the first lecture in "Introduction …

the first lecture in "Introduction to Organisational Psychology" (PSY2406) will be cancelled. Please have a look at the syllabus of the course, the slides of the first lecture and the slides of the first case in the seminar on your own. You find these documents in Fronter in the room for the course.

Seminars: We will start with the seminars next week and it is essential that you come prepared and that you start to work on the preparation for the first case now. You find the all information in the room of the course on Fronter. Enter this room and then go to the folder Tutorial >> Seminars >> Case 1 Justice. In there you find a description of your assignment and the text you have to read. What you have to do: Read the text on a merger of 2 Norwegian banks (Meyer, 2001) first. Then work on the following tasks (see also page 5 of slides for case 1): 1. Which topics would you like to discuss with your work group? List 3 to 5 questions (or topics)! 2. Which issues mentioned in the paper did you not understand? List your questions! 3. Did the firms find a good solution? What’s your personal opinion? Write down your answer (max. 1 page) and upload it on Fronter ? If you have not yet found a group, you can work on this preparation for case 1 individually Deadline: -30.8.10 for Seminar 1 and 3 - 31.8.10 for Seminar 2

Upload your document on Fronter in the folder of the seminar you will attend: Tutorial >> Seminars >> Seminar 1/Seminar 2/Seminar 3 >> Hand-in Case 1

Lecture: During the semester, you have to work on 5 assignments related to the lecture and the textbook, which you choose from 9 available assignments. You can start to work on the first one and you find the instructions in the folder Assignments Lecture. Please work on the assignments in a group of 2-4 students. We will discuss your questions in the lecture on Wednesday 1st of September. If it's more urgent, you can also send me an email.

Published Aug. 23, 2010 2:49 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2010 2:11 PM