
Obligatorisk lesing:


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Clinical Psychology Review(23), 339-376.


Cohen, J. A., Mannarino, A. P. , Deblinger, E. (2006). Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and adolescents. The Guilford Press, N.Y.  (NB. Hovedbok p? pensum)


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Anbefalt lesing:


Braarud, H,C. & Nordanger, D.?. (2011). Kompleks traumatisering hos barn: En

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kognitiv atferdsterapi. In K. Martinsen & R. Hagen (Eds.), H?ndbok i kognitiv atferdsterapi i

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Ormhaug, S. M., Jensen, T., K., Hukkelberg, S. S., Holt, T., & Egeland, K. (2012). Traumer

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Ormhaug, S. M., Jensen, T. K., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Shirk, S. R. (2013). The Therapeutic

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Clinical Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, No Pagination Specified. doi:



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Publisert 19. mai 2014 18:13