
Required Readings

Qualitative Methods and Project Development Convenor: Katrina R?n Spring Semester 2008

Cieurco, C. and Keitel, M. A. (1999). Ethics in qualitative research. In M. Kopala and L. A. Suzuki (Eds.). Using qualitative methods in psychology. Thousand Oaks: Sage publications. 63-75. 12 p.

Kidd, S. A., & Kral, M. J. (2005). Practicing Participatory Action Research. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52(2), 187- 195. 19 p.

Mason, J. (2002). Qualitative Researching. London: Sage. (Chapter 9: Making convincing arguments with qualitative data). 173-204. 31 p.

Murray, M. (2003) Narrative psychology. In Smith, J. A. (Ed.) Qualitative Psychology: A Practical Guide to Methods. London: Sage. 111-131. 20 p.

Ochs, E. (1979) Transcription as theory. In I.E. Ochs and B.B. Schieffelin (Eds.) Developmental pragmatics. New York: Academic Press.43-72. 30 p.

Ritchie, J. and J. Lewis (2003). Qualitative Research Practice. London, Sage. (Chapter 8: Analysis: Practices, principles and processes, Chapter 9: Carrying out qualitative analysis), 199-262. 62 p.

Shweder, R.A. (1996) Quanta and Qualia: What is the “object” of ethnographic method? In R. Jessor, A. Colby, and R.A. Shweder (Eds.) Ethnography and human development. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 175-182. 8 p.

Silverman, D. (2005). Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook. London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. (Chapter 12: Developing data analysis). 171-187. 16 p.

Spatz, C. and Kardas, E. P. (2008). Research methods in psychology. Boston: McGrawHill. (Appendix B: Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (2002)) 409-438. 30 p.

Toma, D. J. (2000). "How getting close to your subjects makes qualitative data better." Theory Into Practice 39(3): 177-184. 8 p.

Willig, C. (2003). Discourse analysis. In Smith, J. A. (Ed.) Qualitative Psychology: A Practical Guide to Methods. London: Sage. 159-183. 24 p.

In total: 260 p.

In addition to these required readings, the students are to read 240 p. on methods related to their master thesis project development.

Published Dec. 3, 2007 4:10 PM - Last modified Dec. 3, 2007 4:11 PM