
Pensum til emnet "Perspektiver p? psykologien" (PSYC3204) er kapitler som finnes i kompendiet som kj?pes i Kopiutsalget p? Akademika, artikler som skal s?kes opp p? nett (gjerne via UB) samt utvalgte deler av f?lgende bok:

Nafstad, H.E & Blakar, R.M. (Red): Fellesskap og individualisme, 2009. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk.


Ali, Suki: "Moving Homes, Gender. Diaspora. Ethnicity" i Ali, Suki: Mixed Race, Post Race. Gender, New Ethnicities and Cultural Practices, 2003. Berg. ISBN: 185973765X.

Delaney, C.: "Language. We are what We Speak" i Investigating Culture. An Experiental Introduction to Anthropology, 2004. ISBN: 0631222367. s 137-168

Fowers, B.: "Ch.2: Defining Virtue" i Virtue and Psychology, 2005. American Psychological Association. s 27-54.

Geertz, Clifford: "Ch.9: Imbalancing Act & Ch. 11: The World in Pieces" i Available Light. Anthropological Reflections on Philosophical Topics, 2000. Princeton University Press. ISBN: 0691049742. s 187-202. 218-263.

Geertz, Clifford: "The Impact of the Concept of Culture on the Concept of Man" i Investigation Culture. An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology, 2004. ISBN: 0631222367. s. 410-422.

MacIntyre, A: "Ch. 18: Modern Moral Philosophy" i A Short History of Ethics, 1967. Routledge & Kegan Paul. ISBN: 0415040272. s 241-264.

Nafstad, Hilde E. : "Ch 11: Assumpyions and Values in the Production of Knowledge. Towards an Area Ethics of Psychology and the Social Sciences" i Katulushi, C & Robinson, S. (eds): Values in Higher Education, 2005. Aureus & the University of Leeds. ISBN: 1899750134. s. 150-158.

Reber, Jeffrey S. & Osbeck, Lisa M.: "Ch. 3: Social Psychology. Key Issues, Assumptions, and Implications" i Critical Thinking about Psychology, 2005. American Psychological Association. ISBN: 1591471877. s. 63-79.

Gantt, Edwin E. : "Ch. 4: Social Psychology" i Critical Thinking about Psychology, 2005. American Psychological Association. ISBN: 1591471877. s. 81-96.

S?kes opp p? nett, enten via UBs database eller via andre ?pne nettressurser:

@ American Psychological Association: "Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists" i American Psychologist 58 (5), 2003. American Psychological Association. s 377-402.

@ Buss, Allan R.: "The Emerging Field of the Sociology of Psychological Knowledge" i American Psychologist 30, 1975. s 988-1002.

@ Fowers, B. & Davidov, B.: "The Virtue of Multiculturalism. Personal Transformation, Character, and Openness to the Other" i American Psychologist 61 (6), 2006. American      Psychological Association. c 581-594.

@ Howard, George S.: "The Role of Values in the Science of Psychology" i American Psychologist 40 (3), 1985. American Psychological Association. s. 255-265.

@ Pipes, Randolph B.; Holstein, Jaymee E. & Aguirre, Maria G.: "Examining the Personal-Professional Distinction" i American Psychologist 60 (4), 2005. American Psychological Association. s. 325-334.



Publisert 18. nov. 2014 14:34 - Sist endret 15. jan. 2015 16:26