S.M.Kosslyn og E.E.Smith: Cognitive psychology; Mind and brain., 2007. Prentice Hall. ISBN:?0-13-182508-9 .
Curriculum Psy 4302. Human Cognitive Neuroscience. Spring term 2009.
Compulsory readings
Book: EE Smith and S. Kosslyn. Cognitive Psychology. Mind and Brain. Chapters 3,5,6,7,8,12
Papers: Cognitive neurogenetics ? Using genetic data in cognitive neuroscience: from growing pains to genuine insights. Green AE, Munafò MR, DeYoung CG, Fossella JA, Fan J, Gray JR. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2008 Sep;9(9):710-20. ? Molecular genetics of attention. Bellgrove MA, Mattingley JB. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2008;1129:200-12. ? Long story short: the serotonin transporter in emotion regulation and social cognition. Canli, T, Lesch, K.P. Nature Neuroscience. 2007; 1103-1108
Attention ? The reorienting system of the human brain: from environment to theory of mind. Corbetta M, Patel G, Shulman GL. Neuron. 2008 May 8;58(3):306-24.
Working memory ? Persistent activity in the prefrontal cortex during working memory. Curtis CE, D'Esposito M. Trends Cogn Sci. 2003 Sep;7(9):415-423.
Executive functions - The unity and diversity of executive functions and their contributions to complex ”frontal “lobe tasks”: a latent variable analysis. Miyake,A et al. . Cognitive Psychology 2000; 41; 41-1000.
Emotion and Cognition - Executive function and prefrontal dysfunction in unipolar depression: A review of neuropsychological and imaging evidence. Rogers et al. Neuroscience Research 2004; 50; 1-11.
Recommended readings
Cognitive neurogenetics ? Genes and the parsing of cognitive processes. Goldberg TE, Weinberger DR. Trends Cogn Sci. 2004 Jul;8(7):325-35. ? Genetic variation of serotonin function and cognitive control. Strobel et al. J. of Cognitive Neuroscience 2007, 19; 1923-1931.
Attention ? Attention as an organ system. Posner MI, Fan J. (in press). In Pomerantz J. (Ed.). Neurobiology of perception and communication: From synapse to society. The Ivth De Lange Conference. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Working memory ? The mind and brain of short-term memory. Jonides J, Lewis RL, Nee DE, Lustig CA, Berman MG, Moore KS. Annu Rev Psychol. 2008;59:193-224.
Emotion and Cognition - Cognitive and serotonergic vulnerability to depression: Convergent findings. Booij. L., Van der Does, W. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 116; 86-94.