Pensum til kurspr?ven PSYK1KB
*Baer, M.F. Connors, B.W. & Paradiso, M. A. : Neuroscience - Exploring the Brain, 2001. Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkens. (2.ed). Kap. 23-24.
*Gazzaniga, M.S. Ivy, R.B. & Mangun, G.R. : Cognitive Neuroscience The Biology of the Mind, 2002. Norton & Co, USA, 200201.. ISBN:? 0-3939-7777-3. (2. ed). Kap 4-13 og 15.
*Knardahl, Stein: Kropp og sjel. Psykologi, biologi og helse, 1998. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. ca 240 s.
Anbefalt lesning til kurspr?ven, PSYK1KB
Bryan Kolb & Ian Q. Whischaw: Fundamentals of Human Nevropsychology, 2003. Worth Publishers. ISBN:?0716753006. 5th edition.
Kapitlene 15-24 i Bear, M.F. Connors, B.W. & Paradiso, M.A
Hinkle, D.E, Wiersma, W og Jurs, S.G: Applied statistics for the behavioral sciences, 1998. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 4. ed.
Kantowitz, B.H, Roediger III, H.L., og Elmes, D.G: Experimental Psychology, 2000. Wadsworth, Thompson Learning, Belmont. 7th. ed..
Pallant, J: SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis with SPSS for Windows, 2001. Version 10.