

Hesselberg og Tetzchner (2015). Pedagogisk-psykologisk arbeid. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

Thapar og flere (red.) (2015). Rutter’s child and adolescent psychiatry, Sixth edition. Oxford: Blackwell. 

Kapittel 3:    Thapar & Rutter. Neurodevelopmental disorders.
Kapittel 41:    Hulme & Melby-Lerv?g. Educational interventions for children’s learning difficulties
Kapittel 47:    Dale. Children with specific sensory impairments.
Kapittel 34:     Charman, Hood & Howlin. Psychological assessment in the clinical context.
Kapittel 51:     Le Couteur & Szatmari. Autism spectrum disorders. 
Kapittel 52:     Norbury & Paul. Disorders of speech, language and communication.
Kapittel 53:     Snowling & Hulme. Disorders of reading, mathematicas and motor development.
Kapittel 54:     Simonoff. Intellectual disability.

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Publisert 6. nov. 2015 14:53 - Sist endret 24. nov. 2015 20:42