Enkelte endringer i forhold til utgivelses?r kan forekomme.
Pensum for F1
Turner, S.M. & Hersen, M: Adult Psychology and diagnosis, 1997. New York: John Wiley & sons Ltd. ISBN:?0471 11716-1. 3. Ed., Kap. 3,5-11 &16.
Millon, T. & Davis, R.D: Disorders of personality, 1996. John Wiley & sons Ltd. 2nd edition, Kap. 6, 7, 9-12, 14, 17 &19.
N?dvendige tillegg
Strack, Stephen: Essentials of Million Inventories Assessment, 2002. John Wiley and sons, New York.
Havik, O: MMPI-2 kartlegging av psykopatologi og personlighet, 2003. Oslo: Tano. 2.ed s. 1-114 & 197-202.
Gr?nner?d, C., Hartmann, E., Krog, D. & Vanem, P.C: Rorschach metodikk. En grunnleggende innf?ring i sk?ring og tolkning, 2003. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag.
American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 2004. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association. 4th ed, Text Revision DSM-IV-TR (Gjerne Quick refernce to Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV-TR).
World Health Organization: The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and behavioral Disorders. Diagnostic criteria for research, 2003. Geneva: WHO. (Gjerne dansk kort utgave, WHO. ICD-10 Psykiske lidelser og adf?rdsmessige forstyrrelser. K?benhavn, Munksgaard).
R?nnestad, M.H. & Lippe, A.v.d (Red): Det kliniske intervjuet, 2002. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Kap. 1, 5-6, 8, 10, 11 eller 12, 21-22.
M. Lezak.: Neuropsychological assessment, 1995. New York: Oxford University Press. 3.ed.
Pensum for F2
Leigh McCollough Vaillant: Changing Character, 1997. N.Y.Basic Books. S. 1-57 & 78-229.
Hawton, K., Salkowskis, P.M, Kirk, J. & Clark, D.M: Cognitive behavior therapy for psychiatric problems: A Practical Guide, 1989. Oxford Medical Publications. Kap. 3.
Young, J.E: Cognitive therapy for personality disorders: a schema-focused approach, 1999. Sarasota: Professional Research Exchange, Inc. 3.ed.
Pensum for F3
Borchgrevink, T., Fjell, A. & Rund, B.R: Psykososial behandling ved psykoser, Tano Aschehoug.
Gr?we, R.W: Sosial ferdighetstrening for pasienter med psykotiske lidelser , 1999. i Borchgrevink, T., Fjell, A., & Rund, B.R., Kap. 9.
Bentsen, H: Psykoedukativ familieintervensjon ved psykoser , 1999. i Borchgrevink, T., Fjell, A., og Rund, B.R, Kap. 15.
Borg, N.E. & Rund, B.R: Kognitiv trening av pasienter med schizofreni, 1999. i Borchgrevink, T., Fjell, A., og Rund, B.R, kap. 17.
Torgalsb?en, A.K: Consumer satisfaction and attribution of improvement among fully recovered schizophrenics, 2001. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Vol 42, 33-40.
Torgalsb?en, A.K. og Rund, B.R: Lessons learned from three studies of recovery from schizofrenia, 2002. International Review of Psychiatry. Vol 14, 312-317.
Harding, C.M. & Zahniser, J.H: Empirical corrections of seven myths about schizophrenia with implications for treatment, 1994. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Vol 90 (Suppl 384), 140-146.
Liberman, R.P, Kopelowics, A., Ventura, J., Gutkind, D: Operational criteria and factors related to schizophrenia, 2002. International Review of Psychiatry. Vol 14, 256-272.
Pensum for F4
M. Shepars & N. Sartorius (Eds.): Non-specific aspects of treatment, N.Y. Hans Huber.
Frank, J.D: Non-specific aspects of treatment: The view of a psychotherapist, 1989. i M. Shepars & N. Sartorius (Eds.), s. 95-114.
Lambert, M.J (ed.): Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change, 2004. New York: Wiley. (5 eth. Edition). Kap. 5 (s139-181 + referaner); kap. 6 (s194-216 + referanser); kap 7 (s227-293 + referanser, minus ca 35. sider tabeller som ikke er pensum); kap 8 (s. 307-364 + referanser, minus ca 25. sider tabeller som ikke er pensum (Sum 130 sider)..
Orlinsky, D.E, R?nnestad, M.H & Willutzki, U: Fifty years of psychotherapy Process-Outcomes Research: Continuity and Change, i Lambert, M.J.
Anbefalt lesning
Hougaard, E: Psykoterapi. Teori og forskning, 1996. K?benhavn: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.
Pensum for F5
Johnston, D.W. & Johnston, W (Eds.): Health Psychology, 2001. Amstertdam: Elsevier. I serien Comprehensive clinical psychology, Vol 8, Kap 8 (289 sider). Se planen for 6. semester.
Marks, D.F., Murray, M., Evans, B. & Willig, C: Health Psychology, 2000. London: Sage. Kompendium?.
Pensum for F6
Argyris, C. & Sch?n, D. A: Organizational Learning II. Theory, Method and Practise, 1996. Addison-Wesley Publ.. Kap. 4, 5 og 8.
Obholzer, A. & Roberts, V. Z: The unconscious at work. Individual and organizational stress in the human services, 1994. Routledge. Kap. 1-4, 13-14, 18-21.
Schein, E: Organizational Culture. American Psychologist, 1990. 45;2, s 109-119.
Sims, H.P. Jr. & Lorenzi, P: The new leadership paradigm. Social learning and cognition in organisations, 1992. Sage. Kap. 2-5.