

Du kan bruke begge utgaver av Rutters bok, men vi anbefaler at du kj?per den nyeste.

Rutter og flere (red.) (2015).Rutter’s child and a dolescent psychiatry, Sixth edition, Oxford: Blackwell

Kapittel 47: Dale. Children with specific sensory impairments.
Kapittel 34: Charman, Hood & Howlin. Psychological assessment in the clinical context.
Kapittel 51: Le Couteur & Szatmari. Autism spectrum disorders.
Kapittel 52: Norbury & Paul. Disorders of speech, language and communication.
Kapittel 53: Snowling & Hulme. Disorders of reading, mathematical and motor development.
Kapittel 54: Simonoff. Intellectual disability.


Rutter og flere (red.) (2008).Rutter’s child and a dolescent psychiatry.Oxford: Blackwell

Kapittel 21:Charman et al. Psychological assessment in the clinical context.
Kapittel 46: van Engelan & Buitelaar. Autism spectrum disorders.
Kapittel 47: Bishop & Norbury. Speech and language disorders.
Kapittel 48: Snowling & Hulme. Reading and other specific learning difficulties.
Kapittel 49: Einfeld & Emerson. Intellectual disability.
Kapittel 59: McConachie & Carr. Mental health in children with specific sensory Impairments.


Tetzchner og flere (red.), Habilitering: Tverrfaglig arbeid for mennesker med utviklingsmessige funksjonshemninger . Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

Kapittel 1: Tetzchner og flere. Funksjonshemning, habilitering og livskvalitet.
Kapittel 2: Tetzchner. ? vokse opp med funksjonshemning.
Kapittel 4: Hesselberg & Tetzchner. Planlegging av framtiden.
Kapittel 10: Schi?rbeck & Stadskleiv. Utredning og tiltak ved kognitive vansker.
Kapittel 20: Holten & Karlsen. Habilitering fra foreldreperspektiv.


Cummins, J. (2000). Language, power and pedagogy. Bilingual children in the crossfire. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Chapter 2 Language interactions in the Classroom: From coercive to collaborate relations of power, s. 31-52.

Kratochwill et al. (2008). Evidence-based practices and interventions in school psychology. I: T. B. Gutkin & C. R. Reynolds (2008). The handbook of school psychology, 4th edition. London: Wiley.

Moafi, H. (2007). Norske skoler blir flerkulturelle–tall fra SSB.Skolepsykologi, 42,9-13.

Olweus, D. (1996).Mobbing blant skolebarn.I I. M. Helgeland (red.), Forebyggende arbeid i skolen–en pedagogisk utfordring (s. 87-100).Oslo: Kommuneforlaget.

Fraiberg, S. (1979). Blind infants and their mothers. I: M. Bullowa (red.), Before speech (s. 149-169). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gregory, S., Knight, P., McCracken, W., Powers, S. & Watson, L. (Red.) (1998). Issues in deaf education. London: David Fulton (Del 1, s. 3-27; Del 2, s 49-68).

Gr?nlie, S.M. (2005). Uten h?rsel? En bok om h?rselshemning. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (kapittel 1, s. 11-19; kapittel 5, s. 63-72).

Martinsen, H., N?rland, T., Steindal, K, og Tetzchner, S. von (2006). Barn og ungdommer med Asperger-syndrom: Prinsipper for undervisning og tilrettelegging.Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Kapittel 2: s. 65-86; Kapittel 10 s. 307-322.

Tetzchner, S. von (1995). Kommunikasjon for jenter og kvinner med Rett-syndrom. CP-Bladet, 41(3), 37–42.

Tetzchner og Martinsen (2002). Innf?ring i alternativ og supplerende kommunikasjon. Oslo:Gyldendal Akademisk. Kapittel 1: Alternativ og supplerende kommunikasjon. 25 sider.

Tilly, W. D., III. (2008). The evolution of school psychology to science-based practice: Problemsolving and the three-tiered model. I: A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.),Best practices in school psychology V (s. 17–36). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.


Baker, J. A. (2006). Contributions of teacher–child relationships to positive school adjustment during elementary school. Journal of School Psychology, 44, 211–229.

Conti-Ramdsen, G. og Durkin, K. (2008).Language and independence in adolescents with and without a history of specific language impairment (SLI).Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 51, 70– 83.

Eriksen, N. (2006) Et nytt program for forebygging av atferdsproblemer i skolen.Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 43, 451-460.

McInerney, D. M. (2005). Educational psychology–Theory, research and teaching: A 25-year retrospective. Educationbal Psychology, 25, 585- 599.

O’Connor, U., McConkey, R. og Hartop, B. (2005). Parental views on the statuory assessment and educational planning for children with special educatuion needs. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 20,251–269.

Rubie-Davis, C. M. (2006).Teacher expectations and student self-perceptions: Exploring relationships. Psychology in the Schools, 43,537-552.

Urdan, T. & Schoenfelder, E. (2006).Classroom effect on student motivation: Goal structure, social relationships and competence beliefs. Journal of School Psychology, 44, 331–349.

Olsson, B. & Rett, A. (1987). Autism and Rett syndrome: Behavioural investigations and differential diagnosis.Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 29, 429–441.

Volkmar, F.R., State, M. og Klin, A. (2009). Autism and autism spectrum disorders: Diagnostic issues for the coming decade. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50,108–115

Publisert 12. mai 2015 09:44 - Sist endret 19. aug. 2015 12:29