
Berk, L.E.: Child Development, 2009. Allyn & Bacon. ISBN:?0-205-45773-8. 8 ed., kapittel 1-14, ca 600 s.

Hundeide, K.: Barns livsverden: Sosiokulturelle rammer for barns utvikling, 2005. Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. ISBN:?82-02-21788-1. 3. utg. kapittel 1-16, ca. 190s.

Lerner, R.M.: Concepts and theories of human development, 2002. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISBN:?0-8058-2798-6. 3.ed, kapittel 4-5, 14 til 17, ca 190 s..


Kompendium(Tekstene som er markert med K finnes i kompendium som f?s kj?pt p? Akademika ved semesterstart).

K S. Fraser, V. Lewis, S. Ding, M. Kellett, & C. Robinson (Eds.) (2004). Doing research with children and young people. London: Sage Publications. Kap. 10 “Early Childhood”, Kap. 11 “Middle Childhood”, og Kap. 12 “Young People”.

K S. Greene & D. Hogan (Eds.) (2005). Researching children’s experience: Approaches and methods. London: Sage Publications. Kap. 8 “Exploring meaning in interviews with children”.

K Bromnick, R. D.,& Swallow, B. L. (1999). I like being who I am: a study of young people’s ideals. Educational Studies, 25(2), ss. 117-128.

K Teigen, K. H., Engdal, H., Bj?rkheim, J. O., & Helland, S. (2000). Who would you most like to be like? Adolescents’ ideals at the beginning and the end of the century. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 44(1), ss. 5-26.

(Totalt om lag 240 sider)

Publisert 9. apr. 2010 10:06