published Apr. 22, 2008 7:31 PM - Last modified Oct. 9, 2008 12:43 PM