Pensum til deleksamen 2 - biologisk psykologi
Gazzaniga, M.S. Ivy, R.B. & Mangun, G.R. : Cognitive Neuroscience The Biology of the Mind, 2002. Norton & Co, USA, 200201.. ISBN:? 0-3939-7777-3. (2. ed). Kap 4-15.
Knardahl, Stein: Kropp og sjel. Psykologi, biologi og helse, 1998. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. ca 240 s.
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Tema: Sentralnerv?se og kognitive aldersforskjeller
Buckner, R. L. (2004) Memory and Executive Function in Aging and AD: Multiple Factors that Cause Decline and Reserve Factors that Compensate. Neuron, 44, 195–208.
Gogtay, N., Giedd, J. N., Lusk, L., Hayashi, K. M., Greenstein, D., Vaituzis, A. C.. Nugent, T. F. 3rd., Herman, D. H., Clasen, L. S., Toga, A. W., Rapoport, J. L., Thompson, P. M. (2004). Dynamic mapping of human cortical development during childhood through early adulthood. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101, 8174-8179.
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Draganski, B., Gaser, C., Busch, V., Schuierer, G., Bogdahn, U., May, A. (2004). Neuroplasticity: changes in grey matter induced by training. Nature, 427, 311-312.
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Squire, L. R. (2004). Memory systems of the brain: a brief history and current perspective. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory. 82, 171-177.
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Harvey, P. O., Fossati, P., Pochon, J. B., Levy, R., Lebastard, G., Lehericy, S., Allilaire, J. F., Dubois, B. Cognitive control and brain resources in major depression: an fMRI study using the n-back task. Neuroimage, 26, 860-869.
Tema: Psykofysiologi
Grewen, K. M., Girdler, S. S., Amico, J., Light, K. C. (2005). Effects of partner support on resting oxytocin, cortisol, norepinephrine, and blood pressure before and after warm partner contact. Psychosomatic Medicine, 67, 531-538.
Hinkle, D.E, Wiersma, W og Jurs, S.G: Applied statistics for the behavioral sciences, 1998. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Siste utgave.
Kantowitz, B.H, Roediger III, H.L., og Elmes, D.G: Experimental Psychology, 2000. Wadsworth, Thompson Learning, Belmont. 7th. ed.
Pallant, J: SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis with SPSS for Windows, Siste versjon.