

Oversikt over hvilken del av pensum som prim?rt blir omtalt p? de ulike forelesningene vil bli lagt ut p? Fronter i forkant av forelesningene. Husk at deler av pensum vil v?re relevant for flere tema, selv om dette ikke framkommer av oversikten.


  • Gazzaniga, M. S. , Ivry, R. B., Mangun, G. R. (2014). Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind, 4th edition. International Student edition. New York: W. W. Norton. Kapitlene 1- 3 og 9. 204 sider.

  • Pinel, J. P. J., Edwards, M. (2008). A Colorful Introduction to the Anatomy of the Human Brain. Second edition. Boston: Pearson Education Inc. Hele boken. 218 sider.

  • Breedlove & Watson (2013). Biological Psychology. An introduction to Behavioral, Cognitive, and Clinical Neuroscience. 7th and 8th Edition . Sunderland, MA. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers. Kapitlene 3-4, 6-7, og 17. 150 sider.

  • Magnussen, S. (2017). Vitnepsykologi 2.0. Abstrakt forlag. Hele boken. 361 sider

  • Plomin, Defries, Knopik, & Neiderhiser (2013). Behavioral Genetics. 6th Edition. New York, NY. Worth Publishers. Kapitlene 2-4, 7-8, 10 og 12. 130 sider. ELLER 7th Edition (2017). Kapitlene 3, 4, 7, 8, 10 og 11.  

  • Moore, D.S. (2015). The Developing Genome. An Introduction to Behavioral Epigenetics. New York, NY. Oxford University Press. Kapitlene 5-16. 110 sider.

Nedlastbare artikler fra Fronter:

  • Walhovd, K. B. & Fjell, A. M: "Tidlig sentralnerv?s utvikling og betydningen av ytre forhold, stimulering og omsorgsmilj?" i V. Moe., K. Slinning, og M. B. Hansen, Red: H?ndbok i sped- og sm?barns psykisk helse, 2010. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademiske Forlag, kap 3, s. 67-91. Elektronisk i Fronter. 24 sider.

  • Walhovd, K. B., Tamnes, C.K., Fjell, A. M. (2014). Brain structural maturation and the foundations of cognitive behavioral development. Current opinion in neurology, 27, 176-184. Elektronisk i Fronter. 9 sider.

@ Lindenberger, U (2014). Human cognitive aging: corriger la fortune? Science, 346, 572-578. 6 sider.


@ Zatorre, R. J., Fields, R. D., Johansen-Berg, H. (2012). Plasticity in gray and white: neuroimaging changes in brain structure during learning. Nature Neuroscience, 18, 528-36. 8 sider.


@ Fjell AM, McEvoy L, Holland D, Dale AM, Walhovd KB (2014). What is normal in normal aging? Effects of aging, amyloid and Alzheimer's disease on the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus. Progress in Neurobiology, 117C, 20-40. 21 sider.


@ Poldrack, R. A. (2010). Mapping mental function to brain structure: How can cognitive neuroimaging succeed? Perspect Psychol Sci, 5, 753-761. 9 sider.


@ Rakic, P. (2009). Evolution of the neocortex: a perspective from developmental biology. Nature Reviews in Neuroscience, 10, 724-35. 11 sider.


@ Roth, G. & Dicke, U. (2005). Evolution of the brain and intelligence. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 9, 250-257. 8 sider.


@ Schacter, D. L. & Addis, D. R. (2007). Constructive memory: the ghosts of past and future. Nature, 445, 27. 1 side.


@ Chan J.C.K. & LaPaglia J.A. (2015). Impairing existing declarative memory in humans by disrupting reconsolidation. PNAS, 110, 9309-9313. 5 sider.


@ Hardwicke TE, Taqi M, Shanks DR. Postretrieval new learning does not reliably induce human memory updating via reconsolidation. PNAS, 113, 5206-5211. 6 sider.


@ Stickgold R., & Walker M.P. (2013). Sleep-dependent memory triage: evolving generalization through selective processing. Nature Neuroscience, 16, 139-145. 7 sider.


@ Hassabis, D., Kumaran, D., Vann, S.D., Maguire, E. A. (2007). Patients with hippocampal amnesia cannot imagine new experiences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 104, 1726-1731. 6 sider.


@ Winocur, G., & Moscovitch, M. (2011). Memory transformations and systems consolidation. Journal of the international Neuropsychological Society, 17, 766-780. 15 sider.


@ Davidson, P. S. R., Drouin, H., Kwan, D. Moscovitch, M., Rosenbaum, R. S. (2012). Memory as Social Glue: Close Interpersonal Relationships in Amnesic Patients. Frontiers in Psychology, 3: 531. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00531. 9 sider.


@ Bock J, Wainstock T, Braun K, Segal M. (2015). Stress In Utero: Prenatal Programming of Brain Plasticity and Cognition. Biological Psychiatry, 78(5), 315-326. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.02.036. 11 sider.


@ Klengel T, Binder EB. (2015). Epigenetics of Stress-Related Psychiatric Disorders and Gene × Environment Interactions. Neuron, 86(6), 1343-1357. 13 sider.

@ Jones MJ, Goodman SJ, Kobor MS. (2015). DNA methylation and healthy human aging. Aging Cell, 14(6), 924-932. doi: 10.1111/acel.12349. 8 sider.


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Publisert 22. mai 2017 11:23 - Sist endret 26. juni 2017 09:44